The warmest composition (collection of 17 articles)
Flying in Dream
2024-01-22 02:46:17

The warmest composition (1)

Although everyone initially appeared in human form in front of us, some people can only turn into photos, names, or leave only one name when fate is over. Thanks for the warmest company, they will always be in my heart. Let's share some of the warmest company I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Sometimes, the warmest company often happens inadvertently—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Lost, the whole person is like a damp sugar, depressed and helpless. In the dark and wide classroom, a girl was sobbing in a corner of the huge classroom. Her tears soaked the neat red scarf, but no one complained, nor dared to say that this person was me.

The events of the past few days have made me uneasy. When I think about them, my head is wet with tears. I have tried to change many times, but I have been teased by my deskmates, laughed at by my classmates, and sneered at by my teachers. That kind of cold is always penetrating into the heart, which is even more painful than the feeling that you are suddenly splashed with cold water in your sleep.

I sobbed. The whole class went out to play, but I hesitated. A pair of warm hands gently placed on my shoulder. "I will accompany you!" Even if this could not stop me from sobbing, the power, invisible, silent, and endless, encouraged me, as if it were a warm hand, pushing me forward. So I took out the paper that I barely passed the exam because I was too sad. I cried and revised it.

In the process, I saw her watch on the playground countless times, and saw her good friend come and say, "Come with me, what are you doing with her? What a waste of youth!" But she said, "Nothing is more important than friendship..." I couldn't help but say to her, "Sister, it's OK, go to play if you want! I can't let you accompany me!" Still no one answered. Suddenly, the laughter outside and the silence in the classroom; The light outside and the darkness inside; The fighting outside and the loneliness inside leave me only remorse and loneliness. I try my best not to cry. People who give up this great time for me have no regrets. Why should I shed a tear?

Her long hair fluttered in the air, accompanied by warmth, deeply rooted in people's hearts.

I wrote quickly. At the moment when I finished writing, I not only corrected the test paper, but also corrected the mistakes I wrote one stroke at a time.

This is the warmest company, accompanied me through one moment after another, one life difficulty after another

Occasionally, I can still go back to my hometown. The night in the countryside is still quiet, and his company is still warm.

When I was a child, every night, delicious food filled the tables in the courtyard, and the bright moonlight scattered a calm. When the breeze blows, we all look forward to the most beautiful music. At that time, I loved listening to my grandfather playing the erhu. His old hands were beating on the strings, and he looked very young. My grandpa's intoxicated look infected me. I hummed along with him in an out of tune voice. Grandma and Mom could not help but stop their work and listen attentively.

From then on, I fell in love with this instrument and couldn't help admiring its magic. Only with two uneven strings, I can pull out music that is sometimes lyrical and beautiful, sometimes passionate, sometimes melodious and euphemistic, and sometimes gloomy and sad.

At the right age, I can't wait to urge my mother to register for me. Since then, Grandpa has accompanied me to practice erhu every day, and erhu has become a part of my life. My grandfather's warm company made my Erhu trip a lot of fun. Facing the boring fingering and music score, I also felt sweet instantly, and my skills also improved a lot. I was lucky to participate in the three independence competitions in our city. In those days when I was preparing for the war, I practiced for three hours or more every day. My grandpa always kept close to me and guided me carefully. Once, I was really tired and didn't want to practice, so I began to look for various reasons. Grandpa didn't say anything, just looked at me deeply, then picked up my erhu and slowly played my favorite tune. Looking at my grandpa's concentration, I suddenly felt embarrassed. My grandpa must be tired if he has been with me all the time, but he can accompany me and always insists. Why should I flee? In an instant, I was in the mood. On the day of the competition, my heart was very nervous. But at the sight of Grandpa's encouraging eyes, he calmed down like a tranquilizing needle. I naturally expressed my feelings for this song on the stage, and naturally smiled sweetly at the judges.

Eight years has passed. In junior high school, I had to put down Erhu temporarily because of less and less free time. But the days I spent with my grandfather are unforgettable.

Listen, before I get home, the sound of erhu comes to my ears slowly. In this quiet night, so melodious and warm.

Everyone needs warm companionship. You may be accompanied by relatives or friends. Their companionship gives you affirmation and encouragement, and also makes you confident.

Today is the day that I went to the East Branch of Li Huili Hospital for summer vacation, and it is also the first time in my life that I really have a "job". I want to stand in front of the self-service registration machine in the lobby of the hospital as a doctor guide. Because this is the first time for me to perform a new job, and in the new environment for many unfamiliar patients, although I had a short training in advance, the actual operation is relatively unfamiliar. So my heart began to feel uneasy, and my heart began to thump. I wondered if I could guide the patient to register successfully. At this time, Jingyuan's mother, a classmate working in this hospital, understood my nervous caution, came to me and said to me gently: "It's a happy thing to help others, don't be nervous, I believe you can do well". Then she asked me to review the operation process again in front of the self-service registration machine, and I was much more skilled than before. At this time, several people who registered went straight to us, inserted the medical insurance card in front of the self-service registration machine, looked around, and acted in a panic. It seems that this is the first time to use the self-service machine. I looked at Jingyuan's mother beside me and saw that she was smiling and motioned to me with affirmative eyes; "Come on!" After receiving a sign of encouragement and trust, I said to the patient who came to register gracefully, "Let me help you!" I operated step by step according to the steps I had learned. People who come to register may think that I am a primary school student and feel curious. They asked me a lot of questions during my operation. At this time, I was the first time to practice the operation on the computer, but I didn't dare to use two things at once. Thanks to Jingyuan's mother, she helped me answer one by one. I focused on the operation according to the operation tips. With the completion of the last step, my first service was also successfully completed. The patient was satisfied and got the registration form. She kept praising and saying, "Little volunteer, good job!" Jingyuan's mother also gave me a favorable look, saying, "You learn so fast, it seems that you are qualified for this job." She also pointed to me with a big praise.

