Airport (15 selected articles)
Love cannot be old or will be old
2024-04-07 01:11:15

Airport (1)

There is an abandoned airport more than 2000 meters north of the east of Zijin, which was built during the Anti Japanese War. Many transport planes and fighter planes took off and landed here in those years. There was smoke of gunpowder and shells flying here. Now the sky is blue and the clouds are white, the flowers are red and the grass is green, which has become a beautiful landscape.

The airport is a large north-south rectangle, with a wide and flat runway in the middle. The runway is surrounded by green grass. The grass here is evergreen all the year round, and herds of cattle and horses are swinging their tails, leisurely eating the tender grass. In the evening, people who had worked hard all day sat on the grass in twos and threes, drinking tea and eating cakes, enjoying the simple happiness. On summer nights, bright moonlight shines on the grass, and the grass will bloom with a kind of white flower, that is, the moon flower. When the day breaks, the moon flower will disappear. What a magical flower it is!

To the east of the airport is a green rice field. Now is the time for the rice seedlings to bloom. The gray rice flowers give off a faint sweet smell. In the dense rice seedlings, the crake cooed and ran quickly, but no one could catch them because this was their territory.

To the north is a low mountain full of wild flowers, named Huashan. The flowers here are called sunflowers. On the slender stems, white flowers, red flowers and purple flowers are blooming in the wind under the sunshine. The strong fragrance makes people intoxicated and nostalgic.

In the south is an orchard with many fruits. The branches are full of yellow pear, purple grapes and red apples, which make people want to eat. In the west is a large area of corn that is about to mature. Green corn trees are like guards in military uniforms, always protecting people's happy life.

My dear friends, the scenery of the airport is really beautiful. If you had a chance to visit it yourself, you would say that the scenery here is unique.

Airport (2)

During the summer vacation, my mother and classmates went out to play together. When I came back, I saw a set of toys in the airport. Guess what it was? Maybe you don't know!
It's an angry bird. It's like a bird in the game. It can fly. I wanted to buy it home, but I was afraid my mother wouldn't give it, so I had to look closer. Suddenly, I heard a voice: "Take me home quickly! Take me home quickly!" I looked around, left and right, but nobody was there. Again, I was surprised that the thing in front of me was talking to me. It said: "I am always bullied here. Few birds older than me are friendly with me. They always bully the small with the big."
I was soft hearted, so I discussed with my mother. My mother said, "Once you buy it, you should take care of it." I said, "I understand!"
When I bought it back, I protected it as a treasure, and it would talk to me every day. Over the years, the relationship between us has gradually changed from friendship to friendliness. Every night, it will chat with me. If I fail in the exam, it will encourage me. When I am depressed, it will amuse me.
Have you ever experienced my adventure?

Airport (3)

I visited the airport today.

Suzhong Jiangdu Airport is a small and medium-sized airport jointly built by Yangzhou and Taizhou in Jiangsu Province. The project has been included in the National Civil Airport Layout Plan and will be constructed during the 11th Five Year Plan period. The site of Jiangdu Airport in Suzhou is located in Dingou Town, Jiangdu City, and in the Tongbei highland of Jiangdu City. The airport will be constructed in two phases. In the near future (2020), it is planned to be a regional airport, covering an area of about 1966. 8 mu, mainly involving four administrative villages of Lianmin, Rongchen, Zhuqiao and Hanyin in Dinggou Town; In the long term (2040), the airport will expand from north to west. It is planned to be a medium-sized airport, covering an area of about 4726 mu.

The airport is under the administration of East China Civil Aviation Administration. It covers an area of 2291 mu, with a total investment of about 9. 7.4 billion yuan, located in Dinggou Town, Jiangdu, Yangzhou City, about 30km from the main urban area of Yangzhou, and about 20km from Taizhou. In the near future, the airport project is designed to meet the annual passenger throughput of 1.5 million person times, the flight level standard is 4C, and 4D development space is reserved.

