Chinese Food Culture (6 high-quality articles)
Laugh and forget
2023-12-22 06:19:26

Chinese Food Culture (1)

Due to the specific economic structure, mode of thinking and cultural environment, Chinese food culture has formed its own distinctive characteristics, which are mainly reflected in the following six aspects.

The selection of ingredients is the primary skill of Chinese chefs and the basis for a good taste of Chinese cuisine. It requires rich knowledge and skilled skills. The raw materials for each kind of cuisine, including the main ingredients, ingredients, accessories, spices, etc., have many particular rules and regulations. In a word, they are "refined" and "refined", As Confucius said, "You can never be tired of eating fine food, and you can never be tired of being detailed.". The so-called "refined" refers to the selected raw materials, which should take into account the variety, place of origin, season, growth period and other characteristics. Fresh, tender and high-quality materials are preferred.

Knife skill, that is, the chef's knife treatment of raw materials, is a neat and consistent form required by cooks to adapt to the heat, heat evenly, make it tasty, and maintain a certain form of beauty, so it is one of the keys to cooking technology. Our country has attached great importance to the use of knife techniques since ancient times. Through the repeated practice of chefs in past dynasties, we have created a wealth of knife techniques, such as straight knife techniques, slice knife techniques, oblique knife techniques, cutting knife techniques and carving knife techniques. We can process raw materials into various shapes and various colors, and can also cut out beautiful patterns and patterns, carving the words "hi", "shou", "fu" and "lu", Add to the festive atmosphere of the banquet. In particular, the combination of knife technique and placement technique can make the clinker and edible raw materials into artistic and lifelike bird, animal, insect, fish, flower, grass and other fancy platters, such as "Dragon and Phoenix Bring Prosperity" and "Peacock Open the Screen".

The heat is one of the keys to form the flavor characteristics of dishes. However, the heat changes rapidly, and it is difficult to achieve the right result without years of practical experience. Therefore, mastering the heat is a unique skill of Chinese chefs. Chinese chefs can accurately identify different fires, such as high fire, medium fire and low fire, be familiar with the degree of heat resistance of various raw materials, be familiar with the control of fire use time, be good at controlling the performance of heat transfer objects, and determine the order of cooking according to the degree of aging, moisture content, shape, size, thickness, etc. of raw materials, and use them flexibly; Make the cooked dishes tender, crisp and rotten.

Cooking technique is another unique skill of Chinese chefs. Common techniques include: frying, exploding, frying, cooking, sliding, frying, pasting, stewing, braising, braising, boiling, sauce, brine, steaming, baking, cooking, mixing, smoking, and the drawing, honey juice, hanging, etc. of desserts.

Spices are also the flavor of cooking.

Only when we accurately grasp these six aspects can we deeply understand the Chinese food culture, so that we can better inherit and carry forward the Chinese food culture.

Chinese Food Culture (2)

China's food culture has been passed down for more than 5000 years, which can be described as brilliant, like stars.

The traditional Chinese culture emphasizes the unity of heaven and man, and the same is true of the food culture. Since the Shennong family began, the Chinese people have been emphasizing the principle that medicine and food have the same origin for more than 5000 years, and Shennong's taste of herbs is the earliest witness of the same origin of medicine and food.

China's diet is divided into four stages of development: raw food, cooked food, natural cooking, and scientific cooking. It stresses the delicacy of materials, cooking, and food. It has launched more than 60000 traditional dishes and more than 20000 industrial foods, which are rich in content, profound in scope, and distinctive in national characteristics. From ancient times to the present, it has been passed down from generation to generation and has brought forth new ideas. Colorful banquets and colorful flavor schools have won the reputation of "Cooking Kingdom".

Different dietary habits create different dietary cultures. The general characteristics of Chinese food culture:

First, there are various flavors. Due to China's vast territory and abundant resources, there are differences in climate, products, customs and habits in different places. China has said that "south rice is to the north" since ancient times. In terms of taste, there are "sweet in the south, salty in the north, sour in the east, hot in the west", mainly including Bashu, Qilu, Huaiyang, Guangdong and Fujian.