People came to self-service registration in an endless stream. At the same time, I managed two rows of people around me. I became more and more daring, more skilled, and more natural. At this time, a voice came into my ear, "What about the medical card?" I was blinded by this sudden new business problem on the spot. "Ask the woman doctor!" I pointed to Jingyuan's mother not far away and said to the patient. After hanging up the numbers one after another, I finally got some time off. Jingyuan's mother can be seen surrounded by many people. She smiles and patiently answers every question she asks. The doctor seldom has a rest. Jingyuan's mother took a half day off to accompany us and instructed us how to be a qualified self-help medical guide. She felt grateful.

After delivering the last registrar, Jingyuan's mother gave me a big thumbs up. Her encouragement and companionship gave me strength and confidence, and let me forget my fatigue. Her companionship and encouraging words have made me confident, no longer afraid of difficulties, and warmed my heart.

Both love and dream are equal, and she is always the first one to protect me when the weather is rough.

On April 9, 2004, in a quiet town, in a hospital with tense atmosphere, a baby girl's crisp cry fell down together with a drop of tears from a haggard woman. This is the scene of my birth, thank the woman who gave me life - my most lovely mother!

Time passed quickly, and soon I was in the second grade of primary school. "Hurry up! Hurry up, Mom! I'm going to be late." I kept pulling at my mother's clothes and urging her. "Good! Let's go!" Mother put on her shoes and was about to step out of the door, then ran into the bedroom. "I'll get you a scarf!" I pursed my lips and kept saying, "Ah! Mom is so annoying!" After a lot of trouble, we finally went to the street. It's windy. It's conceivable that if my mother doesn't wear a scarf for me, I will catch a cold!

Mother's love, like flowing water, is always reflected in some small details. I used to be stupid and never cared why she always let me walk on the outside of the road when I walked with my mother side by side. Now I finally understand. Because I always go to the place with the lowest mortality. Not only when I was a child, but also now, she loves me meticulously and cares for me everywhere.

"I'm back!" She went off work as usual, while I was lying on the sofa because of the school physical exercise last week. "Mom, come on! My leg hurts!" Then she gave me some self-made "recovery therapy" for my leg. This pinch was much better! In fact, I'm still very happy. Not all mothers are willing to spend time pinching their daughter's legs!

Another time, when she saw me tearing up the star poster in the room, she asked, "What man over there doesn't like it?" "Shu." I waved, "It's not suitable for me!" "Cluck cluck cluck..." She could not help laughing, took a breath again and said, "OK. My daughter is looking for a better man! My son-in-law must be sincere, don't disappoint my daughter, but also give her a sense of security and happiness, and be polite... "" OK! OK! "I yelled," I'm still young! What nonsense? I won't get married. "She smiled:" I'd like to stay with you all the time, but I can't stay. One day I will watch you go with others. " She suddenly stopped talking, turned around and left, my eyes moistened.

Not enough, not enough. This kind of passionate confession, this kind of warm company... I am insatiable and always want more.

You are a look back in your life, you are the star lights under the stars, you are the sprout of life in the spring rain, you are literature, and you are my warmest companion.

Begonia thrives in the world of mortals.

In March, it is drizzling in the south of the Yangtze River. I hold a red paper umbrella with you, walking in the long rain lane. You smile and have fine eyes, like the girl with lilac resentment. Begonia flowers covered a tree, pink, you smile more brightly, like a child with a clear smile in Bing Xin Wen. I smiled, my heart warm. In this spring, it is nice to have your warm company with the drizzle and begonia blooming.

Zhongmeng, a lotus rowing boat for ten miles.

Summer, I am walking with you by the Ruoye River. You wear green clothes and hum the tune of picking lotus. The stream was clear, and we sat on the flagstone playing with water. Suddenly, it seemed that there was a beautiful figure with unparalleled appearance. You opened your eyes wide, smiled, and said, "A pair of dimples turned your head, and 100000 soldiers turned their backs." In the stream, the lotus bloomed, elegant and quiet. I smiled. You hummed the tune of picking lotus. It's to read Xizi. I feel warm in my heart. In summer, it's nice to have you warm and accompany us with the melodious music and clear lotus.

Autumn wind, osmanthus garden song autumn moon.

In October, sweet scented osmanthus bloomed. You took me to a sweet scented osmanthus forest. The blue sky and golden osmanthus are really beautiful. Spinning among the flowers and smelling the fragrance curling, I smiled and took your hand. The delicate florets look like the women in the Book of Songs who "smile and look forward to seeing". Look at you, oh, you are very similar. It's very warm in my heart. It's nice to have your warm company in autumn, with the sweet smell of osmanthus.

Before we arrived, the tea plum and the snow were bustling.