Finally, I reluctantly left the airport.

Airport (4)

Last Saturday, we had the honor to visit the military airport. We got on the bus with great expectation and curiosity. After about 40 minutes, we arrived at the destination.

Led by two guards, we came to the military airport, and we were immediately shocked by the spectacle in front of us. The airport is as big as several of our schools. There are more than a dozen military aircraft parked on the airport. They are different from the airliners we take. They are not as big as the airliners and have a single color. First, we come to the transport aircraft. There are two types of transport aircraft, one is single wing, the other is double wing. The guard told us that this military transport aircraft can perform military tasks such as rapid deployment, airlift of troops, combat equipment and military supplies, rescue of the wounded, and airborne airdrop. Then we came to the tanker, which refueled the aircraft and helicopters in flight and was mostly modified from large transport aircraft or strategic bombers. Finally, we visited the soldiers' dormitories. When we walked into the room, we felt that it was clean. There were two beds in the room. The quilts on the beds were folded like a large piece of "black brick". The four sides were flat and angular, unlike the quilts in our home, which were "puffy". The quilts and pillows were neatly placed at the head of the bed, and the military caps were all placed on the quilts. Towels, toothbrushes and water cups are also in good order, which shows that he is very strict with himself.

This visit to the military airport has increased our knowledge and extracurricular knowledge. I would like to participate in such activities in the future.

Airport (5)

On this sunny afternoon, I watched the American film "Shawshank's Redemption". It strengthened my belief that hope always exists in people's hearts, and beautiful things will never disappear. If you believe, you can fly anytime, anywhere.

The Redemption of Shawshank starts with Rhett's monologue. Rhett came to Shawshank prison after being sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. The first time he saw the owner, Andy, was the day Andy was put in prison. Andy is a banker. Because his wife had an affair, he finally wanted to shoot his wife and his lover, but he didn't do it. Coincidentally, someone killed his wife and his lover that night. He became the scapegoat. He was accused, sentenced to life imprisonment, and entered Shawshank prison. Andy didn't speak to anyone for a long time. The first object he spoke to was Rhett. He asked Rhett to help him get a stone hammer to carve those gadgets to kill time. No accident, Rhett can always get what you want. This time, he also got it. Andy gets the "favor" of the warden for his wisdom in helping the prison officer avoid taxes, and starts to help him launder money. More than ten years later, Andy heard the truth about the death of his wife and her lover from a fellow inmate. He wanted the warden to help him overturn the case, but he didn't want to be locked up for two months. At the same time, the warden killed Tommy, the young man who told Andy the truth.

The cruel reality makes Andy finally give up his efforts to redress his grievances. But, is this life ruined in this unjust prison? no In fact, since the day Andy came in, he has not bowed to the cruel reality. He has already made up his mind to redeem himself! With his unremitting efforts, the life of prisoners has been significantly improved. One day after the lights went out, he successfully "escaped" (through the wall passage he had already dug) and took the evidence of corruption and murder of the warden to the newspaper. After he was freed, Red was also paroled. He also found the mysterious gift Andy told him before the action, overcame the psychological crisis and searched for Andy. The two finally met on the free beach.

There is a scene in the film where Andy braves the punishment of being locked up to play Mozart's music "The Wedding of Figaro" for everyone to listen to. The sky is blue. All the people who were all dressed in prison clothes were quiet, holding their heads up, looking at the same place, such as Red's narration: "These voices flew into the sky farther than anyone's dream. It was like some beautiful birds flapping their wings to our brown cage, making those walls disappear without a trace. At that moment, everyone in Sharkburg prison felt free. "

I think this is the charm of music, and no one can take away this charm. When the music is floating, are they flying with it? Will they raise a hope, like when they first entered prison, that they yearn for freedom and want to go out?

Everyone's heart is a pair of white wings. The wind can help you fly. The wind is power and hope! Just like I always like listening to music, music is power. As long as I can, I can fly to freedom. Freedom is high, but as long as you keep flying, you can also touch it. So people can't live without music. Andy tried to save their souls. oh What a pure trip.

