Perseverance Composition (15 compilations)
go to all lengths
2023-08-17 09:42:47

Perseverance Composition (1)

The examination examines not only students' learning ability, but also their psychological ability. The quality of psychological quality has a great impact on the level of examinees. I think the most important thing for examinees is confidence and perseverance.

It is said that examinations are "thousands of troops cross the single wooden bridge," and the intensity of their competition can be imagined. Facing the exam, we should first face ourselves. Self confidence is the motivation and courage of learning. A talented person from Tsinghua University said about his college entrance examination experience: "I remember that I did not do well in the model exam twice in a row. The teacher called me to ask me if I could go on to college like this. I only said one word: 'Yes.' So I took the first place in the class in the third model exam." Before the exam, you must strengthen your belief. Why do you study hard in the cold window? In order to be admitted to my ideal middle school, high school and university. I will definitely receive a reward for my efforts. I am now making efforts for my success. I will not let my success fall short. Firm belief will make me face setbacks and joy with redoubled efforts.

As long as a person chooses to take an exam, he is doomed to give up a lot of things. I remember the year when I was in the fourth grade, because I watched TV all day, played computer games all day, and read novels all day, my academic performance declined day by day. I regret it very much. I know I regret that after that, I didn't watch so much TV, play computer games or read novels. A famous scholar once said, "To learn, one must endure loneliness". Don't always give yourself an excuse to take a rest and have fun, which can only deceive yourself. Only by paying more than others, will the chance of success be greater than others. For examinees, it is perseverance to be able to resist various temptations and pressures from outside and concentrate on learning. With such perseverance, success is not far away.

Examination is not only a test, but also a kind of training. Only those who can stand the test and training will succeed. "The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." I hope everyone's sweat can bring success.

Class 6 (2), Pingdi Street No. 1 Primary School, Longgang District, Shenzhen: Huang Jiazhen Instructor: Peng Zhongzhong, Postcode: 518117

Learning plan

As my academic performance has declined this semester, I wrote a study plan during the summer vacation.

I wrote down the plan in detail. First of all, listen carefully in class, do not play tricks, do not talk; Then, ask the teacher or think about what you don't understand. Finally, I will review what I learned that day after I finish my homework at home.

The academic achievements should reach a certain level. First, the expected score of each subject is extreme; Then, the target score of each subject is: 90 for Chinese, 85 for mathematics and 80 for English; Finally, the standard score for each subject is above 80.

Perseverance Composition (2)

Whether a person has perseverance will determine whether he can succeed.

Touch your hands on the black and white keys to play and sing moving piano music, which is probably the constant dream of every girl. At that time, I was eager to stand on the stage and quietly play a fluent piano song, even for a minute, and enjoy the silent praise of the audience. I took my mother to my dream piano class with great interest.

The teacher looked at me and said to my mother with an embarrassed face: "The child's fingers are too short. You know that it takes a certain talent to learn the piano well, which..." This was like a bolt from the blue, breaking my dream. But there seems to be a force surging in my heart, which tells me not to give up. I resolutely pulled my mother's skirt and said, "Mom, I must learn!" My mother seemed moved by me and said to the teacher, "Teacher, let her try first. If she can't keep up with the progress, let's forget it!"

In this way, I became a member of the piano class. Because of my inherent defects, I was really slow to accept new things. Even a simple staff score was played intermittently. In order to speed up the practice and pass the examination, my mother bought a piano for me to practice at home. This period of time is probably the best time to kill my mind and test my perseverance. Every day I went home from the piano class and kept practicing until midnight. I almost collapsed on the bed, looking at my two pairs of hands with blood bubbles, I looked like a paper man, weak and fragile. At that moment, I really felt that I could not continue. Suddenly, it occurred to me that Beethoven played music under the condition of deafness, because he had the perseverance that ordinary people could not imagine. Yes, I want to be like him. Every morning, I can hear my melodious piano sound outside the window. From staff to Chopin, I did it.

