Maternal love is great (17 required)
Emotion can control
2024-01-22 02:31:05

Maternal love is great (1)

"Only mother is good in the world..." Many people have heard this song, and they must be able to sing it! When you sing this song, do you think of your mother's love for you? Maternal love is the greatest love in the world

Once, my mother brought me a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle when she came back from a business trip. I was happy to spell it at once, but it didn't take long for the problem to come. I couldn't find the right place for one of the pieces. I was very worried, and became more and more impatient, with sad tears in my eyes. I held the puzzle in my hand and twisted it vigorously, complaining: 'What is this crap?' When my mother heard this, she walked gently behind me, reached out her soft and warm hand, stroked my back slowly, and asked me in a low voice: "I'm in trouble, aren't I? Don't worry, Mom and you are in the beginning, and I will help you." As she said, she reached out to help me choose some suitable puzzles. My mother's touch stabilized my mood a lot, and her words were like ice water in summer, which made me feel calmer: my mother helped me pick out the puzzle, and I soon calmed down and found the rule of the puzzle. After a while, under the encouragement of my mother, I made a beautiful toy

My mother's love for me will appear whenever I need her.

Maternal love is great (2)

Maternal love is great, selfless and kind. To compare our motherland to a mother is the highest praise for her. Our motherland has given us a happy life, and our mother has given us lifelong efforts.

Mother's kindness is higher than the sky and thicker than the earth, which is unforgettable all her life. Mother's watch is not only the continuation of blood, but also the hope of human development. There are many sacred things in the world, but the most sacred is mother.

Motherly love is like the genial spring breeze, blowing our hearts, bringing a green ocean of life; Motherly love is like a piece of auspicious cloud, filtering strong ultraviolet rays, protecting us from burns; Mother is like a candle, burning herself and illuminating our life.

Power and money are not as good as mother, house and car are not as good as mother, and people and clothes are not as bright as mother's soul. To be grateful for maternal love forever, start from bit by bit, experience the great maternal love and realize the true meaning of this life.

Thanksgiving mother, the best inheritance is to carry forward the great maternal love.

To be grateful to my mother, the best reward is to give her warmth, courtesy and frugality a lifetime of experience.

To be grateful to mother, the best answer is to be a person beneficial to society.

Maternal love is great (3)

A mother's love is a sentence after sentence

As time goes by, I gradually mature and grow up. For more than ten years, maternal love has been around me, protecting and caring me. It is precisely because I have a great mother that I have been educated to be strong and sensible.

Mother's advice is kind. On one occasion, I was ill and had to live with my bed all day long. At that time, I was fragile. I kept coughing and my face was bloodless. My mother took care of me when I stayed in bed for a few days. I had to be fed when I ate and accompanied when I went to the toilet. Finally, with my mother's careful care, I feel a little better.

But my mother has been guarding me. At that time, my mother would ask me every hour: "Jiajia, are you better? Do you need my mother to hold you?" At that time, my eyes were full of tears. I clearly remember that my mother was so anxious that she must have not slept well for several days. I want to tell my mother: "Mom, you have worked hard. Don't worry about me, will you?"

Mother's greetings are kind. The sky had just risen, and the cock crowed. I picked up my schoolbag and prepared to go to school. When I started, my mother ran out and said to me, "It's raining, let me send you!" I threw myself into my mother's arms and said, "It's all right, you should let me learn to be independent!" We stood in the rain, silent for a while, and I said, "I'm leaving." "Then be careful on the way, baby, don't get your shoes wet!" At this time, I felt like a fire burning in my heart

Maternal love is great, and we have it everywhere in our life. The admonitions of maternal love cannot be compared with the thousands of words of others. Each sentence is deeply branded in my heart

Maternal love is great (4)

An unreadable book

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body, close sewing before leaving, fear of returning late" This is a poem of Lu You expressing maternal love. Although the article is short, it fully expresses maternal love. But how much do we know about our mothers in the 21st century? Have you ever tasted maternal love seriously?

