Selected 39 sentences describing golden autumn
Smile no matter how hard it is
2023-07-28 16:53:21
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1. The west wind is blowing all over the yard. It's hard to plant stamens, cold fragrance and cold butterflies. I want to blossom together with peach blossoms for the Green Emperor.

2. As soon as September comes, there will be a sense of autumn, which will slip in a foggy dawn and disappear in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

3. Autumn is the season when crops are ripe, and it is also the favorite season for farmers.

4. In autumn, most of the leaves have gradually turned yellow, and some have withered down. Only the maple leaves have turned red, which adds a bright landscape for autumn. It is really "the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February"!

5. The sky in late autumn is very solemn and bright. After self-study, the sky is dark, which makes people feel very mysterious. There are several stars in the high sky, which makes people guess: where are the other stars?

6. The second half of the night after autumn. The moon went down, but the sun had not yet come out, leaving only a dark blue sky; Everything is asleep except for the night tour.

7. The spring is deep when reading. Every inch of time is worth an inch of gold.

8. Autumn may be hidden on the golden rice ears, in the persimmons with fire, or in the green rape fields.

9. On the autumn night when white dew is frost, a cold moon is thin by your eyes, and you gently pick up the broken affectionate flower, the fragrance in your palm, one by one, and carefully smell it into your heart.

10. The weeping willows with long green hair have become withered and dry today. With the cool autumn wind, leaves fall one after another, like little girls dancing for tourists.

11. In autumn, you are more prosperous than in spring, and you are more colorful than in spring.

12. When the autumn wind sweeps, leaves fall one after another. Some are dancing like butterflies, some are flying like yellow warblers, and some are spinning like dancers.

13. A setting sun spreads in the water, half the river is rustling and half the river is red.

14. Although it is late autumn, the sun still goes to work every day, giving plants enough light and heat so that they can still grow well in the cold late autumn.

15. The thirsty sun was sucking in the sea water, gargling, spitting and gurgling.

16. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe.

17. The wind, blowing gently and gently, is the beautiful Cinderella coming slowly; The tree began to take off her green summer clothes and put on her golden autumn clothes.

18. From afar, I smelled the pungent fragrance, and a cool wind blew past. Look, the swaying osmanthus trees were swaying with the wind.

19. Autumn is really a beautiful picture. The sun is setting in the west, the autumn wind is rustling, the shepherd's flute is singing, and the reeds are flying. The lake is blue, the beach is quiet, the fruits are fragrant, and the moon is high.

20. In autumn, there is always something thin and cool, but my mind is warm in the palm. In the silent wind, my thoughts pass through the Jianjia River and the Mekong River, drifting to the far distance.

21. The autumn wind is bleak, and the trees are all dyed and golden; Walking in the dense forest under the sun has a different taste.

22. Fruit trees in the north are also a spectacle in autumn.

23. Autumn is often said to be golden? Indeed, she has brought rich fruits to nature, and has rewarded numerous living things, including people, with food that can sustain life.

24. What a beautiful autumn! It is no longer scorched earth and ashes here. It is a prosperous land with thousands of mountains covered with red carpet.

25. In the golden autumn of May, many branches turn yellow. Those naughty little leaf dolls fly in the wind, making this big scenic spot more beautiful! In this beautiful season, I can't help putting down my books and walking into this colorful fairy tale.

26. The beauty of autumn is mature. It is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

27. Blue sky. In late autumn, it is spotless and crystal clear. Clouds are shining on the clear Jialing River; The microwave of fish scales and the green river water add color to the floating clouds, which are particularly gorgeous.

28. The autumn light is gorgeous, the golden wind is refreshing, the sea like sorghum raises the torch, and the boundless soybeans ring the bronze bell.

29. Late autumn dusk always comes quickly, and the sun sets into the Western Hills before the moisture evaporated by the sun on the mountains dissipates.

30. In the late autumn sky, clouds are floating slowly like elastic wool.

31. Miss Qiu swings on the apple tree. She seems to have enchanted the apple tree, making the apple big and red. From a distance, she looks like pieces of jade trees covered with red gems, which is really popular.

32. One leaf, two leaves and three leaves used their last strength to return their nutrition to Mother Earth.

33. When autumn comes, the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape.

34. Autumn is a quiet, beautiful and graceful poem. The clear water reflects the clear sky, and the moonlight is painted on the clear night. It is graceful and graceful to recite a note of heart language into a paper style, so that the mottled marks tell the story of the long sky in autumn.

35. In autumn, leaves fall one by one, and with little regret, they throw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth.

36. Those "Red Guoguang" and "Marshal Huang" squeezed and pressed to hang on the tree, hiding behind the leaves, revealing lovely fat faces, and smiling to welcome the arrival of Qiu girl.

37. In contrast to the splendor of spring, the pomp of summer, and the stillness of winter, autumn is a middle-aged man who is not yet old, but has an inconstancy.

38. In the second half of the night after autumn, the moon went down, but the sun had not yet come out, leaving only a dark blue sky; Everything is asleep except for the night tour.

39. The clear sky is as blue as the sea, and white clouds are floating slowly like boats sailing.