It's not just music. Andy took over the management of the library from the teacher. For six years, he wrote to the state legislators every week, asking for regular approval of new books and funding. Finally, he succeeded. Doesn't he fight for the chance to study for everyone because there is still hope? Reading is also a kind of power, which shuttles freely. Hope for the best.

This film was made in 1994. From 1947 to 1991, the United States was in the cold war period, especially in the early 1960s, the black problem became the most important problem in the United States. Although there was no racial slavery in the law of the United States, it was an indisputable fact that blacks were still subjected to various discrimination and oppression in society. The unemployment rate of blacks was generally three or four times higher than that of whites, and the death rate was particularly high. It can be said that the true democracy of the United States has not been a long time ago. It is the joint efforts of several generations. In addition to hope, there is also one of the major themes around Shawshank's Redemption, which is freedom. The film tells us that freedom can be obtained as long as we work hard, and I think the same is true of the path of democracy in the United States. So it must be the same for us. Hope to go on, when, can fly.

From here - heart - a huge airport.

Airport (6)

In summer, the heat is oppressive and the sun is scorching. My parents decided to take me to the south for summer vacation, so I saw a huge plane and a huge airport for the first time.

When we entered the airport hall, we saw a sea of people. These people came here from all directions and had to fly to all parts of the world.

Sitting in the waiting hall, you can see the planes parked side by side on the endless airport, as well as the trucks and staff entering and leaving. Although they are busy, they are very orderly. Airplanes take off and land on the runway. Huge planes drag fat bodies and fly clumsily into the blue sky, while the planes that fall down are like light swallows hanging in the blue sky.

The plane looks basically like a dragonfly, except that the wings are different, some are flat, some are slightly inclined, and some are cocked up. It is flat like a dragonfly, slightly inclined like a swallow, and cocked up like a child doing exercises.

The main color of the aircraft is white, but the fuselage and tail are dotted with other colors. Red is like flames beating in the air, yellow is like shooting stars shining in the daytime, and blue is like raindrops falling.

I finally saw a real plane. Human wisdom is so great!

Airport (7)

On Sunday, my mother took me to the airport under construction. When I heard that, I was overjoyed. In the afternoon, my mother drove me to the airport by bike. I was shocked when I arrived at the airport.

My mother said that Suzhong Airport is a branch airport jointly built by Yangzhou and Taizhou in Jiangsu Province. The project has been listed in the National Civil Airport Layout Plan, which will be implemented during the implementation of the construction during the 11th Five Year Plan period. Suzhong Airport is located in Dinggou, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, and is located in Tongbei Highland Airport, Jiangdu District. It will be constructed in two phases. In the near future, it will be planned as a regional airport in 2020, covering an area of about 1966. 8 mu, mainly involving four administrative villages of Lianmin Rongmin Zhuqiao and Hanyin in Dinggou Town; In the long term, the airport will be expanded from north to west in 2040. It is planned to be a medium-sized airport, covering an area of about 4726 mu. The construction of Jiangsu Suzhong Jiangdu Civil Airport started in Dinggou, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City on the morning of May 18, 2010. After my mother said that, she followed me around and saw that many workers were working, so she went home with her mother. After returning home, I checked on Baidu and found out that the route is expected to be Beijing, Guangzhou, Sanping, Kunmin, Xiamen, etc. at the beginning of 2012.

The airport under construction is also too grand. I hope the airport will be built as soon as possible, so that I can take a plane to visit the world as soon as possible.

Airport (8)

On May 1, I visited the airport of my hometown with several friends.

Entering the gate of the airport, the red tile gate is inlaid with six square gold characters: Qinhuangdao Airport.

About 100 meters ahead, a wide silver gray runway unfolded in front of me. There are black lines one centimeter wide on the runway. I guess they are worn by aircraft wheels. I looked north and saw several red houses hidden among the green trees. Nearby, the grass in the lawn is sprouting, verdant.