Winter, you pulled me to a silent mountain. It's snowing, just like catkins. There are many plum blossoms in this valley. Light red, extremely amazing in the snow, with a faint fragrance. I seem to see a scholar caressing the petals of Mei carefully and smiling limpidly. You smiled mischievously. I saw the scholar coming out of the room, singing incessantly. Looking at you, I feel that you are like a plum. I feel warm in my heart. In winter, the snow falls one after another, and the plum blossoms bloom again. It's nice to have your warm company.

Ah, literature, you are the warmest companion in my life. This spring, summer, autumn and winter, the journey of life, especially beautiful because of your company!

Ah! The warmest company literature!

The Warmest Composition (2)

"I think you will come back. We have made the most delicious coffee for you..."

What? Don't do that. We will go back if you let us go back? Why else should we run away from home? I stared at the QQ message and said to my sister who sat beside me.

Yes! Is our will so fragile? My sister replied and continued to play computer.

I looked at the gray walls in the Internet cafe, and I asked blankly, have we really become bad children? Think of us who struggled under the lamp a few days ago, I can't believe we skipped class and ran away from home today.

What? You want to go back? My sister said unhappily that if you want to go back, you can go back.

No... No. Sister, let's go out for a walk.


We walked aimlessly on the wide sidewalk and came to our house before we knew it.

Sister, are you sure we won't go home now?

Er... It seems that maybe I'm not sure... Let's solve it with the old method 1

OK。 Stone, scissors, cloth. Ah! I lost!

Not really!

Lost again!

Not really!


ha-ha! I won. Go! Go home!


The afterglow of the setting sun lengthened our shadows. In fact, we know better than anyone that home is the warmest place!

The Warmest Composition (3)

Baidu is always looking for him. Looking back with admiration, the man was in the dim light.

Accompany, like the spring rain, ripples in my heart. On my way of growing up, just because of your company, I picked up cups of tea you made in hardship, and my heart was so clear.

I still remember that it was Tomb Sweeping Day. It was drizzling in the sky. I'm coming back from the mountain to worship ancestors. The sky is gray, and there are several rumbling thunder from time to time. Unstable emotions and uncomfortable feelings fill my whole body

When I got home, there were many guests, and there were noisy voices and laughter everywhere. Then I felt my face burning. Gradually, a sense of tiredness came... When the careful sister saw my appearance, she closed her heart and said, "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" I nodded, followed by a sharp pain in my body, and then I was taken to take my temperature. Sure enough, I had a fever and needed to take some drops.
I felt dizzy and sleepy even breathing when I took the intravenous drip alone. Suddenly I heard a burst of footsteps, which was so familiar and hurried, and I just listened to the footsteps to guide - it was my mother coming. Before she could hear her entering the door, she heard her saying, "How did you catch a cold? I asked you to put on more clothes and not listen..." She blamed me, walked up to me and touched my forehead to see if my fever had gone down.

Then from the thermos cup everywhere steaming chicken soup, "quick, drink while hot, cold is not good to drink." I obediently swallowed the chicken soup. But after a while, I felt a tumult in my stomach, "Ouch..." I vomited all the food I had just eaten. While I vomited, my mother gently patted my back with her hands, and her eyes were full of heartache.

From then on, companionship in my heart is no longer simply accompanying each other, but has its own new definition: companionship is the warmest and most intimate, but also the happiness that will never be abandoned!

The Warmest Composition (4)

I am warmest at this moment Composition 1

"Warm" can make people's hearts have a comfort, a kind of simplicity, but also an unparalleled beauty! As in our side, always see warm people or things. The warmest moment for me was in March 2009.

The sky in March is endless, and the blue sky sets off the pure white of the clouds, which is happy. I am greedily enjoying the sunshine given to me by nature. "Ten thousand feet of light" shines on my cheeks, and my heart is warm. It makes me feel more intimate.

When you get home, come and see the new clothes Grandpa bought for you. Come and taste the different clothes. "As soon as I opened the door, my grandfather asked me. Before I had time to answer, my grandfather pulled him into the room. Wear what he likes." Little clothes "I will always be a small grandson in the eyes of my grandfather. His love for me has never diminished, but I always accept happily. My grandfather loves me all, but he always protects me and loves me unreservedly. Am I unhappy as a little grandson? Am I unhappy? If you want an accurate answer. I will never hesitate to tell you that I am extremely happy. However, I spent every day in my grandpa's swaddling clothes until the end of the month. But in the late month of the month, my grandpa's body had a big problem, and my heart had cooled down more than half. In every night sky, I always prayed to the moon, and my grandpa must spend it safely.

One morning in mid October. The phone at home suddenly rings. Father received. I was a little far away from my father, but I could still hear the faint voice on the phone. My uncle dragged out his grandfather's departure. My father was surprised in front of me. I shook my body and my hands were trembling. I wanted to know that what I had just heard was an illusion. However, before I could speak, my father's tears began to flow down my cheeks without fear. My heart has already become a fragment. When I was choking with tears, my father, who was as red as a rabbit, opened his mouth and said, "When your grandfather was dying, he told you that he put a gift in the cabinet in your room for you." I was surprised. Why is this? I rushed into the room and opened my cabinet. I stood still, with a "family photo" in front of me. I felt mixed feelings, as if I had knocked over the tasteless bottle. But at this moment, I was the warmest.

