Between us (17 high-quality articles)
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2023-12-01 08:10:38
Grade 6

Between us (1)

"Friend" is such a beautiful word. It symbolizes friendship, so I like it, so I have many friends. But that changed my mind.

That day, the sky was gray, and my mood was just like the weather, not happy at all. When I came to school for class, I found yesterday's exam was only 89. Of course, I felt even worse. "Strange? Why is Zao Min in the same row depressed?" He could not help but make a question mark in his heart, thinking that he would come to her position. When

A pencil box fell to the ground and broke. Then I felt uneasy. "Whose is it?" I asked eagerly. I saw her coming. I think it was her. I quickly put my stationery back in place and went out to apologize to her. Later, she said she would come in to pick up things. I didn't care and played with my friends. "Ding... Ding" After class, I went back to my seat and saw the beloved stationery box that my father bought for me fell on the ground. It hurt like a sharp knife. I stopped crying and said to myself secretly, "Who broke my stationery box? I must find justice." After a class, I was in no mood to play again. I sat in my seat and analyzed the case: there were only a few boys in the class just now. They can't be them if they have no grudges or enmities with me. Who else... Oh! Yes, that's her. I rushed out of the classroom and ran to her and said angrily, "Tang Zaomin, I didn't expect you to be such a person. From this moment on, you and I will break up with each other. In the future, you will walk on your path and I will cross my single wooden bridge. It is irrelevant! Hum!" At that moment, I poured all my anger on her. And she cried, very sad to cry, I began to feel sad. When I returned home, my guilt filled my heart, and I felt more and more worried that I should not do that until very late... The next day, I came to school to face her, and I could not say a word of what I had prepared last night. At this time, the noble character tolerance came to our hearts, and we apologized to each other and became friends again.

Now I understand how precious friendship is. It can't be measured with a pencil box. Now I want to say loudly to the world: "Long live friendship!"

Between us (2)

I remember that my parents' restaurant moved to Nanjing during the summer vacation of the third grade. It was in such a midsummer that I met such a person. When I met you, you wore a loose and lazy hair, a wide T-shirt, a pair of beggar pants, and a dragon board. Oh, just like a tomboy. Tall and cool, you just looked down at me, who was still confused at that time, and led a group of "buddies" to ask me, "Do you want to play with us?" I nodded happily. But I have been thinking, did my long hair attract you? Since then, I have been following you, understanding you, inseparable from you, and become a good friend who talks about everything. I gradually began to understand that your dress was just to disguise yourself. Under the original cool mask, there was a heart afraid of being hurt.

So, I became your closest friend and made up my mind to protect you and accompany you, so that you would not feel lonely and hurt. What I will never forget is that time. My mother arranges me to practice zither every day, but that day, when I thought that the time we agreed to go out was coming, I didn't want to let you wait alone, so I said I wouldn't practice zither at all. As a result, I got a lot of beating and scolding. When you came here in a hurry, I was covered with injuries: everywhere on my arms and legs, there were eye-catching red and swollen marks left by the coat hanger. You persuaded my mother, and patiently accompanied me to practice the piano. Then, holding me still in tears, you came to our secret garden. After helping me sit down, you start squatting on the grass looking around.

It turns out that you are looking for the herb that can reduce swelling in your grandfather's herb book. You smashed them carefully, and then carefully mixed the petals to remove the bad smell of the medicine, and gently applied them to my scars, "hiss." You found that I was very painful, and then gently blew a few breaths to comfort me. Finally, you blushed and sang a song. I stopped, and my tears stopped. I listened quietly and enjoyed The song was like the song of a yellow warbler on a branch lingering around my ears, and it was like a forest stream flowing through my heart. All the sadness, sadness and pain disappeared at that moment. I rushed up and hugged you tightly. I was really moved, because that was the first time you sang in front of others. On that day, you not only wiped my tears with your songs, but also sang our sincere friendship.

Between us (3)

You are really interesting. One by one, as if it had been discussed, leave.

Heartbreak is like needles, why? Why leave? Leave such a good McGonagall?

You said that no one understood and no one cared. I tell you, it's not just me. When you wave your hand, many people will follow you without hesitation. Do you know how many people are silently paying attention to you? How many people really want to be friends with you? We really treat you as friends for a lifetime. Don't leave, OK?

