83 proverbs about flowers
Warm bosom before dawn
2023-07-01 22:36:16
English Proverbs

1、 Cut pomegranates on September 9.

2、 The light is sufficient, and the flowers are fragrant.

3、 Wet is preferred, and ponding is forbidden.

4、 They like wetness, but fear rain and waterlogging.

5、 Like sunshine, avoid exposure.

6、 Next to the pigsty, sweet scented osmanthus blooms.

7、 Dendrobium is fond of rising sun.

8、 Coarse sand is the best for cutting.

9、 Be resistant to drought and afraid of floods.

10、 Early in the room, poor flowers.

11、 Yin camellia, Yang peony.

12、 He likes wet and fears cold.

13、 If it is not dry, it must be thoroughly watered.

14、 Don't choose the water or the soil.

15、 It looks like a vine, but it needs support.

16、 The light is too strong, and the leaves are burned.

17、 Lack of light, dark color and small flower.

18、 The light is too strong, and the plant does not grow.

19、 The soil is sticky and easy to rot.

20、 Summer is too hot, easy to fall flowers and leaves.

21、 The seeds of asparagus must be soaked before sowing.

22、 At the turn of spring and summer, diseases and pests should be prevented.

23、 If you see strong light suddenly, the leaves will burn.

24、 In autumn, the flowers will be beautiful in the coming year.

25、 It is both big and beautiful to water snow with flowers.

26、 If the flower is large, remove the lateral buds.

27、 If you want Ye Yan, light is strong and fat.

28、 The lotus grows in an iron pot with luxuriant leaves and fresh flowers.

29、 The leek juice is poured into the root, and the leaves are green.

30、 High temperature and drought should prevent mites.

31、 You'd better not pick the withered leaves.

32、 Watering: more in spring and autumn, less in summer and winter.

33、 At 25 degrees, it grows well.

34、 Apply phosphorus and nitrogen before summer, and phosphorus and potassium in summer.

35、 Cut the cuttings and wait for the gel.

36、 North flowers grow alkaline soil, and flowers can bloom for a long time.

37、 More pinching, more branches, more flowers.

38、 It is better to be shallow than deep, and deep roots will rot.

39、 Camellia is afraid of salt and alkali as well as clay.

40、 If you sprinkle sulfur powder often, mildew will not come to your door.

41、 Replace the pot without trimming the root, and plant the original root into the pot.

42、 Control water but not fertilizer, and the thick stems and flowers are also beautiful.

43、 Don't harvest seeds late, before they turn black.

44、 The flowerpot shall not be moved during the flowering period of asparagus.

45、 Do not apply fertilizer evenly, and divide the safflower more.

46、 If fertilization is uneven, the stem will grow unevenly.

47、 At the vernal equinox, peony does not blossom until it is old.

48、 Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, Dendrobium grows well.

49、 The roses are not pruned, and the flowers will be rare in the coming year.

50、 Rhododendron has shallow roots, and should not be cultivated too deep.

51. If osmanthus does not sleep, it will grow weak in the coming year.

52. Nitrogen fertilizer has long branches and leaves, and phosphorus fertilizer promotes fruit growth.

53. Pot soil should be slightly acidic, and heavy clay is not commonly used.

Fifty-four. the key to seeing flowers in a pot of plum is to spend the summer.

55. Watering should be stopped in midsummer and severe winter.

56. Pomegranate is relatively drought resistant and easily rots when there are many roots in water.

57. Green balls are planted by themselves and colored balls are mostly grafted.

58. If the meat root is not developed, more potassium should be applied.

59. The axillary bud has large grains of wheat, which is best for cutting.

60. If you want to have full branches, you should apply more phosphorus and potassium.

61. Daisy is evergreen, and it is a pioneer in decontamination.

62. If the leaves are four or five pieces long, do not delay in transplanting.

63. There is no south wall in the house, and there are no hairpins and crabapple plants.

Sixty-four. jasmine that can't die in drought, gardenia that can't die in waterlogging.

65. Apply less fertilizer at seedling stage, and apply more fertilizer when the flower stems grow.

66. Vine honeysuckle is good for three to four years.

67. The tortoise backed bamboo should be placed in the shade after leaving the room, because it is afraid of strong light.

68. When the south flower is planted in a saline alkali nest, there is not much dead.

69. Drug taking flowers can resist pollution, and indoor air is fresher.

Seventy, when fertilizer is applied in flowering season, buds and petals are burned.

Seventy one. Stay out of the wind and rain in spring and summer, and the winter temperature is good for germination.

Seventy two, there are flowers to enjoy in spring sowing, and autumn sowing should wait for the next year.

73. Lily bulbs have no skin, so efforts should be made to prevent and control diseases and pests.

Seventy four. Lotus planted in autumn will be stored in the cellar, and flowers planted in the coming year will flourish.

Seventy five. Bauhinia blossoms in the old trunk and plum blossoms in the new branches.

Seventy six, watercress green, like warm and cool, high temperature, cold and difficult to pass.

Seventy seven. The fish is fat, the rice is strong, and the tap water is good overnight.

78. Azalea and Michelia like light fertilizer, while pomegranate and rose are rich.

79. The soil is slightly alkaline, and the leaves turn yellow; The soil is lack of nutrients, and the branches are weak.

80. The basin soil is too wet, and the root system is suffocated; The pot soil is too dry, and the leaves are withered.

81. The leaves turn yellow due to long-term lack of yang. The leaves turn black after long stay in the cold room.

82. Peony should be cool and afraid of freezing, warm and afraid of heat, light and shade, dry and afraid of wet.

83. He likes warmth and is afraid of heat; He likes to be fertile, but he is afraid of being rich; They prefer wetness to waterlogging.