I am warmest at this moment Composition 2

When are you warmest——

At this moment, when I bent over my desk to prepare for the middle school entrance exam in the winter night, my fingertips were cool, and my right hand trembled slightly because I had not stopped writing for a long time. The faint halo made my shadow and the dark curtain of the sky indistinct. I raised my eyes to look at the clock that had passed midnight. The closed door was gently pushed open. Grandma came in quietly, put a cup of milk at the right temperature on my hand, and said lovingly to me, "Let's just go to sleep. I touched the milk and watched her walk out of the room behind the old figure. Hot water vapor curled up and covered my face with a light mist.". I think that at this moment, the winter night is getting warmer, and I am the warmest.

When are you warmest——

At this moment, when I was feeling lost, I stood at the corner of the crowded street. People with expressionless faces shuttled around me like fish, and I suddenly found that such day after day time was so boring. Every day, I rush between school and home at two o'clock and one line, having classes, doing exercises, sleeping, and then having classes again... When I was so desperate for such a long day, suddenly a stranger smiled at me kindly. I think that at this moment, I am the warmest in the haze.

When are you warmest——

At this moment, when my best friend and I had a big quarrel because of a small matter, we angrily ignored each other. We no longer get together after class to say those words that really have no nutrition, no longer make an appointment to go home together after school - no longer go in and out together, but coldly look at each other. But one day or a few days later, she put a delicate cake in front of me with an apology, and looked at me with longing eyes as if expecting me to take it. Just as I took the cake, she could not hide her loose breath. In my opinion, at this moment, I am the warmest when the past grievances are cleared up.

When are you warmest——

Warm, it is not about the cold and hot weather, it is not about the number of clothes, it is the truth, goodness and beauty in your heart. In our peaceful life, those casual moments and small details can keep us warm for a long time. It enables us to go through the cold winter with enthusiasm, to go through the difficult times with hope, and to go through the quiet days with gratitude.

At every moment - every moment, I am the warmest.

The Warmest Composition (5)

From childhood to adulthood, I have experienced many things. Some things will pass away with the waves like duckweeds, but some things are deeply rooted in my mind like tree roots—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

At night, when I had nothing to do, I took my father's player, which included my father's favorite old songs and my favorite popular songs. When I touched the switch with my hand, beautiful melody and beautiful songs came from my mobile phone. While enjoying the joy brought by this song, I took a pen and left my mark on the book. I don't know how long it took, my favorite song finally got together, and my father's song was now "shining". An old song "Father" sounded in my ear, listening to the singer's affectionate singing "My old father, my favorite person, the world is very sweet, but you have tasted three points..." I was already in tears. I seem to follow the song back to my childhood.

Summer. Power failure is the worst thing. Without power, all electrical appliances become scrap iron instantly. The "uninvited guests" at night -- mosquitoes always take advantage of the opportunity to enter at this time, so we were all caught off guard by surprise. In hot weather, annoying mosquitoes have become a "stumbling block" for me to sleep.

The power went out again. The hateful mosquito kept buzzing around me, as if it wanted to tell me that it was the winner. Not willing to be outdone, I rushed to "fight to the death" with it. However, I was defeated by mosquitoes because of the weather, which was the "savior" of mosquitoes. But I made my bed messy. My father took a fan and said to me, "Yan, Dad will fan you." I was a little embarrassed, but eager to be cool, so I said to my father, "Dad, you first fan me, and then I will fan you." My father nodded and agreed. My father's hand went up and down, drawing a gorgeous arc. Although I wanted to fulfill my promise, I felt sleepy and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, I opened my eyes vaguely and saw that my father's hand was still holding the fan tightly. My tears suddenly burst. I quickly opened my father's hand gently, took out the fan, and used my best strength to fan all the time

Now I have grown up and used to sleeping alone. But for some reason, I miss summer days.

After singing, it's strange that I don't think this song is so old-fashioned. I turned it off because I knew that everything would never go back.

A light rain was falling outside the window, and past events splashed sparks of memory with the rain. I thanked him silently from my heart, and my father propped up a sky for me with his solid arms. He is my warmest dependence in this life.

The Warmest Composition (6)

It's like the surprise you have when you open the White Rabbit's milk candy. The warm white candy always gives me a certain sense of security. Just like the regular orbits in the galaxy, they never break away. I think what I need is a quiet time. Can give me a sense of security time. As.

In summer, white clean sweaters and cold and traceless water flow; In winter, outside the window, there are many warm and comfortable sunshine and a windowsill that I can rely on. People are not really greedy, at least I am not.

It never occurred to me that one day I would form a rule of sleeping late every day. My sister next door was two years older than me. She had formed this rule when I was still busy on the first day of the junior high school. It was only in a trance that I realized that I had become a regular rope and could not be untied. I often wonder why people are afraid of things that fail to achieve their ideals.

It is not just a kind of psychology, but also the people around. It is often said that we should go our own way and let others talk about it, but how many people can really do it. I think there should be fewer people with high IQ. The gossip behind is broken glass, which pierces every nerve in the skin. As long as there are people of the same age, there will always be a comparison.

Whether the children of other families are admitted to the city has become the topic of people's walk after dinner. As if the planets have been circling or rotating in the universe, whether it is the thick mechanical sound or the silent sound like water. Or it's so loud that we can't hear it. No one knows for sure those beautiful things far away from us, such as the time in the future.

Are we devouring time, or is time devouring us.