Just saw a sentence, I wet eyes. How come those people who are very important in my heart have left? Yes, I have been in Meg for four years, and people around me have left one by one. How strong do I need to be to stop crying? Zimo, Yuge, did you leave recently. Miss you very much. It seems that I met you earlier. But everything can't go back.

I don't want to regret it. I don't want to miss you. I want you to always be by my side. Be my lifelong friend. I really care about you.

Please, don't leave, okay? I can't stand it.

This is a problem between us. If not, I'm afraid I'll regret it and I'm afraid I'll cry.

"All left, why not walk a few more?" "Bullshit, what shall we do if you leave?"

I have said many times that I cannot write, but I would like to write for you.

Do you know? I write only for the important people in my heart.

Between us (4)

There are more than one billion people in the world, and the masses of people rub shoulders one after another. There are some we know and some we don't. So what do people need to maintain? care for.

It happened one day soon: I lost my Chinese test paper. At noon, I rummaged around the house and searched every corner. Back at school, I went through the drawer again, and didn't even find the shadow of the test paper. Just as I was scratching my head in a hurry, Luyi came up to me with a friendly look and asked me what happened. She heard that I had lost my test paper and helped me find it. As a result, the effort paid off. Finally, we found my test paper at Xiao'an. I took a gentle breath, left the big stone in my heart, and said "thank you" to Luyi with a sincere heart. Luyi said to me, what is it! Shouldn't classmates help each other?

Another time, I had an exam. Everyone entered the examination room one after another. We were quietly waiting for the teacher to arrive. I looked back and found Luyi was looking for something. I asked her, so! Her ruler is missing. I didn't hesitate to divide my only ruler in two. After the exam, she came up to me and said thank you. I smiled and said, "Break the ruler to save people"!

Luyi and I keep watch and help each other. Our relationship is very harmonious!

Let's sing together: "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will be better..."

Between us (5)

The soft sunlight quietly leaps in, and the tender leaves beside the window shine with new green. I sit under the window to enjoy the sunshine, gently read the diary of primary school, and recall you and me in the story.

That autumn, we met. Faced with a strange you, my heart is full of unknown and worries. I don't know your temper, and you don't know my strengths and weaknesses, but I am very willing to get along with you in a friendly way, because you will be proud of me and redouble your efforts. Maybe every student will have my experience of being picked out by you out of more than 60 people - just because they haven't memorized a piece of accumulation. You look serious and frown. I lower my head and dare not speak. That day, for the first time, I felt that my face was too hot to lift my head. Only when you see my efforts can we establish a relationship of mutual trust.

We knew each other that winter. The first snow buried the long backlog of depression, and we found ourselves in this white world. You suggest making a snowman to experience the winter together. Everyone tried their best to build the body and head of the snowman. The boys found coal balls, and the girls put on their hats and scarves for the snowman regardless of the cold wind. You are wearing an infrared jacket. While you are busy making snow, you are telling with concern: "Don't freeze! "Take a breath when you are free, and you still have a gentle smile in your eyes. Men and women take photos in front of their works. You press the shutter to record this wonderful moment. That day, you have been with everyone, and the red figure is our common memory. Only when you see your company and kindness, can we understand that we also have friendship.

That summer, we parted. With your injuries, you sent us graduation photos. I still remember you smiling and saying, "If you don't come, it's hard to have a chance to see you again.". "Yes, three years ago, who would be willing to do so? People are like this. They just know how to cherish when they are about to lose. Before graduation, you gave me a lot of encouragement, and that scene came to my eyes again. You said to me, you should be bold to show yourself, and try different things more. With your encouragement, I learned to raise my hand and show my achievements. Your passion for learning was also all ignited by you. That day, I didn't cry, just told myself that I must come back here and have a look at you again.

Destiny is naughty, but the parting it brings implies reunion. No matter how it plays tricks on me, my memory will not be erased. In my mind, there has always been a memory between us, beautiful, pure, people can not bear to abandon, only in time to leave a real imprint.

Between us (6)

He taught me how to love someone, but she left me.

His departure made me suddenly grow up a lot. I began to get used to going to school alone, walking, watching the stars, and looking at the sunrise alone in the morning. That feeling makes me warm and makes my floating heart gradually settle down. Enjoying a moment of warmth, feeling the feeling of his absence.