I passed the teacher's assessment and stood on the stage as expected. At that moment, the sound of the piano was melodious. I was the king of the stage. I tasted the sweetness of success. The sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and the applause lasted for a long time

This was probably two years ago. Now I have abandoned the piano because of my studies, but the truth that the piano has brought to me cannot be erased in any way: the sky is going to place great responsibilities on people, we must first work hard, work hard, and starve the body! Success needs perseverance. As long as you have perseverance and stick to it, success belongs to you!


Perseverance Composition (3)

Perseverance composition

In our daily study, work or life, we will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Writing compositions can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our minds, and think about our future direction. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is Xiaobian Dun's persistent perseverance composition for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

If bamboo shoots do not experience hardship and wind and rain, how can they change into green bamboos; The beautiful butterfly does not experience the transformation of the ugly caterpillar. How can it dance in the air now; Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold, which is true. How can a smooth and round pearl become shining without sharp wear and tear... All of this, however, comes at a price, and each transformation requires tenacious perseverance and persistence.

It is said that the road to success is full of thorns. This is really good. It can let people with tenacity and perseverance stay to carry on and move forward, and let those who are timid and frightened become afraid. Only those who really have persistence can move towards success and the top of the pyramid step by step!

A little story that impressed me most. When the famous writer Alexandre Dumas Jr. was young, he was not famous yet, but his father was already famous at home and abroad. Because his contributions are not very brilliant, he is often not recognized by others. His father often persuaded him to say, "Son, you can succeed if you change your name from pen name to real name." He just smiled. He knew that many people would agree with his manuscript in his father's face, but he did not approve of this practice: "standing on your shoulder, the apple you picked will not be sweet..." His father did not say anything. And he is still busy. In the end, his article "La Traviata" is world-famous and has finally achieved its own success. Someone asked him, "Why didn't you write down your real name at the beginning? Maybe you will succeed more quickly?" He smiled noncommittally and explained faintly: "Without the tiredness of running and training day and night in the past, how can you have the delicacy and smoothness of writing today?"

I envy the success of a famous person, but I know that it is useless to envy. Only when you have tenacious perseverance and step on the thorny road, can you achieve final success!

Perseverance Composition (4)

What is persistence? That is perseverance.

Two words that can be heard on the ground, one word that can shake people's hearts, perseverance, is a great force. Perseverance can change our fate and our life.

In the days when we can't wait for the flowers to bloom, we will find many reasons to give up, so that we can meet the beautiful poems in life. Some people are determined to exercise; Some people decide to memorize English words every day; Some people are determined to be thrifty; Some people are determined to study hard. They were full of confidence in themselves, but after a few days, they were lazy again. That's because it's not enough for them to have determination and confidence. What they lack is perseverance. They don't have perseverance. Maybe perseverance is the essence of perseverance!

I used to envy those great people who had such high achievements and were praised by many people. At that time, I was too naive and just envied them without understanding their efforts. Their biggest contribution was perseverance. In Lifelong Wealth, I saw a saying that perseverance is irreplaceable in the world.

Talent can't replace it. There are many talented people who fail; Education cannot replace it, and there are people who fail in education everywhere; Talent can't replace it. People with talent but failure can be seen everywhere.

Only perseverance is omnipotent and invincible.

Yeah! With perseverance, we will treasure the precious. Time will make the tree of life fruitful. With perseverance, we will approach the ideal goal and have the opportunity to shake hands with success; With perseverance, we will create a new self and let the persistent pursuit write a life without regret.

I think if we can persevere and persevere, we will be able to get the most beautiful gift of life. Empty talk and broad talk will never make your dreams come true. In the end, we will only leave a sigh of "white youth's head is empty and sad". The only way to achieve success is to move forward with perseverance and never say die.

Let's move forward with confidence, determination and perseverance! Those who have perseverance will never fail!

Perseverance Composition (5)

Perseverance is the key to our success in the future. If you don't have the perseverance to make you bite the bullet, you can't succeed.