Several radar towers are distributed on the cement altar near the runway in the distance. It receives information and commands planes to fly in the sky.

The north side of the runway is where the aircraft stops. There are many planes staying there, including fighter planes, helicopters, passenger planes, transport planes... These planes really opened our eyes. The soldiers guarding the aircraft are very energetic!

Do you know there is a most beautiful place in the airport? That is a small garden 50 meters south of the runway. It's called a small garden. There are also fruit trees and vegetables there. The small garden is surrounded by evergreen pine trees. Beside the pine trees are tall and straight poplar trees, which protect the small garden.

Walking into the small garden, you can see the pavilion in the center. The pavilion looks more beautiful under the sunshine, with red pillars and yellow tiles.

A large area on the northwest side of the pavilion is planted with peach trees, apricot trees, apple trees... The garden is like a beautiful picture.

We also watched the plane go up and down. When the passenger plane lands, the ladder beside the cabin door can be long or short, so that guests can easily get off the plane. When the helicopter landed, the one meter high grass was blown like waves by the air current, and rushed to the distance layer by layer.

At sunset, we reluctantly left the airport.

Airport (9)

One day, four ants found an airport assembly toy with an aircraft launcher inside. The ants worked together to install it, and sat on it to test fly. The plane flew very well. They tried it again and again. After the plane landed, an ant said, "Why don't we open an airport?"

The other ants all agreed with its proposal. So the four ants began to work, and soon the airport began to receive tourists. The first group of tourists boarded the plane, followed by the second group. More and more tourists come from all directions, some to the countryside, some to the forest, and some to different cities.

They are happy to see so many tourists taking their planes. The four ants were very happy to help and provide convenience for them.

Airport (10)

After lunch today, my aunt came to my home and suddenly said to me, "Do you want to go to the airport to see the plane?" I was happy to hear that. I changed my clothes and set out. We arrived soon. I was surprised when I saw that the airport was so large. There were three planes on the ground. My aunt asked me if I wanted to go to the airport. I was afraid. My aunt said it was safe to fly, After listening, I said that I would do it. My aunt said that she would take me to fly next time. I said happily, OK. Today, when I saw the plane flying in the sky, it flew into the sky at the speed of an eagle. I clapped my hands. After watching for a while, my aunt said let's go. I'm a little reluctant! I really enjoyed myself today!

Airport (11)

Wednesday, April 28 Sunny

Today, our fourth grade teachers and students visited Zhengzhou Airport. The sports committee members walked in the front with the Young Pioneers flag. The students dressed in bright spring clothes, lined up in neat lines, walked with vigorous steps, sang happy songs, and walked along the Jinshui Avenue to the eastern suburbs. On the way to the airport, when the spring breeze blew, we saw weeping willows sprouting, branches shaking slightly, and the endless wheat fields seemed to spread a green carpet on the earth. Suddenly, a relaxed and happy feeling came into being.

Unconsciously, we came to Zhengzhou Airport, and pines and cypresses on both sides lined up like guards to greet us=

There are so many planes in the airport! The rows of silvery white planes are like silver eagles, which are arranged very neatly. Uncle Wang of the PLA told us about the structure of the fighter and the role of each part. The fighter is mainly composed of four parts: cockpit, fuselage, wing and tail. Fighters include: Fighter VI, Fighter VII and Fighter VIII. These planes are all made by our country. Hearing this, I said proudly, "Our country is really amazing."

It was almost noon. We had a picnic in groups on a flat ground at the airport. The students talked about their feelings while eating. Some students said: "How I want to take a plane!" Some students said: "When I grow up, I will also be an air force pilot to defend the motherland."

At noon, we reluctantly left Zhengzhou Airport.

Airport (12)

one year ago, my mother came back from wuxi. my uncle, my aunt, my grand- mother, my father and i went to the airport to meet my mother.

in my uncle’s car, i wanted to sleep, but i wanted to see my mother too. finally, i fell to sleep.

when i woke up, my mother sat next to me, we were very happy.