Originally, it was because I trusted him too much, too obedient, clever, and he began to get bored. Then I kept looking for his former girlfriend. Before I left, they were together. This is something I can't let go of all the time. Why do I treat a person so wholeheartedly, but he treats me like this.

But now I found that whether he abandoned me or I could not bear to leave him, it was a correct decision. I have heard a saying that leaving a wrong person is to find a right person. So I don't care about this matter. Although it hurts to think about it, I believe that time will kill all these pains.

Some things, he does not say I do not say, but does not mean that it did not happen. Obviously, I can't let him go, but I always force myself to forget him and not think about him.

But now he is in the same school with me, and he has also had classes together. My original stable heart fluctuated at the moment I saw him. My heart is full of mixed feelings. I clearly think of him and love him, but I should treat him as a stranger.

I began to be confused and confused. But I realized that I didn't know what to do, and went deep.

Now I don't know how to face him, and what kind of identity to face him in the end. This is the end I can't let go. I can't tell whether he is my end or robbery.

Although I still can't put it down, I must keep my distance. Because I am a senior year this year. Although I am 16 years old, I am not small. If I destroy myself for a man, will someone say I make a mountain out of a molehill?

Our feelings may have come to an end. But when I had an accident, he was the first person I thought of who could help me. I have been confused, and can't tell his feelings for me, whether it is a brother or brother's feelings. However, we may never go back to the past, so close, then talk about everything.

Once loved that person, how far away are you from me. How many things are there between us.

To my past.

Between us (7)

Go beyond ourselves, have the courage to express, shorten the distance between us, and make us closer.

In my dreams, I often see you touch my head with your hand, then gently lean my body on your shoulder, and then tell me stories in an amiable tone. In this way, I fell asleep again in your arms. At that time, I felt your meticulous care and unspeakable love for me. But whenever the cock crows, I know that this beautiful dream is coming to an end, and the heat transfer process is coming to an end. I step into the light with a reluctant mood.

Reality and dreams are often not unified. In real life, such beautiful things only happen when you are young. Now, when I grow up, my rebellious character accompanies me, and I can't readily accept my mother's care, so the relationship with my mother is also deteriorating, resulting in today's situation of "three small quarrels every day, one big one every three days". I keep asking myself, why can't I have such a wonderful life as in my dream? Since I can have such a dream, why not let it come true? I also told myself that those beautiful dreams might be the result of my "thinking day by day, thinking night by night". I miss my mother so much.

In my memory, there is a dream that I will never forget. The aunt behind my house lost her precious necklace. I just passed by, so she suspected that I had taken it. She grabbed me with one hand and refused to let me leave. I was very few at that time, and I was unable to do anything to break free. Later, my mother came, and the neighbors also watched the excitement there. Aunt used her understanding to describe things to everyone, while I kept explaining that it was not me. But they didn't seem to hear my groans, just kept pressing me, as if to force me to admit. But my mother didn't believe their words. She chose to believe her daughter and kept fighting for her daughter. Moved and frightened tears filled my petite face. At this time, an alarm clock rang and the dream ended, but I still remember that when I woke up, my tears still stayed on my face, which marked my mother's trust in me.

Today, I thought about it again, let me understand again, believe that my mother's love for me is still unchanged. Therefore, I will face my mother bravely and with a tolerant heart. I will transcend this insurmountable gap and shorten the distance between us. I firmly believe that there is no distance between hearts as long as you understand, care and offer others with a heart of loving yourself.

Between us (8)

On July 6, 1993, at that moment, in that second, I came to this world, and I started my human life.

As time went by, my grandparents died one after another, and I began to have a vague sense of life and death when I was still young. As time goes by, I know that people are afraid of death, but I don't think so.

When I was 3 or 4 years old, my father often asked me: "Wenwen, are you afraid of tigers.

Time is still flowing away, and my age is getting older. I began to learn to observe and understand the world. Watching the TV play in which people cry bitterly because of the death of others, I began to fear death, fear of loss, fear that anyone close to me would stay away from me, and I do not want to suffer the pain of loss. But I had to lose, lost again and again, let me cry again and again to find a strong. I know that everyone will have the day to die, and everyone will have the day to lose their favorite person or thing. We can't be immersed in sorrow all day and all year long, and we can't wash our faces with tears all our life. We live between life and death, so we should learn to be relieved of all the people or things that left us, Relieve everything that doesn't belong to us.