For example, what does Lin Yijie, our light of Taiwan, rely on to successfully cross the Sahara Desert? It shows perseverance. The desert is extremely hot in the morning, so it's hard to walk through it, let alone run. In the evening, when the temperature dropped below zero, we still had to run hard, and finally we successfully crossed the desert. There is also a person with great perseverance. That is Wang Xizhi, known as the "Sage of Calligraphy". Wang Xizhi was not very good at calligraphy when he was young, so he asked his father how to write calligraphy. His father said that he would finish writing eighteen jars of water, and then Wang Xizhi finished writing eighteen jars of water with perseverance. It also confirms the saying that "the final success is attributed to the final effort". If there is no perseverance, there will be no success, because we can sustain it. I think I am a person with perseverance. When I make a speech or perform on the stage, even if I am afraid, I should also raise my head and hold my chest up to make others think I am confident.

One must have perseverance, without which there can be no success. Yang Gensi once said: "There are ninety-nine difficulties, as long as there is a strong will, it is not difficult." So when we think we can't keep up, we should show our perseverance to keep up, because when we do, we will find that we are not far from success.

Perseverance Composition (6)

Everyone has his own ideal, and everyone is eager to succeed. However, the way forward cannot be smooth, and there will always be difficulties in the way. At this time, do you choose to shrink back or move forward? And what is the magic weapon that makes you finally go on? That's perseverance! Dickens, an American novelist, once said that tenacious perseverance can conquer any peak in the world.

Beethoven is a world-famous musician. He showed his musical talent when he was young. However, Beethoven began to feel his hearing gradually weakened in 1796. It was not until 1801 that he confirmed that his ears could not be cured that he told his friends about it. But his love for life and music exceeded his personal pain and despair, and he began to create his optimistic works. For a deaf person, it is difficult to compose music, but he overcame all kinds of difficulties with his tenacious perseverance and finally created the Hero Symphony that shook the world! Beethoven once said: as long as there is a chance, I will fight against fate! Facts proved that he did it! He became a great musician in the world!

Beethoven's example tells us that there is nothing in the world that can not be done, as long as you have enough perseverance, but if you encounter difficulties, you will be depressed, and success will never smile to you!

Madame Curie once said: One must have perseverance, otherwise one will accomplish nothing. Perseverance and ambition are the two wings of your career, and neither is dispensable. If you do not have tenacious perseverance, your career will be like an eagle with a broken wing. It is impossible to fly or fly out of your sky, so perseverance is the fundamental guarantee for your career success. In fact, the same is true of learning. You can't shrink back when you encounter difficulties, and don't think when you encounter difficulties. The more problems you have, the more problems you can't learn. In this way, your academic performance will decline, and there will be no way to talk about "academic success".

This shows how important it is for a person who yearns for success to have tenacious perseverance! Everyone has perseverance, just more and less, gain and loss. It is inevitable to encounter setbacks and failures in the process of achieving career, but if there is no strong willpower as the backing, you will never get out of difficulties and move towards success. If you are on the road to success, please don't forget that perseverance is one of the indispensable cornerstones in the road to success.

Perseverance Composition (7)

This morning, I just got up and saw a big cockroach lying on the ground. I swept it into the yard. After breakfast, I remembered how the big cockroach I swept out of the door was now. I ran to the yard to look. A group of ants surrounded the cockroaches. Eh? This cockroach seems to be moving faintly! Let me have a closer look. oh It was the ants that carried cockroaches. There are ants coming from the wall, and there are also ants going back. Each ant must pay his head to the ants coming along the road, as if he were talking about something. The ants have been working hard to carry their food. There are seven or eight ants carrying one of the tentacles of the cockroaches, and many ants carrying cockroaches under their backs. The cockroach leans forward with its eight feet facing the sky, one pair of main wings on its back is stretched, and the other pair of wings are hidden under its back. The cockroach also moved from time to time, and some ants walked down. The morning passed, and the sun baked the earth very hot. After lunch, I went back to the yard to observe the cockroach. But the cockroaches disappeared. Except for eight tentacles, the others disappeared without trace. I think cockroaches should be eaten by ants.

From this, I understand that the smallest animals can win as long as they have strong perseverance and determination to win.