Airport (13)

10:30 at the airport

Singer: David Tao

Yeah 10 30

The 10:30 plane will arrive soon

The airport is still so crowded

I'm still going to have some coke left

Oh yeah for my baby

We were so happy a year ago

Time full of laughter and tears Baby

I thought it was a tacit understanding

You said you needed to leave, you needed some space to breathe

Maybe Baby Baby Baby

Do you want to lose when you have it

The more I give you, the more you want to hide

Love can't answer all the questions, baby

The 10:30 plane has arrived

But your shadow didn't appear

I think you may be waiting for your luggage

And your red and white robes

We were so happy a year ago

Time full of laughter and tears Baby

I thought it was a tacit understanding

You said you needed to leave, you needed some space to breathe

Maybe Baby Baby Baby

Do you want to lose when you have it

The more I give you, the more you want to hide

Love can't answer all the questions, baby

I'm on my way home at 1:30

Your name is not on the passenger list

I think you've made the final decision

Oh, I've lost you

Baby Baby Baby

Is love not enough, so you have to doubt

Do you want to think again? Do you want to go home

People are always stupid to lose before they want to cherish

Maybe Baby Baby Baby

Do you want to lose when you have it

The more I give you, the more you want to hide

Love can't answer all the questions

Baby Baby Baby

Airport (14)

On the way, my little cousin happily sang a song and asked, "Have you ever been to the airport, brother?" I said, "Yes, I went there when I was two years old, but I don't remember now."

When we got to the airport, we got off the bus, walked forward, walked to the front, and saw a large stone standing on the lawn in front of the terminal hall. It was written with several characters of Lianshui Airport. On the lawn of the terminal hall, five flags were flying in the air, with the national flag in the middle. The two flags on the outermost side were round airport signs. When we entered the terminal hall, the terminal hall was really large, There are Hong Kong and Macao, domestic, and the plane has not yet taken off. Dad took us to the second floor for dinner. Just after eating, he heard the radio. The plane was about to take off in ten minutes. We walked around to the steps of a building. There was already a large group of people standing on the steps. They came to see the plane specially. When we arrived, the plane just took off and drove from the apron to the other end of the runway, Then switch to the southwest and run away quickly. When you get to the command tower, the front wheel lifts up and the rear wheel lifts up like a light swallow and flies to the blue sky like a vigorous eagle.

The visit to the airport was over, and we left the airport happily.

Airport (15)

Entering the gate of the airport, the red tile gate is inlaid with six square gold characters: Qinhuangdao Airport.

About 100 meters ahead, a wide silver gray runway unfolded in front of me. There are black lines one centimeter wide on the runway. I guess they are worn by aircraft wheels. I looked north and saw several red houses hidden among the green trees. Nearby, the grass in the lawn is sprouting, verdant.

Several radar towers are distributed on the cement altar near the runway in the distance. It receives information and commands planes to fly in the sky.

The north side of the runway is where the aircraft stops. There are many planes staying there, including fighter planes, helicopters, passenger planes, transport planes... These planes really opened our eyes. The soldiers guarding the aircraft are very energetic!

Do you know there is a most beautiful place in the airport? That is a small garden 50 meters south of the runway. It's called a small garden. There are also fruit trees and vegetables there. The small garden is surrounded by evergreen pine trees. Beside the pine trees are tall and straight poplar trees, which protect the small garden.

Walking into the small garden, you can see the pavilion in the center. The pavilion looks more beautiful under the sunshine, with red pillars and yellow tiles.

A large area on the northwest side of the pavilion is planted with peach trees, apricot trees, apple trees... The garden is like a beautiful picture.

We also watched the plane go up and down. When the passenger plane lands, the ladder beside the cabin door can be long or short, so that guests can easily get off the plane. When the helicopter landed, the one meter high grass was blown like waves by the air current, and rushed to the distance layer by layer.