Living between life and death, we may be very tired, because we have to bear too much in between. Some people can't "bear hardships" and choose the path of suicide. They ended their lives in the fastest way and completed their life in the shortest time. But they will never know that it is a kind of happiness to live between life and death. We didn't choose extremes, and we didn't just pursue life and death, which proves that we have the courage to bear it. In the process of our undertaking, relatives help us, friends help us, society helps us, and the country helps us, which makes us feel the warmth of the world. This has strengthened our determination not to go to extremes.

Living between life and death, we will never be decadent. We will complete the longest road in the shortest time and create the most brilliant life.

Tian Zhewen, Senior Two of Beidaihe Middle School

Between us (9)

A man sat on the stairs beside the school playground with his arms folded, watching a man change direction in front of me.

The floor is so cold, it's cool to my heart.

I am so sad that I want to cry loudly. But he opened his mouth wide, but could not cry. Tears are always full of loneliness. I'm afraid that when I cry out, loneliness will become more reckless.

It soon became dark, and the dark sky spread like endless loneliness, without end. I sat there, still not moving a step.

I regard them as good friends, and what about them? For such a long time, I am tired, I don't want to pay, once believed that pay will pay, but in the face of reality, I failed.

They all said that I was stronger than others, and they always ignored me for such boring and seemingly huge reasons.

Am I strong? I never felt strong. They just don't know me.

firm? It's just a disguise that people ignore and force them to wear from childhood to adulthood.

I hate being strong! It makes me feel hypocritical. It makes me feel lonely.

I am so heartbroken. If I did not pay, I would not be hurt again and again if I cared so much.

From that night on, I didn't want to disguise, pretend to smile or believe easily.

Because then, from beginning to end, and finally, it will blossom and fall one by one, and no one will ask, but it will end up with many scars.

Maybe I should learn to be grateful. She came, I loved, it was enough. What's the use of forcing something that doesn't belong to you? Everyone can't ask others to do what they want, can they?

Those who used to be between us are still beautiful, aren't they? Although now there are signs that it is going to end.

Those memories will stay in my heart until I can't breathe.

Between us (10)

There are too many beautiful things to remember. In my heart, there is always you, just like the sunshine in my life, illuminating my world.

That year, the autumn wind was approaching, blowing yellow the lush green leaves in summer, and bringing you to my mind forever.

It was sunny that day. I am very comfortable reading in bed. Vaguely, i heard a voice. That voice, getting closer, I finally heard your cry.

At that moment, I suddenly jumped out of bed, rushed out of the door and opened my eyes to see your face. I found you really cute. You have a round head, hairy ears and black tips. The clear and ethereal eyes seemed to show a trace of pity. The gentle wind blows your fur, revealing your thin back.

Since then, you have come to my home.

It seems that you are new to everything here. " Meow meow ", carefully probing the surrounding environment for fear of causing harm to you. I like your eyes, bright and lively, as if you can talk to me. I like the way you hold your breath and stare when catching a mouse, ready to start, and show off to me when you return triumphantly. I like the time with you, carefree, I will enter your simple and beautiful world. Since then, I have been a cat.

At that time, I had a dispute with my mother because of a small matter. I was stubborn and refused to admit my mistake, while you were watching everything quietly. I ran upstairs angrily and sat there in anger. You followed me quietly. Your sharp claws reached into the meat pad, and there was no sound when I walked. You came to me and rubbed your round head around me, licking my hand with your sticky tongue, which was cool. At that moment, I could not help crying with you.

So we spent two happy years together.

That year, the winter wind was bleak, and the branches of the tree were bare, blowing a terrible whistle.

On that day, night fell and stars were scattered in the sky. If you go out to play, you will never return.

At that moment, my heart was like a knife.

You know what? Since you were lost, I have kept looking for you. I have looked for every place you have ever been. I know you are right there, staring at me and waiting for me to pick you up. You are not my plaything, you are my best friend, this is the story between us. Thank you for your company, let me never lonely. Today, three years later, I wrote you into my composition. Would you be happy if you knew? I don't know where you are. Are you alive, dead, or wandering? Here is your eternal home. Here, there are your masters, your friends, and people who love you.