Perseverance Composition (8)

It lies quietly in my body. It has magic power like the Hulk. It just waits for me to call. If it doesn't wake up for a long time, it will become weaker and weaker. It is perseverance. It has slept in my body for many years.

Not long ago, my father took me to climb mountains. After staying at home for many days, I didn't walk a few steps and then lay down on the chair at the roadside. I didn't want to continue. Dad sighed: "When you were a child, you ran up and down in Songtai Mountain for three times. You were thirsty and didn't want to rest, so you should stick to it. Now you are defeated at the foot of Yangfu Mountain." Yes, you stayed in the air-conditioned room and never thought about exercising. After a long time, the whole person was loose and collapsed. Think of me as a child, climbing mountains every day, how tenacious perseverance ah. To regain perseverance? It's not easy. I must persist when I think it's impossible for me to continue.

I got up from the chair and climbed up step by step. There seemed to be a fire burning in my throat. I silently said "Hold on". In order to regain my perseverance, I took another step forward. What a hard step! My feet were weak and collapsed. But in order to witness my perseverance, I started to run. When I saw the top of the mountain, every step would consume my little strength, and I must persevere. Holding the flagpole on the top of the mountain, I felt proud when I was about to collapse. Today, my perseverance was inspired in my body.

To regain perseverance is not simple persistence. For me, it is still the spirit of not giving up when I was a child. I want to continue this spirit.

Perseverance Composition (9)

When it comes to Robinson, everyone should know that he is the hero in Robinson Crusoe.

Although I read Robinson Crusoe a long time ago, I will never forget the thrilling scene.

The general content of the book is as follows: In the middle of the seventeenth century, Robinson was born in a bourgeois family in York, England. Robinson could have taken care of a stable and peaceful life according to his father's arrangement, but Robinson did not think so. He always wanted to go out and travel around the world. Finally one day, Robinson boarded his friend's father's ship and began his 28 year life. Due to the shipwreck, Robinson drifted to a desolate island. Robinson did not give up his life because of this, but survived tenaciously with unimaginable strength and perseverance. Relying on the things left on the boat and his own wisdom, Robinson made furniture such as tables and chairs, and built a house... He arranged his life well.

Not only that, he also saved an aboriginal captive, "Friday", and the people in a cargo ship and a nuclear cargo ship. Only then did he say goodbye to his 28 year life on a desert island.

This story tells us that when encountering difficulties and setbacks, as long as you have courage, perseverance, and use your wisdom, you can do miracles beyond your own.

Perseverance Composition (10)

I think perseverance is the key to success. "The only secret of success is to persevere until the last minute", "Be persistent in the upstream, and don't drift away with the current", "Be persistent, and perseverance is like dropping water through a stone, and no difficulty or obstacle can be overcome".

Beethoven was a great musician, but because of a serious illness, his ears could not hear. Although he could not hear, he could still make Symphony No. 9. I hope I can create beautiful music for everyone like Beethoven. I know why Beethoven can create beautiful music even if he cannot hear, because as long as he has perseverance and perseverance, No matter how difficult it is, Xie Kunshan, because one day when he was working, an accident happened, and he lost one foot, one hand and one eye by the high voltage electricity of 3300 volts. He likes climbing mountains, not only for fitness, but also for forging the will. For a person who has difficulties in walking, he may try to avoid walking, but he thinks, Being able to walk is a blessing. When many normal people saw him, they said a thought-provoking sentence: "Xie Kunshan is physically disabled and mentally normal; but many people are just the opposite, physically normal and mentally disabled." Xie Kunshan said: "You can have no hands, but you can't have the courage and perseverance to face adversity."

For example, my own perseverance is that as long as I have a goal, I will definitely finish that goal and do other things. Because I am not a person who gives up halfway, I will finish whatever I am asked to do.

So I think perseverance is very important. Without perseverance, there will be no achievement. So people should know how to learn from others' perseverance in order to grow. They do not always stay at the same stage.

Perseverance Composition (11)

Composition Guide: What is perseverance? I think perseverance is the factor that brings success, and also a great help to the future. As the saying goes, no matter how far the road is, how much your ability is, as long as you stick to it. The secret of success is to persevere in the end.