When it rained, my mother braved the rain to send an umbrella to you who was going to school. You were hungry and she cooked for you. You were tired of her listening to your nagging. You left it behind and ignored her. You were sick and he was sweating for you. But how did you treat him? Mother, you are really an unreadable "book" No matter how much knowledge your daughter has, she can't understand you. You never think about yourself, but just pay for your ignorant child on the side. Even if he doesn't give you a little return, you will continue to pay without regret. You are an unreadable "book". Look, your face has wrinkles. You never remember to take care of it. As long as your daughter is healthy and happy, you will be enough. My daughter really wants to understand you page by page, but I seem to be totally trapped in a book, unable to understand you. I really want to say loudly, "Mom, I love you"

After years of growth, your daughter has grown up and is no longer the ignorant child before. Every time I see you standing silent and giving silently, I really want to cry, but I held back, because I know what I need to do now is not to move on the side, but to take practical actions to repay your efforts. I want you to know, Your daughter has grown up and can take care of herself. You should pay more attention to yourself and don't worry too much about me.

I have read many books and gained a lot of knowledge, but I have never understood you. I just know how grateful I am to you and thank you for everything you have done for me. I deeply know that a word of gratitude is not enough. Therefore, from now on, I will definitely read you carefully and share things for you. "Mom, your daughter loves you."

Maternal love is great (5)

Motherly love is an umbrella, which protects us from wind and rain; Maternal love is a pillar, supporting a beautiful sky for us; Motherly love is the dazzling sunshine, let us run happily in the bright sunshine.

That time, after my class in the Star Palace, I found that I had no umbrella, and it was raining cats and dogs in the sky. The rain hit the road, making a clear "tick" sound. I am standing at the gate, waiting for my mother's arrival. The crowd passed me by in batches, but my mother was nowhere to be seen. As time went by, how many adults walked past me holding children's hands. I became more and more worried. Why didn't my mother come? Then she won't come? Forget it, let's get wet! Just when I was about to despair, a familiar figure ran towards me. The figure was getting closer and closer to me. It was my mother. "Mom" I shouted to my mother. Mom sped up her pace: "Today, the road was badly blocked. I was late, so I should take a taxi to go back today." Once I got to the road, because of the heavy traffic, the car stopped there. "Mom, let's go to the front and take a bus."

The road was so long. The modest umbrella was always leaning towards me, and the left half of my mother's side had been wet. Big raindrops hit my mother's left shoulder, and tears rolled in my eyes and ran out. I forced myself to stop crying: "Mom, hit the left side, blocking my vision." I thought that this way, my mother would not be caught in the rain again, but walked, and the umbrella turned to me. I can't remember how long it took me to walk that part of the way. I only remember that tears washed my face

I often think that the most beautiful thing in the world is maternal love! Maternal love is always so beautiful and great. I want to say to my mother a word hidden in my heart: "Mom, I love you! I love you forever!"

Maternal love is great (6)

Some people say that a son likes his mother and a daughter likes his father, but I don't think so. I think it's wrong that his children only love one of their parents, because your mother brought you up hard in October when she was pregnant, and she also wanted to buy you food, clothing and play. Dad often works in other places and earns money for his children to eat well, wear warm clothes and play with expensive toys. So we should not think that we are only good for one person. Mom and Dad love you very much at that time!

Once, I had a quarrel with my parents because of a small matter. I didn't eat breakfast, didn't eat breakfast, and went to school without lunch box. At the second class, my head felt dizzy. The words on the blackboard were also vague, and I finally got through school. I hurried back. Unexpectedly, my parents didn't say anything about me, but instead made a bowl of noodles, There are also my favorite poached eggs in it. My mother said, "It's OK, eat quickly! The noodles are going to be cold!"

So in life, parents may not care about you very little. In fact, parents love us everywhere.

Maternal love is great (7)

The sky is crying, the ground is crying, and my heart is also crying. I was walking on the path home with the test paper that was the eighth from the bottom in my hand, and the rain was dripping on my clothes, as well as on my cold heart. At this time, I am so lost - the cry seems to become harsh, the sky seems to become gray.

