Quotes of Chicken Soup to Comfort One's Soul after Being Lovelorn (warm words to enlighten the lost lover)
Mountains and rivers are affectionate
2023-06-08 00:58:35

1. A clear conscience is the most secure. It is the most joyful to be able to give, help and save people.

2. In life, it's hard to open up, to see through, and to give up. Many things can not be put down if you want to, but can be given up if you want to. There are always some things in life that I know are wrong, but I always insist on them. I know they are bad, but I always guard them.

3. There are too many people to rely on. Only when you lose your belt can you know what dependence is.

4. Don't take your work as a burden. Instead of being angry and complaining, you should face it actively and happily. When you regard work as life and art, you will enjoy the fun of work.

5. Life, uniform is love, uneven becomes a kind of injury.

6. Once a person loves, he is extremely vulnerable: there is no such thing as thinking about whether to love while in love. The love that hurts the least is not the best love. When we love, we must bear the risk of injury and loss. Such love will not be painless.

7. Sales promotion does not exist in a vacuum, and the fact may be beyond imagination.

8. Some things, not care about, but care about what can happen. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. Maturity is to face all small things with a smile.

9. No heartless person has ever taken heart and lungs out for someone.

10. Life will always give you another chance, which is called tomorrow.

11. In a hard and happy learning career, there is no good thing that can be achieved without effort. Only by maintaining a common heart and the belief that you will never fail, after a lot of training, never give up when encountering difficulties, and go forward with the sword, you will be a winner.

12. You are just like this. You are so cool, stubborn, and sensitive that you will die. When something happens, you will only die. There is no room for a grain of sand in your tears. So no one loves you or cares about your feelings.

13. Always enthusiastic, always happy. You can only give yourself the life you want.

14. Don't play hard now, play hard in the future.

15. What a person shows off shows what he lacks.

16. Life is the loser's excuse; Luck is the modest word of a successful person. Although life is determined by heaven, complaining is a sign of cowardice, and hard work is the right attitude. Man will prevail!

17. I only wish to add a little encouragement to your ideals and hopes, and give you a little strength and hope when you are frustrated and tired in your life.

18. Nobody's luck comes out of thin air. Only when you work hard enough, you will be lucky enough, and the world will not fail every effort and persistence.

19. If we are lifeless because of the loss of sunshine in life, then we can create our own rainbow!

20. Success is the exertion of advantages, while failure is the accumulation of disadvantages. There is only one reason to go the right way, but there are many reasons to go the wrong way.

21. Everyone should use your efforts to amaze the time, and life will not be unfair to anyone who works hard.

22. Complaining is just a sign of cowardice; Hard work is the attitude of life. Not content with the status quo and unwilling to be mediocre, it is possible to play the magnificent music of life in the enterprising struggle.

23. Not giving up is a kind of courage in life. Not giving up is a kind of happiness. With this happiness, we will have the source of striving.

24. There is no need to find fault with the unsatisfactory life. Everything is nothing more than your innocence meets the reality of society. Understanding is better than prejudice, and letting go is better than complaining.

25. I only have a lifetime. I just want to eat hard with you, enjoy some happiness with you, and go a little further.

26. Give yourself some time to forgive yourself for doing many stupid things. Accept yourself and love yourself. All the past will pass, and all that should come is on the way.

27. Don't waste your life where you will regret it.

28. The world is so imperfect that you have to lose something if you want something.

29. Life is not easy originally. You don't need to yearn for others' understanding and recognition in everything. Just live your own life quietly.

30. One person's world always needs another person as a foil. When he leaves, he can't afford you. He believes that he will have a better tomorrow. The flowers will bloom the same tomorrow if they are dead.

31. When you can't stand it, you can say "I'm tired" to yourself, but never admit in your heart that "I can't".

32. Don't want to use love to exaggerate sadness, don't want to see you so tired, bow your head and ignore, say I am indifferent? indifferent!

33. Motivation is to give people happiness, and encouragement is to give people pain.

34. It was agreed that it would last forever, but somehow it broke up. Finally, I thought about it for myself, but I didn't know why they separated from each other. Then, you suddenly realize that feelings are so fragile. Can stand the wind and rain, but can not stand the ordinary.

35. Start with me and change yourself first; Changing reality starts with changing your mind.

36. Unfortunately, language is so weak when expressing love; It is so sharp when expressing hurt.

37. Never forget to smile even when you are bored; No matter how urgent, we should also pay attention to the tone; No matter how hard it is, don't forget to persist; No matter how tired you are, you should love yourself.

38. A cup of wine to the youth, another cup to the capricious life, and the last cup to my heart.

39. The swallow bird also wants to soar up to 90 thousand li, and the loach may not become a real dragon.