What is perseverance? I think perseverance is the factor that brings success, and also a great help to the future. As the saying goes, "No matter how far the road is, how much your ability is, just stick to it.", "The secret of success is to stick to it."

The reason why some celebrities succeed is that they have perseverance. For example, although Beethoven, a musician, lost his hearing, the music he created is full of perseverance, and it makes people like it. In particular, the Symphony No. 9 he created really makes people want to hear it again and again. Edison was said to be a madman in order to invent the electric light, and only with great perseverance can he succeed. The famous Italian violinist Paganini can also play beautiful music with leather shoes because he has spent a lot of time practicing hard. How could he play superb without perseverance and hard practice?

These celebrities can only accomplish what they want to do because of their perseverance. What will happen to a person without perseverance? No matter what I do without perseverance, I will never succeed. Perseverance seems very simple, but it helps a lot in life. It helps me both in learning and in growing up. I often think and reflect on whether I have perseverance. Sometimes I think I will stick to things sometimes, and sometimes I will not want to do them. So I should not be a person with perseverance.

Perseverance is one of the reasons for people to complete things, and it is also a factor of success. Perseverance will make people succeed and do great things. Entrepreneurs should all have perseverance, so the cause will be so great!

Perseverance Composition (12)

There was a "twelve month old" one: in the middle of a snowstorm, in order to get the queen's reward, Martha's cruel stepmother drove Martha out of her house and collected snow lotus flowers that opened in April to present to the little queen. It was cold December at that time. It was frozen and snowy outside. How could there be any trace of snow lotus? But Martha did not wait to die, but bravely walked to the forest. She searched and searched, her hands and feet were frozen and still refused to give up. Her perseverance and kindness finally moved the forest elves - for twelve months, they punished the cruel stepmother and wayward little queen with the changes of the four seasons and the magic of nature.

Although this is a fairy tale, it is not far from reality. Everyone is eager for success, but the road to success is always bumpy and long. There will be countless "roadblocks" on the way, interfering with you, blocking you, making you give up. To defeat them, you must be brave, confident, and hard forward. The more important thing is to have perseverance. Only in this way can we succeed.

Compared with Martha, I am really ashamed of myself. Last spring, my mother bought me a violin. I was so happy that I thought: within two months, I will be able to play some melodious songs. However, within two weeks, the violin made me, a super "music fan", cry with anger. Because when you play the violin, you must first learn to clip it between your neck and shoulder. This posture is very hard. Before long, my neck was sore and painful. I couldn't help crying. I thought: It's really difficult to learn to play the violin. So I put the violin in my suitcase and played by myself. No matter how educated, perseverance and perseverance are the only way to succeed, but I ignore it. Up to now, the violin is still sleeping soundly. However, I still can't play the violin.

After watching Twelve Months, I realized how short of perseverance I am! How can you succeed in your career if you shrink back and give up when encountering small difficulties?

If the chrysalis does not break out of the cocoon, it cannot turn into a beautiful butterfly; Young birds can never fly in the blue sky without leaving the shackles of their nests; A gentle river cannot become a spectacular waterfall unless it jumps from a high cliff. Only with courage and perseverance can we get closer to success! This is the inspiration from Twelve Months.

Perseverance Composition (13)

What does life need?

Money, love, fun

But perhaps they are not the most important. "The most important thing is that people should live!" Sima Qian, a famous historian in ancient times, was not like this! Early in the dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty scolded Li Mu, the general of the Hell Huns, for treason. His wish to record the true history made him feel that he was pressed by something. In fact, he read the war report from the battlefield overnight last night. He felt that the general was innocent. Nothing could restrain him any more. When he strode out of the silent courtiers, he told Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty about his own correct views. As a result, he angered Long Yan and was put into prison. He had only two choices: to die, to prove his integrity with his own blood, or to live, to be an incomplete person, Continue to complete the deathbed request to him again and again - record the real history and complete the Historical Records. He thought of the Boyi brothers, but it was better to live alone than to die. What's more, he had a great responsibility. "All men are mortal, either light as a feather or heavier than Mount Tai." He chose Mount Tai. He continued his unfinished Records of the Historian with his strong perseverance