Before I knew it, I came home. My mother, who was on the phone, put down the phone and brought a towel to wipe the rain off my body. After a long time, I picked up the examination paper in my hand, looked up and said to my mother: "The teacher asked you to go, and all the parents within the last ten will go!" Then I lowered my head again. Mother said nothing and went out with an umbrella.

After waiting for a long time, my mother came back. She said to me: "In fact, the teacher said that you are not stupid, but you have a beautiful mind. Just try harder!" Listening to my mother's words made me feel confident again.

Since then, I have listened carefully in class; Review well after class. I always consult my teachers and classmates when encountering problems that I don't understand. Finally, I got the sixth place in a mid-term exam. When I showed my examination paper to my mother, she smiled and said, "Last time the teacher severely criticized you, I didn't believe it..." I didn't listen to the following words again, and I was already in tears.

Maternal love is so great!

Maternal love is great (8)

This is a true story that happened in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. There was a mother who used her body to support a cement board in order to make her child survive, leaving room for her child. She tried her best to protect her child. When people went to search and rescue, they saw this scene: her mother knelt on the ground, her hands on the ground, This gesture is deeply impressed in people's minds. The mother's feat really made people feel that she chose to die in front of life and death, leaving life to her children and giving them a second life.

Through this incident, I thought of my great aunt's love for me. When I first went to school, my academic performance was very poor, and learning was a particularly painful thing for me. Therefore, I also lost confidence in learning. My aunt often told me: "If you don't learn well now, you can't always learn well, and you can't lose confidence in life." In addition, my aunt often told me some stories about the success of celebrities. For this reason, I deeply felt that my aunt's words deeply moved me. From then on, I began to study hard, and my grades gradually improved day after day. Seeing my progress, my aunt's face was full of smiles.

"Pity the parents all over the world." Yes, in my growing up process, when I made mistakes, my aunt always taught me reason and emotion, so that I could grow up healthily and happily. When I made progress, she was happy, and every bit of my growth was full of my aunt's good intentions!


Maternal love is great (9)

Mom, do you know how great you are in Hongyu's heart? You go out early and return late every day for me, and you supervise me every night for me to read carefully. You are often exhausted. At that time, do you know how distressed I am? My heart is like being pricked by needles. I feel sorry for you. I have to yell at you for being so kind to me, I don't know how to know how to show gratitude.

I remember that I failed in my last exam. I thought you would fight, but you didn't do it. Instead, you comforted me with all your hearts. My mother was said to be her own protective shield and an envoy sent by heaven. But I think you are my cup of warm tea and indispensable in my life. If you didn't have me, I wouldn't have me now. If you didn't have your encouragement, No praise from you.

I have been impressed by some failures, setbacks and difficulties. Mother, thank you for your education for so many years. When I grow up, I must repay you and show filial respect to you. Mother, I love you! Like bees love flowers, like butterflies love flowers!

Maternal love is great (10)

Mother, you are the greatest!

Mother! You are the greatest. For your children, you would rather sacrifice yourself than let them suffer any harm.

I remember one time when I saw a young mother and her baby less than a year old pressed on a big stone when the Sichuan earthquake happened on the TV. After three or four days, the child was so thirsty that she had to break her finger and suddenly bled out. The great mother fed her child with her own blood. As the days went by, the mother's blood was almost gone. She closed her eyes little by little, but she thought, I must insist on waiting for the rescue team to rescue us before I can die. She just insisted, insisted, and waited for two hours, twelve hours, twenty-four hours, thirty-six hours, forty-eight hours, Finally, someone comes! However, this mother has passed away from the world. There is a mobile phone hidden in the child's padded jacket, which says, "Sorry, I can't accompany you anymore. I wish you happiness.". At this time, people on the spot cried. Another time I saw a mother, who saw her child being run over by a big truck, and rushed to pick up the ten ton truck. Ah! The child is saved. Look, this is the power of maternal love!

Maternal love is great (11)

When we were born, God gave us the first and most beautiful thing, which is maternal love.