Whenever night falls, I will remember your last back when you left. I know that you have been by my side, silently looking at me. I lay in the bed, with tears of missing in my eyes, and let me go to sleep warmly and gently. There is a sunny sky, there is a lovely you, and the bright sunshine makes my world spring

Between us (11)

In the three years of junior high school, I lived in a class and grew up healthily and happily, just like a butterfly, looking for a blooming flower, but this flower must be pure and flawless. Yes, Class 78 is such a class. It has the strength of unity, unremitting power and pure friendship.

Yes, friendship is the most precious thing in the world. Deep friendship is the greatest comfort in life. Friendship is like a ray of youth sunshine, emitting its most moving charm.

Friends - good friends. What does it mean? Some people say it's just a simple look back, a smile and happy tears. Actually not. It symbolizes purity, selflessness, and everything in the world full of vitality. It is like the most beautiful flower, blooming in our hearts. Especially in the heart of Class 8, Grade 7.

When I first came to this school, I was attracted by the beautiful environment, but what I watched more was every student in Class 8, Grade 7, and we came from the ends of the earth. Then, we smiled at each other and accepted each other, accepting the remaining 59 students in the class. At this time, your mind will suddenly become clear, because you accepted a tree of friendship, and it will stay in your heart forever!

In fact, there is nothing to hide among students. We are a family. We study and play together every day. We are an inseparable whole. Since we are a part of the whole, we have the obligation to maintain our big family and the most precious friendship - because this is the most precious treasure in your life!

Between us (12)

Parents can accompany you through the first half of life, lovers can accompany you through the second half of life, and your brothers and sisters can accompany you through life.


My brother, you are four years older than me. You have accompanied me for 15 years. In the past 15 years, you have tolerated me in everything and won't let me suffer any injustice. In my mind, you will always be the boy who can only smile and the good brother who loves me.

I was born, you were four years old

Listen to my mother, when you know that you will have a sister, you are very happy. You look forward to my birth every day, which may be the reason why I am closest to you!

After I was born, you, who are naturally active, lie down beside the bed every day and look at me crying loudly. Once, you held your best friend, the dog, on the bed. The little dog, who seemed to be breast-feeding, smelled milk on my hand and bit it mercilessly. Fortunately, my mother was around, but I still had a scar on my hand. Later, when listening to my mother, I thought you were cute, but at least you loved me.

I'm twelve, you're sixteen

When I was 12 years old, you were 16 years old. You just graduated from junior high school, but you didn't enter the high school that you had been waiting for. Every day, you locked yourself in the house. I didn't know what was happening. Every day, I stood outside the house and shouted, "Brother, go out and play. "I was greeted by loneliness.

Finally one day, you came to play with me. At that time, I was sulking. When I saw you coming out, all my resentment disappeared. Later, I asked why you ignored me. You just smiled, shaved my nose and said nothing. But I know that you want to play with me. You love me.

I'm fifteen, you're nineteen

This year, I will graduate from junior high school on the fifteenth day of this year. Each holiday, we are perfectly staggered, only in winter and summer vacation, will meet.

But after the holiday, you will not take me to play, you will urge me to learn, and I will answer back angrily. But when he finished, he regretted it. When I apologize to you, you will gently scratch my nose and say, "I will understand later. "In a flash, I thought you were much thinner, but I knew that you were telling me with your practical actions that you loved me.

Brother, thank you for accompanying me happily for 15 years. I know that you will continue to accompany me. Between us, there will be more beautiful feelings; Between us, we will leave more sweet memories.

Between us (13)

Wearing a simple hair bun, caressing an antique mahogany guqin, and wearing a gorgeous purple brocade, the classical atmosphere will be permeated

Bookish covenant? great lady

A gorgeous colored dress and a delicate jade hairpin are carefully pinned on the bun. The pink face looks like a peach blossom, and the attitude of being knowledgeable and courteous constitutes the image of a lady from a large family.

If I were in ancient times, I might be such a lady with exquisite makeup and a book fragrance all over my body. Sometimes, I read books and draw pictures in my study; Maybe, I will play a song like flowing clouds in my boudoir; Even, I would think quietly in the bright moonlight, and occasionally I would be infected by the surrounding environment and recite a poem or two. Don't have a group of maids, or a rich family background. It's enough to have a beautiful and quiet environment and a detached and leisurely heart, which together constitute my carefree and peaceful life.