And the same light of life in Paul? Kochagin. He is a revolutionary soldier with lofty aspirations. The blindness in his right eye made him withdraw from the battlefield ahead of time and return to his hometown. He also devoted his strength to the cause of the proletariat day and night with a strong will, regardless of fatigue. He finally fell down. His young body had been tortured by illness for a long time. "I not only want to live, but also fight for the greatest cause of mankind - the proletariat cause." He continued to return to the revolutionary battlefield he loved by lying on his sickbed, using pen instead of knife.

To live, let alone to live under the unimaginable pain, the most important thing is to live, which is a kind of spirit and perseverance

Life needs perseverance.

Perseverance Composition (14)

Everyone is eager for success, and the road to success is so bumpy and long. There are various magic weapons for overcoming difficulties and obstacles to achieve success, such as diligence, modesty, self-confidence, etc. What is most needed is perseverance.

Perseverance is the walking stick for climbing the peak of wisdom and the only way to success. Without perseverance, success will come to nothing. The road of life is not smooth. Everyone in our life, including some great people, has inevitably accepted the baptism of failure. These need us to face, challenge and struggle. To succeed, we must have perseverance.

At all times and in all over the world, many successful people have achieved success with indomitable perseverance. Morse, an American inventor, was originally a painter, but he was interested in electromagnetism. After three years of hard research, his first telegraph machine was very rough, which was ridiculed by many people. But he was not discouraged. After three years of hard work, he finally succeeded. Morse's success proves that the road from ambition to success is paved with self-confidence and perseverance.

Perlman was a disabled person who was paralyzed with all his legs from childhood, but he "stepped onto" the stage covered with flowers and became the world-famous prince of violin, relying on perseverance. Therefore, perseverance is also a small boat drifting through the sea of suffering.

Edison tried more than 1000 materials to complete the incandescent lamp, which has become a necessary light bulb for every family.

As the saying goes, "There are only two kinds of creatures that can climb the pyramid, namely, the eagle and the snail." Everyone can understand that the eagle can climb the pyramid, but why can the snail climb the pyramid? That's because snails have strong willpower.

In short, success requires perseverance. Only by being students with ideals and perseverance can we succeed in our studies.

Perseverance Composition (15)

The centennial Tour de France has come to an end. Every cyclist has ridden more than 3000 kilometers regardless of ranking. Each stage has a considerable distance, the longest being 260 kilometers. In the race, some athletes fell off their bicycles and then re entered the race. These are intolerable to us ordinary people. What spirit supports them to ride the whole journey? Of course, it depends on everyone's unswerving faith and perseverance.

Perseverance is the cornerstone of success. Madame Curie once said, "A man without perseverance will accomplish nothing.

The indomitable perseverance is invincible. Any person with strong perseverance will not just think without doing, and will not be intimidated by difficulties and setbacks. Cyclists, with their indomitable perseverance, are unable to shed tears when they fall down. It is the winner's ability to move forward under adversity.

Looking at the past and present, every successful person is shining with the glory of "perseverance". Fan Zhongyan lost his father when he was young. In spite of this, he still studied hard, never missed any chance to learn, and finally became a famous Chinese writer. Someone once said: "Perseverance can conquer any mountain in the world." Zhang Haidi is a powerful proof. She suffered from high paraplegia, and she read books with mirror reflection in her hospital bed. At last, Zhang Haidi learned 4 foreign languages with amazing perseverance and successfully translated 16 overseas works. Similar to Zhang Haidi is Beethoven. After he lost his hearing in both ears, he did not just complain, but insisted on his music creation. When he was deaf and could not hear, he inserted chopsticks into the piano sounder to identify the tone by vibration, and finally created the famous Ninth Symphony.

There are many examples like this. We should get some enlightenment from the cluster. Perseverance comes from unremitting efforts. Let's learn from them and work hard! To win new challenges and success.