The Warmest Composition (7)

Xiaochaihuo New Year's Eve, the twilight around the family, a faint glow, shallow happiness spread

A man stepped on the way back, and the lights were bright outside the car. There were big banners of the New Year's Eve dinner arranged by the hotel everywhere. I didn't know whether it was the inner mischief or the red glare. I felt strange and disgusted to the world outside the glass.

I fell asleep with the swaying of the car. The light shines on everyone's constrained body on the table, polite greetings, distant distance from the table, everyone keeps a stiff smile, and the naughty children are bound by adults to sit upright, maybe you think this is a celebration dinner, maybe you think this is a serious meeting, But often no one will guess that this is a feast between relatives with the same blood line. No one will know that this luxurious feast is a reunion between the closest relatives. I also know that I am not qualified to criticize those material feelings without confidence. What was the twinkle in her eyes when she vaguely saw an old woman in her 70s? She is the protagonist of this feast, which shines with sad light.

On a sunny morning, a phone call from her son who was far away from home made her unable to be quiet for a long time, and her face was full of happiness. "Mom, let me pick you up to celebrate the New Year in the city. Let's go to a restaurant for dinner." A simple sentence made this elderly grandmother sit on the bus to happiness. But she may not know that this happy gathering is entertainment, comparing with the sublimation of the soul. Strange faces appeared in front of the mother sitting in the corner, and they greeted her warmly, Maybe only the old woman from the countryside can't be so hypocritical to greet strangers. Her son is her pride, but she can't believe that her son uses his mother as a signboard for his position. Her son's unit has an activity of awarding and wining bonuses at the end of the year. Leaders have to consider their quality in addition to their achievements, so big guys have played the brand of filial piety one after another, set up tables of New Year's Eve dinner, and used the name of filial piety to show off, I feel sick. Are those people's conscience black? Are those people blind? Our parents' love for us is worth a few bad money? The figure of parents struggling day and night is only suitable for you to put in words? I wonder if I am such a person. I don't know if I am such a person. I don't know how lucky I am. I am so arrogant. I just stubbornly deny my parents' tears. I hate such a person and such a paranoid person.

When I got home, I heard my parents were discussing the issue of the New Year's Eve dinner, discussing whether to hold a banquet in the city or go home to make firewood for the New Year's Eve dinner. I said, go home. The family sat in a restaurant, but they were strangers. Go to accompany Grandma. She was lonely enough. Go to see her grandparents, ask if she was well, and go to his grave to talk with him, He has a hard time alone underground. Go home. Home is the best.

As the Spring Festival atmosphere becomes more and more lively in the street, passers-by sometimes discuss going there to host the New Year's Eve dinner. I turn around and gently pull the corners of my mouth, "Go home, home is the best". The corners of my mouth rise and a blush spreads on my face. I like the feeling that there is a warm smell of home food, a warm temperature, a unique small time, a small warmth

The Warmest Composition (8)

That was a very touching story told by a friend at a party. My friend teaches in a teacher's college. Once, he assigned a composition to his students. Among them, a boy named Jian wrote in his composition that his warmest memory was his father's temperature.

Jian came from a remote village and suffered from congenital lameness. Although it is not very serious, it still makes people feel that his body is not coordinated when walking. At that time, he was finally able to enter this normal college, which also took a lot of trouble.

Jian's family is poor, but his academic performance has always been excellent. His father worked as a loader in a coal factory, which was a dirty and tiring job.

I remember when I was in primary school, my classmates often laughed at him for his lameness. However, his father loved him very much. Most of the time, my father didn't even bother to wash his face after work in the coal factory. He rode the rusty "Golden Deer" bicycle to the school gate to wait for him after school.

My father stood at the school gate, just like an African. His burly body was covered with coal dust, and only the two rows of teeth in his mouth seemed much whiter than usual.

When it was cold, my father asked Jian, who was sitting at the back, to stretch his two cool hands into his clothes for warmth. Jian obediently tucked his hands into his father's clothes on his back. He could feel his father's warm body temperature and the sweaty sweater inside.

Gradually, Jian developed a habit that whenever his father carried him on a bicycle, he would involuntarily put his hands into the clothes on his father's back. Even at home, he deliberately put his little hand, which had just played with snow, into his father's arms for warmth. My father always smiled and spoiled him, letting those little hands toss and turn on his chest.

It has been a long time since he touched his father's temperature. He can't remember clearly. Anyway, after he became sensible, he was no longer as naughty as before. He even felt that there was an invisible wall between him and his father, which was a high wall representing the dignity of the elderly.

Occasionally, the mischievous idea of his childhood also came to his mind, but in the end it was just a flash. Because he is no longer the naughty guy who can play and joke with his father without scruple.

In the winter of the second year after he entered the university, his father, who had always been strong, suddenly fell ill. His mother told him with tears behind her back that the doctor had confirmed that his father was terminally ill.

In less than a month, the healthy father became emaciated. At the moment, his father seems to have sensed his illness and insisted on leaving the hospital and going home for treatment. Later, on the advice of the doctor, the whole family finally agreed to his request.

Less than half a month before the school's winter vacation, he suddenly received the sad news that his father was dying. He hurriedly asked for leave from his teacher, and then took a long-distance bus back to his hometown.

When he walked into the house, the house was full of people, and his father lay on the kang and fell into a coma. He "plopped" down on his knees beside his father and shouted for his father. A miracle happened, and my father unexpectedly woke up from his coma again.

