Mother is my happiness (5 selected articles)
Green mania is not frivolous
2024-02-26 09:19:36
fifth grade

Mother is my happiness (1)

I am a happy "mother" because I have many cute "daughters", tall models, and little Thumbelina. Some of them love to wear ancient clothes, while others are very fashionable; Some can sing and some can dance.

I especially dote on my precious "daughters". I often change their clothes and comb their hair to make them clean and beautiful. When it is hot, I will change them into beautiful skirts; When it is cold, I will add clothes for them; Before going to bed, I would cover them with quilts for fear that they would get cold and ill.

However, my "mother" is a bit biased. I like the "daughter" wearing ancient clothes best. You can see how handsome she is. Her long black hair, sharp chin, high nose, red cherry mouth, and luxurious cheongsam dress are so elegant. That day, I held her to sleep, but when I got up the next day, I found her missing. I ran to ask my parents, but they said they didn't see me. I was so worried that I searched the room and finally found her under the bed. I must have slept dishonestly last night, squeezing her under the bed. I quickly picked her up and kissed her again and again: "Honey, don't run around next time. You scared" Mom "to death!"

Hehe, seeing here, you must understand that these "babies" are my Barbie dolls. Among them, my mother gave me a birthday gift, and my father gave me a prize for learning progress. Barbie dolls are everywhere in my cabinet, on my desk and beside my pillow!

When encountering unhappy things, just talk to them and listen to their singing, and the troubles will soon disappear. Do you think I am a happy "mother"?

Mother is my happiness (2)

What is happiness? Happiness is a glass of water for the lost in the desert; It is a tent for vagrants on the road; It is a cotton padded jacket in winter; It is the thing that people with tragic fate yearn for.

My happiness is my mother, who gives me life. If the human world is an amusement park, my mother is the one who gives me tickets. Many people have lost their mothers since they were young. I put myself in the shoes and thought, what would I do if I were the one who lost my mother? Then I will let happiness run away from me, and I will live in sorrow. My mother works in other places. I often think that she doesn't care about me and doesn't accompany me much. I think I don't like my mother at all. But every time my mother comes back, it is my happiest time. At that time, happiness comes to me. I thought it was so simple to get happiness. But I didn't dare to think about the scene on the day when my mother returned to other places. I just enjoyed this short and happy time happily. My mother is gone and I have to go back to work. I didn't cry that day. I always wanted to wait for my mother to come back next time. Isn't that a happy time?

And because one of my actions and performances makes my mother feel happy, I will also feel happy.

My mother is my happiness. She gave me happiness, waiting happiness and happiness I got because of her happiness.

Mother is my happiness (3)

What is happiness? Happiness is a glass of water for the lost in the desert; It is a tent for vagrants on the road; It is a cotton padded jacket in winter; It is the thing that people with tragic fate yearn for.

My happiness is my mother, who gives me life. If the human world is an amusement park, my mother is the one who gives me tickets. Many people have lost their mothers since they were young. I put myself in the shoes and thought, what would I do if I were the one who lost my mother? Then I will let happiness run away from me, and I will live in sorrow. My mother works in other places. I often think that she doesn't care about me and doesn't accompany me much. I think I don't like my mother at all. But every time my mother comes back, it is my happiest time. At that time, happiness comes to me. I thought it was so simple to get happiness. But I didn't dare to think about the scene on the day when my mother returned to other places. I just enjoyed this short and happy time happily. My mother is gone and I have to go back to work. I didn't cry that day. I always wanted to wait for my mother to come back next time. Isn't that a happy time?

And because one of my actions and performances makes my mother feel happy, I will also feel happy.

My mother is my happiness. She gave me happiness, waiting happiness and happiness I got because of her happiness.

Happiness is all around us. It's so simple to experience everything around us.

Grade 6: yk?

Mother is my happiness (4)

What is happiness? In a thousand eyes, there will be a thousand definitions of happiness. It's happiness to eat a mouthful of ice cream in hot summer; Drinking a cup of warm tea in cold winter is also happiness; It is also happiness to be able to do what you like.