Second, the four seasons are different. Eating according to seasons throughout the year is another feature of Chinese cuisine. Since ancient times, our country has been seasoning and garnishing according to the seasonal changes. It tastes mellow in winter and cool in summer.

Third, pay attention to beauty. It is not only skillful, but also exquisite in the beauty of dishes. Pay attention to the harmony of food color, fragrance, taste, shape and utensils. Achieve the harmony and unity of color, fragrance, taste, shape and beauty, and give people special enjoyment of highly unified spirit and material.

Fourth, pay attention to taste. Not only are there strict requirements for the color, aroma and taste of snacks, but also there are certain requirements for their naming, the way of taste, the rhythm of eating, and the interspersed entertainment. The name of Chinese cuisine can be said to be superb, both refined and popular. Dishes are named not only according to the main, auxiliary, seasoning and cooking methods, but also according to historical anecdotes, myths and legends, celebrities' food interests and dish images.

Fifth, combination of food and medicine. Our cooking technology is closely related to medical care and health care. Thousands of years ago, there was a saying that "medicine and food have the same origin" and "medicine and food have the same function". Using the medicinal value of food raw materials, we can make various delicacies to prevent and cure some diseases. "

The diet life of the Chinese nation reflects the characteristics of traditional culture. Studying the diet life of the Chinese people is not only a necessary part of studying Chinese culture, but also a key to studying Chinese culture.

Chinese Food Culture (3)

The so-called foodie does not eat more and eat faster with love, but thinks that he can read and taste the essence of food. I'm trying to become a foodie, and China is a rare paradise for foodies.

For example, the most famous tableware in China, chopsticks, which are made of bamboo, require very special skills. Western forks and knives can only be eaten after they destroy food, but chopsticks are different. They emphasize a clever word, and it is best to get food without breaking it. Chopsticks, a good interpretation of the Chinese civilization, the characteristics of harmony.

In China, tea has a position comparable to that of Britain. A person's mood can be read from his tea drinking habits. Light tea, fragrant, tranquil and refreshing; The flower tea, elegant fragrance, calms the mind and opens the heart; Strong tea, tea can be intoxicating, and the aftertaste is long... Even tea sets have a lot of attention: clear color, purple sand is appropriate; Heavy color, white porcelain is suitable. Generally speaking, the inner wall must be white to clearly reflect the color and brightness of the tea soup. Taste a cup of tea, and read the tranquility and oriental delicacy from the fragrant water vapor curling up.

What's more interesting is that in China, if a food has no legend and meaning, it will always feel something is missing. Let's talk about the popularity of Youtiao, which is a popular food called "Death Loyalty Powder". Youtiao, also known as "Fried Juniper", was born to "commemorate" Qin Juni, the traitor of the Song Dynasty. Qin Hui gossips and kills loyal and famous general Yue Fei all over the house. The people hate him so much that they itch. Then a handy snack stall owner pinches two small men kneeling back to back. One represents Qin Hui, and the other represents his wife who collaborates with him. They throw him into boiling oil and fry him inside and outside. Unexpectedly, the finished product is golden in color and looks very good. The taste is crisp and fragrant, which is unforgettable. So this kind of snack, which reflects the spirit of working people's hatred of evil, went all over the country with the cry of "eat fried cypress!" and "eat fried cypress!".

There is an old saying in China that everyone knows: Food is the most important thing for the people. As an ancient nation with a long history, Huaxia has used its inexhaustible vitality and creativity to sublimate food to new heights. Our country has a vast land and abundant resources. The spirit of continuous development and innovation has even exceeded the charm of the food itself. What a wonderful state!