The father's eyes were always staring at his son's hands, and the corners of his mouth were working hard, but no one beside him could understand what he was trying to express.

Only Jian found the answer from his father's dim eyes. He put his cold hands on his father's chest trembling. His palm felt the warmth of his long lost heart again from his father's chest. But the warmth in front of him was slowly disappearing in his palm. Almost instantaneously, there was a smile fixed on my father's pale face forever

At that time, all the people present were moved by the story told by their friends. I think this should be the greatest and simple love in the world. They silently turned their lives into warmth and stored them in their children's hearts forever!

The Warmest Composition (9)

The Warmest Harbor of Home

·At this time, I had to think of a poem, I felt that he wrote so well, so wonderful.

'Faraway birds, eternal concern is the old forest; The drifting boat always thinks of the harbor; Home is the place that the travelling tourists always miss. Home, in our most difficult time, gave us encouragement; Home is the place where we feel happy; Home is a warm word.

However, a complete home is completed by the whole family.

·My father, a round face, medium stature, handsome boy in the fat world. He often makes us laugh and cry. His big bright eyes make people feel very friendly. He always puts his family first. In my world, there is also my nagging mother. When I come home from school, 'wash your hands quickly and eat' o ()) o Alas, my mother's clear and transparent eyes always make people feel the 'beauty' of life, and my lovely sister, who is always my good sister when I feel the most uncomfortable, is my good sister, They always gave me courage and encouragement when I was the most defeated. I grew up in this warm home, but my parents turned pale for this reason. It may not be enough to repay the kindness of every drop of water. My family's color is colorful, green, because we have the vitality of youth.

There is pink because we have a harmonious family. There is gold, because home has the joy of autumn harvest. The happy family composed of father, mother, me, and our pistachios is happy. Home is my most warm harbor, home and everything

The Warmest Composition (10)

In the study, work or life, everyone is familiar with the composition. The composition must focus on the theme and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the warmest hug grade one composition compiled by the editor for your reference only. I hope it can help you.

Love is the most beautiful emotion in the world. It shuttles silently between the world, conveying warmth and hope.

A few years ago, there lived an old woman named Li downstairs in my house. Because her children had gone out to work, she lived alone. She can't see the loneliness of the empty nest old man. Even though his hair is gray, the old man is always happy. The deep wrinkles around his eyes seem to exude kindness and smile. I always feel that Grandma has a unique temperament, gentle and kind, which attracts me. So when I was young, I often went to play with Grandma Li.

Grandma is usually very kind and treats people with sincerity and enthusiasm. There is no one around who doesn't like Grandma. Such a well connected and easy-going grandma has drawn a heavy brush in my nearly monotonous life since I entered primary school.

The most impressive time was that on a cold winter day, near the evening in the community, there was almost no one left. There were only a few street lamps on the roadside. The faint flowers of the light line were the last soldiers, illuminating people's way home. I set foot on the road turned by bluestone slabs and walked home quickly with the piercing cold wind and the sound of pattering. It's so cold that people shiver.

When I came downstairs, I suddenly stopped. It was not because I had forgotten something important that I wanted to buy now, but because I saw a person sitting in the corner by virtue of the light.

The dark place is frightening, but when I was young and ignorant, curiosity could overcome fear, so I went there. Seeing Grandma Li, what is Grandma doing here in such cold weather? When I was confused, I asked:

"Grandma, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's Xiao Si. She's back." Grandma smiled and greeted me as usual. I quite like Grandma's smile because it feels like the sun emits warmth and heat: "Look, here are some cute ones."

I lowered my head and looked in the direction my grandmother indicated. Then I saw several kittens in her arms. The kitten, who could not even open her eyes, called softly, occasionally picked up her grandmother's clothes with her small paws, and changed her posture. It was really cute. And Grandma tried her best to block the cold wind with her own body and pass warmth to them with her body.

Grandma's eyes were extremely gentle, just like her own children. I might understand this feeling, because I felt my eyes softened in an instant. I asked softly, "Is it for these cats to stay here?"

"Well, they are so cute. I want to help them warm up, even for a while. In such a cold weather, the kittens will die if left alone." Grandma smiled and looked into her arms from time to time, full of caring mother: "They have masters, so I just need to do a little favor."

"Really, Grandma can't go home to help the kittens warm up. It's so cold. You'll catch a cold sooner or later!"

After finding out the reason, I couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"There's no way. The cat owner will be worried if he can't find the cat." Grandma's nose is a little red. It's frozen, but if I have to say it, I'd rather say it's the color of love.

A simple and ordinary scene, but let me not feel the cold of winter at this moment, thick love, built a solid wall, all the frost cold, are blocked outside. At this moment, I suddenly felt that around my grandmother, it was a warmer place than a stove, not a material place, but a spiritual place.

Love and light are the most revered things in the world, and the ultimate love is the most touching and unforgettable friendship.

I came back to my senses, smiled and said: "Grandma, if the kitten had wisdom, I would certainly thank you, because your arms are the warmest place in the world."

The Warmest Composition (11)

Whether in school or in society, everyone has written a composition. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is the warmest excellent composition carefully arranged by Xiao Bian, for reference only, let's have a look.