Motherly love accompanies us in a warm life, even if we grow up, be close, be parents. Even if we are as rich as Bill Gates, when we buy villas and golf courses for our mother; Even if we have nothing, are poor, naked, carrying our elderly mother begging along the street, no matter how good or bad we encounter, our mother will always love us, for maternal love, we will always be children, always in need of care.

When we were wronged, our mother comforted us; When we failed, our mother gave us encouragement. When we were confused, our mother gave us experience; When we succeed, our mother gives us advice. These come from a kind of love - maternal love! As for maternal love, we can never repay it. With Meng Jiao's "water talks about grass and grass, and the sun shines in the spring", who will deny it?

Maternal love is like a force that pushes us forward and guides us to grow up. The greatness of maternal love cannot be described in detail in words, nor can it be written with a ballpoint pen. I can only say: "Motherly love is great! It is not a carnation on Mother's Day, nor a greeting on Mother's birthday. It is confirmed by our academic achievements that when we grow up, Mother will be satisfied!"

At this time, I have cried and cried. I shouted to the sky: maternal love is great.

Maternal love is great (12)

Some people say that maternal love is great and selfless. I think maternal love can never be expressed in words. These days, I read a book called Huaihua Ribbon.

When I finished reading, there were several pictures in my mind. The first picture was the love of my parents for Lanlan, who took her to see the blooming 'old locust tree'. The second picture: The father of the male bear is shot by the hunter. The third picture: Mother always nags Lan Lan to be careful. The fourth picture: The mother exchanged her memory for the Huaihua ribbon and gave it to Lan Lan. The fifth picture: Lanlan evokes her mother's memories with the sound of love leaves. Since my father was shot by a hunter, my mother was very careful, staring at Lan Lan and always nagging. In fact, my mother loved Lan Lan very much.

At this time, I thought of my mother, who was also not good at expressing her love for me in words. She was always nagging, and sometimes I thought it was boring. But when I complained, why didn't I change my mind and understand my mother's difficulties and feelings? I saw scenes of maternal love in my mind: taking care of my mother before my bed, the mother who added clothes to me, and the mother who cared about my study. When my mother doesn't let me play with the computer and nag, it's just for fear of affecting my academic performance. Every move of my mother and some things she nagged all affect her love for girls, and nagging is an expression of maternal love.

Remember, mothers always love their children.

Maternal love is great (13)

The sky is crying, the ground is crying, and my heart is also crying. I was walking on the path home with the test paper that was the eighth from the bottom in my hand, and the rain was dripping on my clothes, as well as on my cold heart. At this time, I am so lost - the cry seems to become harsh, the sky seems to become gray.

Before I knew it, I came home. My mother, who was on the phone, put down the phone and brought a towel to wipe the rain off my body. After a long time, I picked up the examination paper in my hand, looked up and said to my mother: "The teacher asked you to go, and all the parents within the last ten will go!" Then I lowered my head again. Mother said nothing and went out with an umbrella.

After waiting for a long time, my mother came back. She said to me: "In fact, the teacher said that you are not stupid, but you have a beautiful mind. Just try harder!" Listening to my mother's words made me feel confident again.

Since then, I have listened carefully in class; Review well after class. I always consult my teachers and classmates when encountering problems that I don't understand. Finally, I got the sixth place in a mid-term exam. When I showed my examination paper to my mother, she smiled and said, "Last time the teacher severely criticized you, I didn't believe it..." I didn't listen to the following words again, and I was already in tears.

Maternal love is so great!

Maternal love is great (14)

There are many moving stories in life. They are like beautiful pearls hidden in our hearts. Today, I will challenge a pearl to have a look!

Students, do you still remember the Sichuan earthquake on May 12, 2008? It was a story that moved people to tears and was unforgettable.

That afternoon. The earthquake revealed a ferocious face, and the building suddenly collapsed. There were a lot of crows and crows. Many people were pressed under the ruins because they had not had time to escape. When the rescue team went to search a collapsed house, a team member found a woman buried under the ruins, but found that she was dead. When the team member shook his head in despair and walked to the next ruin, the leader of the rescue team seemed to find something and ran back, shouting, "Come here quickly! It seems that there is something in the woman's arms!" They came to the woman's body again and tried to reach into the woman's arms. The leader felt for several times, He found a child in the woman's arms and shouted, "Someone is a child, still alive."