Chinese Food Culture (4)

As the saying goes, "Food is the god of the people". Food is as big as heaven and earth. The basic elements of our survival are obtained from food. All creatures on the earth rely on food to supplement energy, obtain nutrition and maintain life. Look again at this "Gossip about Chinese", the first thing is to talk about "food". Chinese food culture has a history of thousands of years, which can be regarded as traditional culture. It can be seen that the diet culture occupies the most important position in Chinese culture.

Foreigners value taste, while Chinese people value diet. Since the Chinese people can take food as the most important thing, then "it's the only thing that matters". Is there anything bigger in the world? The answer is yes. Therefore, the Chinese people even believe that "there is no way to eat in the whole world", and they believe that anything can be solved by "eating". This is the modern Chinese people's understanding of the food culture handed down by their ancestors thousands of years ago, and this is also what the book calls "pan food doctrine".

Speaking of this "pan food doctrine", it is also included in the diet culture, but it is expressed orally through words. It's like saying that people are called "population"; Making a living is called "living"; Jobs and jobs are called "rice bowls". You can eat whatever you do. As the book says, "repairing shoes and mending pots is to eat craft food; storytelling and singing is to eat mouth food; being a teacher is to eat chalk ash; renting a house is to eat tiles." In short, it means "relying on mountains and rivers to feed on water". Everything is related to "eating".

Eating, to put it bluntly, is eating. But through reading this book, I finally got a deep understanding of the Chinese "eating" culture.

What is the "eating" culture? I think it can only be found in China. In the eyes of the Chinese, food is the source of life. Therefore, it is a very important etiquette to give people food and invite people to eat; To accept others' food is to receive a great favor, which must be reciprocated. This is the basic principle of "eating" culture in Chinese culture. However, in the process of coming and going, you can have a meal with me, and the "eating" culture gradually changed. With the development of the times, the Chinese people's increasingly fat pockets are no longer idle, and the "treat to dinner" has become popular, and the basic principles of the "eat" culture have gradually become a legitimate reason for Chinese people to treat to dinner. We are also used to this new generation of "eating" culture. Like this festival, weddings and funerals, old people's birthdays, children's birthdays, whose family does not invite, which does not eat? If you get a promotion, raise your salary, move to a new house or go abroad, three friends, four friends, seven aunts and eight aunts will also ask you to treat you to dinner. When someone comes, they want to "catch the wind"; when they see someone off, they want to "farewell"; when they have something to do, they want to "gather"; and when they have nothing to do, they also want to "gather". To sum up, the Chinese are probably the most hospitable people in the world.

After saying "food", I have to say "drink".

When it comes to "drinking", "tea" is nothing but Chinese culture.

Chinese people love tea, while Westerners love drinking. "Westerners drink to get their juice, while Chinese drink tea to get their qi" is the original saying in the book. Westerners drink for their health, while Chinese people taste tea for their artistic conception.

Since ancient times, tea has been the "most pure and elegant thing" loved by scholars and scholars, and it is often used to set off some beautiful landscapes and elegant interests. Therefore, this tea drinking is not called "drinking tea", but "tasting tea". From this tea tasting, we can also taste the philosophy of life and the enlightenment of things, so that so many great poets have come to "eulogize" tea since ancient times. Even in this tea tasting, we have also tasted the art of tea.

Not only "food" can be invited, but also "tea" can be invited. For example, "having morning tea" is one of the ways to talk about business in the market today. Eating morning tea is not too ostentatious, but also not too shabby. A few stacks of snacks and a cup of tea can not only solve the breakfast problem, but also enjoy a bit of "artistic conception". It also has a little less copper smell and less interests and relationships than a dinner party.

Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, miscellaneous chores in the kitchen, and careful observation in life;

Five thousand years ago, great changes in the times and Chinese culture in history.

This book can be said to contain everything in the form. It perfectly combines the most complicated but simple things in life with the long history of Chinese culture. After reading this book, people will be able to understand the great charm and far-reaching influence of the food culture in Chinese culture.