Is there such a picture enough to make you move, and is there such a picture enough to drive away the cold. It moistens the dry land like spring rain, blows away the haze in people's hearts like summer wind, and warms the hearts like charcoal fire in winter.

In the remote mountains and forests, there is such a high mountain and flowing water that is called the swan song of the world. Zi Qi listened to the words "Emei is like Mount Tai" and listened to the words "the ocean is like a river." The birds singing in the mountains and forests came to the center of the picture with the sound of high mountains and flowing water. The joy of mutual appreciation between the two people reflected the setting sun, and their sleeves rose one after another on the Qin Xuan to think. The high mountains and flowing water have become a long story in the world. And life is like friendship. How many bosom friends can bend their fingers? High mountains and flowing water cannot be heard without bosom friends.

When the peach blossoms were in full bloom, they were full of vitality. They took a fancy to the auspicious omen of red flowers. They have created the history of the three sworn marriages in Taoyuan, and inherited the solemn vows witnessed by the peach blossom. The peach blossom petals danced in the wind all over the sky. The three warriors raised their glasses and grasped their swords. The sky was the proof of the ground. They didn't want to live in the same year, but died in the same year. The white clouds in the clear sky appear and disappear, mixed with peach blossom and this intimate wine, and never get drunk. Holding a sword to make friends, a lifelong brother, shoots directly at the sun and the sky. If you know that all the world are brothers, where can you meet someone who is not your old friend? Under the remote artistic conception, it sets off such a warm picture.

In my heart, for your heart, you will know how to remember each other.

When graduating, the students' reluctance and nostalgia, the picture of mutual blessing and frank treatment, infected with the hot summer heat and brought a trace of cool wind. Happy today, don't forget later.

The cold mountain turns green, and the autumn water ripples. The autumn wind slightly turned the leaves yellow, and the two children walked on the long path, talking to each other about their intimate words. The bursts of laughter covered the evening with pink rays. The two walked side by side, hand in hand, and the setting sun pulled their shadows to places beyond our sight.

The poisonous arrow of slander, the pain of misunderstanding, the barrier of space, and the passage of time cannot destroy the flower of friendship in this picture.

Carrying this picture to the distance, flowers fall and open, ice and snow melt, birds return, and spring is coming, warming everyone's heart.

The Warmest Composition (12)

"I'm not cold, I'm not cold..." "What about you, Archie? If you're hungry, you can eat."

Archie is my childhood partner, he is my friend, he is a shepherd dog. That winter, I took it to the mountain to catch rabbits. It was early winter, and the rabbits were not dead. Our hometown was surrounded by mountains, but it was not easy to find rabbits at that time.

When we went up the mountain, we began to look for rabbits. Open a pile of dead leaves, and there is a hole in it. Archie ran over curiously. Ah! Archie Archie was really curious. He dug the hole with his front paw, "Ah! Yes, yes..." I cried, "There are snakes!" The snake did not move. It may have frozen to death, or it may be hibernating.

Archie and I searched on the mountain. At 4:30 p.m., I found a big rabbit. Its gray and black hair, two big eyes and a pair of droopy rabbit ears were very attractive. The rabbit was swinging in front of me

It has become a delicacy in my eyes. "Archie, go!" I ordered him to grab a stone and put it on the string of the slingshot. A battle between people and things was imminent

I carried the trophy home. Not good! I can't recognize the way home. Archie looked at me. I looked at Archie. He was saying, "I don't know the way home." It was getting colder and colder. The sun was setting. The setting sun was beautiful. A beautiful orange sunset was gradually coming from the horizon. I can't care about this anymore. "If I can go back, I will definitely come here to enjoy myself."

"You can eat it, I'm not hungry." I threw the hare in front of Archie, and he didn't eat it. I sat down on the stone. It was getting dark. I was afraid. Archie leaned against me. It seemed to comfort me. I looked at my watch. It was seven o'clock and I began to be impatient. Archie put his paw on my leg, and it seemed to say, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." It was very cold, and Archie seemed unable to stand the sudden cold wave.

At 7:40, I was desperate. In the distance, a small white spot, near, near, is the light of a flashlight

I will never forget that it was Archie who accompanied me, comforted me and gave me strength in that cold moment.

The Warmest Composition (13)

Time flies like water. It takes away my childhood and brings me into another warm family.

When I was a child, I would sit at the table with my mother every time when I came home. The first sentence when I came home was to say, "Mom, I'm back." When I grew up, I left my mother's arms and came to middle school. Every night, I will recall every bit of my mother at home. Now, nothing is more desirable than companionship. I miss the happiness of my childhood and the wonderful time my mother spent together.

I still remember that in the first week of the first day of the junior high school, I often woke up in the middle of the night from crying. Every time I dream, I dream of my mother. When I was in junior high school, I was not used to doing everything by myself. Finally, I stayed up until Friday. That day was the happiest day of my week. I thought to myself: I was going to see my mother soon, and I was going home soon. Finally, I looked forward to the last class. When the bell rang, we flew to the school gate. Soon, I found my mother. On the way home, I reported my experience of a week to my mother, which was full of our laughter. The next day, after we had dinner, I began to do my homework. While I was writing, my mother looked at me. I asked her: Why don't you go out to play today? Mother replied, "I don't want to go out. I'll see you do your homework.". She watched it as long as I wrote it. Although they didn't speak to each other, they all understood each other in their hearts, just for company.

I think that the company was the warmest in more than ten years.