I have an appointment with Classics. When this "bookish appointment" began to exude a strong bookish flavor, my "dream of a lady" gradually became clear

Fresh covenant? Lotus Picking Girl

Simple hair buns, simple wooden hairpins, simple clothes, and life that is too simple to be simple, all together depict the image of an ordinary lotus picking woman.

If it were in ancient times, I might be a lotus picking girl. There is no superior talent, no appearance of closing the moon to shame flowers, no superior and luxurious living conditions. Every day, I am accompanied by lotus and shuttle through the lotus pond in a canoe. Fish whispered to me, dragonflies danced for me, and birds sang for me. Such a simple and ordinary life is enough to make me obsessed with it. In the lotus fragrance, I hummed an unknown tune, happily wandering among the flowers, fresh and natural.

I have an appointment with Classical. When the "fresh appointment" is filled with sweet fragrance, my "dream of picking lotus in the south of the Yangtze River" also becomes vaguely visible

An appointment at the end of the world? Chivalrous woman

Casually tie a bun, the green silk like waterfall flutters in the wind, the snow-white clothes, the sword flashing cold light, and together draw the image of a chivalrous woman.

If I were a chivalrous woman in ancient times, I might have been such a chivalrous woman with excellent swordsmanship, hatred of evil, and chivalry. Perhaps on a clear and windy night for a month, I was wielding my sword in a peach blossom forest, and the flowers fluttered down. The sword light in the moonlight flickered. There was no nostalgia or concern, but only the determination to wander around the world and the chivalry to punish evil.

I have an appointment with Classics. When the "Tianya appointment" starts to shine, my "Chivalrous Girl Dream" is close at hand.

Classics are extremely beautiful. I am fascinated by all the ladies, chivalrous women and ordinary lotus picking women. It's still the bun, the ancient zither, the beautiful body, and the melodious sound. The agreement between us just opens little by little, showing more and more true

Between us (14)

The end of one season always leaves a lot of memories and feelings, while the arrival of another season brings people reluctant and longing, just like we are in adolescence, wandering at the threshold of homework and learning, but we can never return to the past dream, leaving only the golden memory.

Another winter passed slowly in the noisy rain, like a paper windmill spinning in childhood. The sky is no longer so wide, as if it would not leave a faint cloud. Dewdrops roam in the dawn, and finally invade the dust, leaving a trace. I don't know when I began to hate eating alone, reading alone, and walking around. I don't know when I got up, there were a few more silhouettes, a few more smiles, and a few honeyed words around me. I don't know when I started to feel warm and angry. Or a little sweet in the sunshine. This may also be called friendship. It is something that cannot be explained clearly, seen through, hidden in the heart, and is not something.

Time is like a wash. Unconsciously, the tree may have another growth ring. Unconsciously, the photos have turned yellow again. Time is getting sparse, and too many things have to be faced. Therefore, joy and dream had to start a tug of war in despair. I clearly remember that I was 15 years old this year.

This year, the volatile acid has made countless sweat, woven into a net, and captured the infinite Milky Way. It blinked its eyes, showed off its brightness, plunged into a dream, and shed a brilliant light on me. It was complicated and confusing. There were barriers everywhere. It lost its direction and could not see the front clearly. It walked alone on the silent avenue, continued to wander, and continued to forget. This time, I'm alone, that's all.

This year, time is like rubber, wiping away a few sweet threads and memories. Everything is surrounded by thick barriers, including friendship. Time and time again, it is not worth since when, I began to like the habit of walking alone, talking alone, watching old movies alone. I don't know when to get up, like it, pretend to smile, pretend to listen to music, pretend to comfort myself. I know that friendship has left me. Suddenly, a little green, a little shy, a little bitter. I understand that time has stretched the distance. The distance between hearts can't be measured, can't be measured, can't be measured, just like a paper plane flying to the clouds, it always lands before the destination. The segment that impressed me became a volume of edited film. It was a pantomime in fog, and I could not see the distance between it and reality. In the past, once

Occasionally when the wind stops, the leaves flying all over the sky will fall irretrievably, and can no longer catch up with the past events that have already disappeared into the depths of the years.

Between us (15)

People say that love is beautiful. The sea is dry and the stone is crumbling. Endless thoughts from the ends of the earth.

I am destined to be a good child. My friend said that I have no love. Does that mean my indifference? Or am I naive and naive?