After a lot of efforts, the ruins on the woman were finally cleared away. When they rescued the child in the woman's arms, people were surprised to find that the woman's hand had been crushed off at the scene of the earthquake. It is conceivable that the woman was in great pain before she died, but she managed to protect the child's life. Because his mother's body sheltered him, he was unhurt. When he took it out, he was still sleeping quietly.

When the accompanying doctor checked, he found a text message written on the screen of a mobile phone, "Dear baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you." The doctor who is used to seeing life and death leave at ordinary times cried at this moment. At the same time, the mobile phone is used to convey this message, and people who watch it can't help but shed tears.

Maternal love is great (15)

Every mother in the world is the same. They are always selfless and unknown.

My mother is a kind and gentle mother. Her face is round, her eyes are big, and she is very sensitive. My mother has long hair, very smooth. My mother's mouth is very small, she smiles like the moon, very sweet.

I remember once, I had a fever and rolled around in bed. My mother heard my groans and came at once. Seeing that I was in pain, she helped me to the car without saying a word and quickly took me to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor hung water for me, and my mother's suspended heart calmed down. My mother stayed with me until my fever got better. At that time, there was an inexpressible joy and sadness in my heart.

Another time, my mother worked in the field. I took a dry towel to wipe my sweat. I was about to take the hoe from my mother when I suddenly felt that there were many calluses in her hands. I felt it carefully. My mother's hands are rough. However, I know that even if my mother is tired, she will still say that she is not tired. Even if she is in pain, she will not say that she is in pain. Mom did all this for us, and also for us.

Mothers all over the world are the same, although sometimes they are angry with us. But when we beat and scolded, her heart was also very painful, very painful, but we did not feel their pain.

Maternal love is great (16)

I still remember the night before school, I didn't know how I just wanted to cry, and I also cried like a tearful person. As for why I cry, I think it is a fear of the exam after school!

Finally, I fell asleep, but in my dream, I cried again. My mother was probably awakened by my cry. She ran to my bed without even wearing shoes. She asked me anxiously, "What's the matter? Why are you crying? Can you tell my mother?" I said to my mother with a runny nose and tears, "I don't know what's wrong, but I just want to cry." In fact, I really wanted to tell my mother, but I was afraid that my mother would scold me for not reviewing well.

But my mother kept asking me, but most of all, it was because of my mother's concern for me. Maybe, it was because of this, I told my mother the truth. My mother didn't scold me, but more importantly, it was to comfort me. I think it was also because of this, my mother's love that she had always sent out helped me eliminate this fear, and Hotwo stopped crying, When my mother wiped away my tears, she said to me: "The exam is not only about the results, but also about the mentality. Don't take pictures, and my mother will cheer for you!" So I fell asleep peacefully. Mom Tan stayed up all night and stayed by my side

Maybe it is the mother's love that makes me pick up my confidence again. Let me face the exam bravely, because my mother cheers me on! Mother love gives me strength!

Ah, maternal love, you give me strength, and I, unconditionally 'fell in love with you!

Maternal love is great (17)

Some people say that a son likes his mother and a daughter likes his father, but I don't think so. I think it's wrong that his children only love one of their parents, because your mother brought you up hard in October when she was pregnant, and she also wanted to buy you food, clothing and play. Dad often works in other places and earns money for his children to eat well, wear warm clothes and play with expensive toys. So we should not think that we are only good for one person. Mom and Dad love you very much at that time!

Once, I had a quarrel with my parents because of a small matter. I didn't eat breakfast, didn't eat breakfast, and went to school without lunch box. At the second class, my head felt dizzy. The words on the blackboard were also vague, and I finally got through school. I hurried back. Unexpectedly, my parents didn't say anything about me, but instead made a bowl of noodles, There are also my favorite poached eggs in it. My mother said, "It's OK, eat quickly! The noodles are going to be cold!"

So in life, parents may not care about you very little. In fact, parents love us everywhere.