Like ordinary people, I have a mother who is ordinary.

My mother is a nagging person, no matter big or small, her own affairs, right or wrong. Always like to say something.. But I really don't like her "advantages".

However, my mother is also lovely sometimes. She always silently pays a lot for this family. Although I'm a bit loquacious, I may not be so efficient if I am asked to do the work she has done. It may not be able to do things as beautiful as my mother.

Although my mother is a nagging person, she is still a "strong woman" in my heart. She has to go to work, do housework and learn more from me. Moreover, everything is dutiful. Now, my mother's body is a little unbearable, so the problem of eating in our family becomes that my mother cooks and my father washes dishes. Dad cooks and Mom washes the dishes. This depends on who gets off work early. I'm responsible for eating. And I know that my mother has a lot to do

When she went to school in spring, she nagged that she had to put an umbrella in her schoolbag; When swimming in summer, I always wait for me and then pull me to drop eyedrops; In autumn outings, he always nags about forgetting the satronko in his backpack; In winter nights, I always cover my quilt at midnight.

Because of her, it rained heavily after school, and I had an umbrella in my hand; Because of her, after swimming, she has no problem with pinkeye; Because she handled the wound in time during the autumn outing; Because of her, she didn't catch cold at night.

My mother always scolded me, although she could not understand some things. Although I have suffered many wrongs. But one thing, no one can deny

For me, my mother's nagging is a kind of happiness. At least, when I wrote this article, I still thought that way.

Mother is my happiness (5)

The wind in May brings catkins all over the sky. Gently touch my face, always restraining the gentle green.

Time is like quicksand, and the thoughts in my heart grow slowly, which is also a green shade. The difference is that everything is sparse. From afar, the wicker still dances in the wind, weaving her spring. Can not help sobbing, that is love, that is my love, that is a piece of dawn held by my mother with both hands!

My birth was originally a mistake. I am a girl, and I am not worth cherishing. You dragged me back from the edge of life and death. At that time, I held your hand tightly?? Mom, do you know? You are the first person I saw when I came to this world. You are so gentle. The first kiss you gave me first, I held it tightly in my heart. I'm afraid that one day you will not want me, then I really don't think there is any temperature in the world?? It is as cold as death!

Mom, please forgive my ignorance. I don't know. When you left me beside you, you were struggling in the darkness. You were already powerless?? But?? You still have tears, smiles, and the embrace of light catkins. You always look at me so kindly, how I am greedily enjoying your love and growing day by day. And you, the wind in May raised your white hair, and your eyes gradually faded. Fortunately, time can not erase your gentleness, your smile, your faint embrace of catkins, and your love for me??

Mom, looking at the way you work for me, my heart hurts, really hurts??

Mom, I love you! I would rather hide in a dark corner than let my pursuit dim your brilliance. But I can't, really can't??

Last Mother's Day, I sent you my most precious thing~a conch. It's not big, but it makes me warm. Like, every time you touch. Your face is just happy. Yes, Mom. Let me tell you a secret: when you put the conch in my ear, I heard the voice of "Time", and he said to me, "You should love your mother well, love her for a lifetime?"

I will, I will. Because you are the sunshine of my life!

You have accompanied me to see the dusk and the sunrise. When the sunset shines on your face, you cry and hold me tightly. You want me to study hard and grow well. You said you could not give me too much happiness in your life, and I must be happy forever when I grow up.

I also cried, I just held your hand tightly, like holding happiness??

Mom, I can't repay your love. This Mother's Day, I give you a beautiful notebook. That notebook was awarded to me by the school. As you know, my face is full of pride and brilliance. In recent years, you are the only one here. How beautiful!

Mom, I hope you can use this notebook to write down everything about you and me. Love is what you pay, you must know more than I do. When I am old and young, I will open this notebook and shed your tears??

Si Xuejin, Junior One of Aoxi Town No. 2 Middle School