I don't know whether I should be grateful or pray for myself. What is gained should be lost. Even if I am a good child, I will never fall in love with others, but I am a melancholy child. Sometimes even I am afraid of my sadness. The appearance is very sunny, but in fact, I am very fragile, and have never experienced anything sad, really, but always inexplicably sad.

I was blinded by my appearance. I pretended to live happily and never complained about anything. One day, I deeply saw myself standing under the sadness, and could not fool myself any more. I was a sad child, poor me!

Want to vent, is it cynicism? Hate this abominable reality? In fact, I'm just helpless! Call me ruthless, because I can never trust anyone. However, I totally conceded defeat, and I even told him everything, that very important friend. When I first met him, I didn't hide anything. Maybe it was just an intuition. I didn't hide anything. Gradually, I became more and more dependent on him. I knew that this was not a good thing, but I could not control myself, only to find that I was getting hurt more and more.

Should I thank him? I've really grown up and learned a lot. However, I am a child who doesn't want to grow up. I hate the world after I grow up. There is no quiet in the noisy world. I hate that world, very, no, it's a terrible disease. I like his comfort and his calling me a kid. I, really, regard him as a very important friend, a friend I can't lose. It's important, really important.

Between us (16)

Waving her for a moment, I realized that I was reluctant to part with her, and now I remember her—— Tiannv.

Do you want me to tell you. Do you really want to hug you. Or I hope to accompany you forever. I want to tell you that in my eyes, you are lovely and beautiful. Although I went to see you that day, you have gone with the wind. But I still remember the days when you were here.

It was a happy afternoon, walking on a lawn. She picked a dandelion for me. You said that you would always be friends with me. The dandelion would fly away and float away, but our friendship would always exist. Only the hatred and contradiction between us would be like dandelions, and disappear without a trace. Over there, there are snow-white dandelions in full bloom. What a beautiful piece. I looked at her, and the dandelions set off her smile. She said that she would transfer to another school; I said, I will remember her. She said that she hated me; I said, I don't want her to leave. At last we all cried and cried goodbye. At this time, the wind came, her skirt was blowing, her hair was also waving with the wind, her tears were shining, and the dandelion was behind her, like a beautiful picture of a girl. She really left, although it was reluctant to part, but it was also very helpless. Dandelion is in my hand. It seems that I want to go with her.

Don't send her, for fear of crying again. I just stared at the dandelion being bent by the wind. When I told her that I was reluctant to part with her, I had already existed at the moment when I waved goodbye to her. Sitting beside it, looking at the flower in her hand, her smile and tears appeared in her heart. The friendship between us has been happy and sad. All the scenes were opened and appeared in front of me. Dandelion, you are the agreement between her and me. The agreement is friendship.

Now, it's time for me to think of her, a friend in my heart who is the hardest to give up, the hardest to give up and the most unforgettable.

Between us (17)

On July 6, 1993, at that moment, in that second, I came to this world, and I started my human life. As time went by, my grandparents died one after another, and I began to have a vague sense of life and death when I was still young. As time goes by, I know that people are afraid of death, but I don't think so.

When I was 3 or 4 years old, my father often asked me: "Wenwen, are you afraid of tigers.

Time is still flowing away, and my age is getting older. I began to learn to observe and understand the world. Watching the TV play in which people cry bitterly because of the death of others, I began to fear death, fear of loss, fear that anyone close to me would stay away from me, and I do not want to suffer the pain of loss. But I had to lose, lost again and again, let me cry again and again to find a strong. I know that everyone will have the day to die, and everyone will have the day to lose their favorite person or thing. We can't be immersed in sorrow all day and all year long, and we can't wash our faces with tears all our life. We live between life and death, so we should learn to be relieved of all the people or things that left us, Relieve everything that doesn't belong to us.

Living between life and death, we may be very tired, because we have to bear too much, and some people can't "bear hardship". They chose the path of suicide, ended their lives in the fastest way, and completed their life in the shortest time. But they will never know that it is a kind of happiness to live between life and death. We didn't choose extremes, and didn't just pursue life and death, which proves that we have the courage to bear. In the process of our undertaking, relatives help us, friends help us, society helps us, and the country helps us, which makes us feel the warmth of the world. This has strengthened our determination not to go to extremes.

Living between life and death, we will never be decadent. We will complete the longest road in the shortest time and create the most brilliant life.