Happy Birthday Words for Women (26 sentences selected)
Lost Love
2023-05-02 14:37:07
Blessing words

1. From the blooming orchid petals, I write my endless thoughts and wishes for you and wish you a happy birthday!

2. The night sky is beautiful because of the stars, the morning is colorful because of the rising sun, life is beautiful because of friends, and friends are happy because of bosom friends. Today is your birthday. I send you a congratulatory telegram to wish you happiness! Happy birthday!

3. How happy it is to have a wife in life. I have always been happy, but I can never forget giving too much comfort to my beloved woman. So my wife asks you to forgive me, and I will spend more time with you in the future, so that you can be a happy woman. Happy birthday to you!

4. In the late evening when the wind is high, we light the dim candlelight, listen to the soft music, taste the thick wine you sent before, and let us accompany you through this unforgettable day! Happy birthday!

5. I will play a song "Happy Birthday" for you personally. I will light candles for you personally. I will cut cakes for you personally. I will make a good table for you personally. I will tell you personally: Happy birthday to you, full of happiness!

6. The sails are smooth in spring, the two dragons are soaring in summer, the flowers are in harmony, the four seasons are peaceful and the rain is auspicious, the colorful life is sweet as honey, and the business is happy. I wish you all the best in summer! Happy birthday!

7. Let me sing a song: Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi Pipi! I wish you love everyone, happiness is unlimited, happy birthday!

8. Give you a warm, two greetings, three beautiful, four ignorant, five noble, six promising, seven elegant, eight tender, nine fortune, ten sincere. Happy birthday, happiness and health!

9. Maybe you are not born for me, but I am lucky to be with you. May I light the candles for your birthday every year in my lifetime! Happy birthday!

10. Happy birthday to girls! I want to give you a% pure milk candy: ingredients=sincerity+missing+happiness, validity=life, nutrition=warmth+happiness+touching! Clockwork WeChat wishes you a happy birthday!

11. A friend is an endless love of reading, an endless meaning of writing, a tireless book of reading, and a tireless song of listening. I wish you a happy birthday and all the best!

12. Say to yourself, happy birthday! Tell those who care about me that you must be all right!

13. Although the sunshine is bright, it is not as sweet as your smile; Although the moonlight is bright, it is not as friendly as your candlelight; Today, the sun, moon, stars, lights and candles are all lit for you, just to wish you a happy birthday!

14. One sun a day lights up new hope; One dream a day, I wish you happiness and health; One story a day, each is unusual; A blessing every day; Wish you a good mood every day, happiness belongs to you, and I wish you a happy birthday!

15. Happy birthday! healthy! Happiness! At the moment of your birthday, I'm sorry for not being around you! I can only give you my warmest blessing, which contains my wish to the sea!

16. May my heart be a flower, blooming under your sky, adding a warm touch to your birthday and a beautiful glow to your happiness! Baby, happy birthday, I love you!

17. In this extraordinary day! Bless you! All expectations can appear, all dreams can be realized, all hopes can be fulfilled, and all efforts can be fulfilled! Happy birthday!

18. Go all the way, sunshine accompany you every step; Laugh once, and happiness will accompany you forever; Take a look, the beautiful scenery makes your heart bright; Listen to a song, leisurely together you look together. The summer solstice flowers are blooming. May they amaze you! Happy birthday!

19. Every life is a miracle. One day, you came to this world and brought laughter to those who love you deeply; Today, when you relive the joy of birth, the music of the world will be played for you! Happy birthday to you!

20. Every star is a warm blessing. Pray silently and make a beautiful wish. Angels bless you to realize every dream and make your life journey wonderful. At this moment, I want to bless my dear friends: Happy birthday!

21. Happy birthday to a beautiful girl~May the person you miss say good night to you, and may someone ride a horse for you and accompany you everywhere. Let's pursue Quercus happily!

22. I look up at the starry night sky and pray silently. I look up to the white clouds floating in the blue sky and silently hope. I look up to the sunrise sun and sincerely wish my dear friends a happy birthday and good luck!

23. Dreams will fade and flowers will wither, but the friendship in my heart has always been treasured. On this special day, although I can't accompany you, my deep wishes will not be forgotten. Happy birthday!

24. I hope you will not feel tired when you start working, will not waste your money when you earn money, will not be ugly when you find a wife, will not retreat when you give birth to a child, will not feel expensive when you live in a house, and will not fly when you drive in a car. Enough money, enough sleep, just catching up with the well-off society! Happy birthday!

25. The birthday of Cancer Friends is coming. The sensitive and sentimental Cancer has your nature. The sentimental you always bring warmth and give us infinite joy. May you have a happy birthday in this hot July!

26. Friends, acquaintances, acquaintances and companions, you are God's blessing for my life. I wish you a happy birthday and every day!