Chinese Food Culture (5)

In this rich land of China, the Chinese people use their unique geographical environment to interpret delicious food, which adds a bit of mystery to China. They go to discover, create, and taste, which is the magic Chinese flavor.

China is high in the south and low in the north, and there are spicy delicacies in the southwest of China. Hot pot is a mixture of spicy and spicy food, and its cold dispelling and dehumidification make it a "tonic" for fishermen. If we want to talk about the origin of hot pot, we should go back to the rich Sichuan, where a condiment called Zanthoxylum bungeanum has been growing for generations. Zanthoxylum bungeanum, scientific name: thyme, bright color, thick meat, heavy oil, good quality, and strong spicy flavor are its main characteristics. The spicy taste produced by the collision of taste buds and Chinese prickly ash brings people a fantastic effect of rushing to the peak of taste. It releases aromatics with pepper under high temperature to produce a pungent fragrance, which is the base material. Add delicacies from the mountains and seas into the hot pot, which is the authentic delicacy.

Beijing, an ancient city about two thousand kilometers away from Sichuan, is the capital of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It has a long cultural atmosphere. The most desirable thing is Beijing's roast duck, which is fragrant outside and tender inside. First, use fresh duck with secret spices, put it in the oven, roast it thoroughly, dip it in sauce, and then people can enjoy it, Although Beijing is not a city of food, it also has its unique flavor.

For Beijingers, food is sweet, and for Sichuan people, food is hot. Although the two are different, for food, sweet, bitter, and hot are a way to pursue beauty. Regardless of different geography, different homes, different tastes, different ideas, and different experiences, we are all Chinese and legendary Chinese cuisine.

Chinese Food Culture (6)

The formation of every culture in the world is the result of historical accumulation. China has a long history, and the Chinese people have created countless brilliant civilizations. In this cultural deposit, the Chinese people have created the Chinese cooking skills that have stood out in the history books since ancient times. The superb technology, the variety of dishes, and the exquisite shape form a broad and profound Chinese food culture. From the perspective of evolution, Chinese food culture has lasted for more than 1.7 million years, divided into four stages of development: raw food, cooked food, natural cooking, and scientific cooking. It has launched more than 60000 traditional dishes, more than 20000 industrial foods, colorful banquets, and colorful flavor genres, and won the reputation of "cooking kingdom". From the perspective of connotation, Chinese food culture involves the development and utilization of food sources, the use and innovation of tableware, the production and consumption of food, catering service and reception, the operation and management of catering industry and food industry, as well as the relationship between diet and national peace, literature and art, diet and life realm, which is profound and extensive. From the perspective of extension, Chinese food culture can be classified from the perspectives of times and techniques, regions and economies, nationalities and religions, food and tableware, consumption and levels, folk customs and functions, etc., showing different cultural tastes, reflecting different use values and colorful. From the perspective of characteristics, Chinese food culture highlights four attributes, namely, the theory of nutrition and health (focusing on vegetarianism, attaching importance to medicated food and tonic), the theory of "five flavors in harmony" (distinctive flavor, palatability, and the reputation of "tongue cuisine"), the method of cooking (based on kitchen rules, flexible and flexible), and the concept of gastronomy (gentle, educational in food), It has a natural beauty different from the food culture of overseas countries. From the perspective of influence, Chinese food culture has a direct impact on Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and other countries, and is the axis of the eastern food culture circle; At the same time, it also indirectly affects Europe, the Americas, Africa and Oceania, such as China's vegetarian culture, tea culture, soy sauce and vinegar, pasta, medicated diet, ceramic tableware and soybeans, all benefiting billions of people around the world.

In a word, Chinese food culture is a long regional culture with broad vision, deep level, multi angles and high taste; It is the material wealth and spiritual wealth that the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have created, accumulated and influenced in the surrounding countries and the world in the aspects of food source development, tableware development, food conditioning, nutrition and health care, diet aesthetics, etc. during more than 1 million years of production and living practice. It is a profound diet culture.