Whenever I came to school and left home, my mother would say: I will pick you up after school this week. This has become a habit. Every time I come to learn, I look forward to this sentence.

Companion is more important than anything. Time waits for no one. We should cherish the present.

Now I am growing up slowly, but my mother is getting old slowly. In the future, I will spend more time with my mother.

The years are quiet, but also merciless. I can't fix my childhood there. I miss the past, but I will continue to move forward, because I look forward to the future.

The Warmest Composition (14)

Motherly love is to accompany you when you are unhappy; Maternal love comforts you when you are sad; Maternal love is to teach you when you are angry. In our eyes, maternal love is so insipid, but mothers never complain. What are their contributions in obscurity for?

Once, I was also like this: one dark and windy night, I was lying in bed, dizzy, and I walked to my mother's bed in one step and two steps, and said: "Mom, I'm dizzy." My mother was startled, and said: "Is it hard, go to the hospital." After saying that, my mother dragged me downstairs.

When I was in a hurry, my mother only wore a pair of pants, a shirt and a coat. Seeing how thin I was wearing, my mother quickly took off my coat and put it on for me. She showed her arms, and I said with tears in my eyes: "Mom, I'm not afraid of you when you put it on." My mother said sternly: "Put it on." When I heard my mother was angry, I stopped making any sound.

Seeing the hospital in front of us, we got off the bus. Mother said to the doctor in a hurry: "Doctor, what's wrong with my daughter?" The doctor told her mother: "Maybe she caught a cold and had a fever." When the doctor finished, her mother thanked her again and again.

When I got home, my mother said to me, "I told you not to push the quilt when you were sleeping. You push the quilt. Are you looking for trouble?" I stuck out my tongue.

I said that there will always be some warmth around us, maybe care, maybe encouragement, maybe maternal love.

The Warmest Composition (15)

That night, I suddenly had a high fever, and I felt confused. I felt very hot and powerless. My father was on a business trip, and I sat there alone waiting for my mother to come back from work.

Time passes slowly. I have looked at the clock many times, and it seems that the clock does not move. Maybe it has a fever like me. Mom finally came back. She put down her bag and rushed to take me to the hospital for injection regardless of her hard work. It was not easy to pay the bill and register. The doctor took my temperature, and it turned out to be 39. 7 degrees. My mother said that she would give me an injection, and my mother went to pay for my medicine. When I came to the nurse station, the nurse aunt was not gentle at all. Maybe because she was tired at night, she held a long needle, which scared me to hide in my mother's arms. I cried to my mother, saying that we would stop playing, I was fine, and I would go home. My mother saw my mind and encouraged me to say, "Don't be afraid of the child, there is my mother." Looking at my mother's tired appearance, I also had superhuman courage in my heart. Although the needle was very painful in the skin, I felt no pain at all. After the injection, the doctor prescribed some medicine for me. At this time, my mother said to the doctor, "Doctor, prescribe the best medicine. Don't let the child suffer." The medicine was very expensive at that time, and my mother didn't hesitate to buy it for me. Where there is a mother, there are miracles, and everything has hope.

When I got home, my mother began to boil medicine. Seeing my mother's tired figure, I was very distressed!

In my heart, my mother is the warmest piece of sunshine in the world!

The Warmest Composition (16)

It often thunders and rains in summer, and I was most afraid of thunder from childhood to adulthood. Whenever it thunders at night, I can't sleep. One night in this summer vacation, it was lightning, thunder, wind and rain again. I was very afraid. I covered my head in the quilt and shivered all over. Just then, I heard the footsteps, as if they were coming to my room. I thought it must be an angel who came to save me. As expected, my mother's gentle voice came to my ears: "Girl, my mother has come to accompany you. Don't be afraid!" I slowly got out of the bed. It was really my mother, a beautiful angel. My mother held me in her arms, and I lay on my mother's body, listening to my mother tell me the funny stories of my childhood. In this way, I gradually fell asleep in her warm embrace.

In winter, it is always so cold. When I went to school, I would shiver every time when I returned home. I remember that it was very, very cold that night. After studying at night, I wore a hat, a scarf, and gloves, wrapped myself tightly, and walked home against the strong wind. Walking halfway, I saw a faint figure coming to me. This figure is getting closer and closer, and more familiar with it. It turns out that it is my dearest father. He took the cotton padded jacket in his hand and quickly put it on for me. Then he touched my cold face and covered it with his warm hands. All the way, Dad put his arms around my shoulder. Although it was very cold, he didn't feel cold in his arms at all.

The embrace of parents is always open for children, and the embrace of parents is always the warmest. We should cherish this affection, and cherish it forever and ever.

The Warmest Composition (17)

My bedroom - blue sky, white desk, blue and white bookcase and wardrobe, gives a feeling of blue sky and pleasant mood.

Study - a sea of knowledge, light grey desks and bookcases filled with all kinds of books, like a knowledgeable old man.

Mom and Dad's bedroom - colored lollipops, brown wardrobes and colored sheets, as sweet as colorful lollipops.

Living room - autumn fruits, yellow sofa and yellow TV cabinet give you a feeling of autumn harvest.

Toilet - the world of water. When you go there, you will hear the joyful singing of water.

The kitchen is a sea of food. There are all kinds of vegetables and fruits in it. They are very beautiful!

Ah! What a warm home! If you want to see it, please come to my home!