Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (9 Collections)
Youth is the most precious
2024-04-21 06:23:48

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (1)

I have seen the magnificent sea, climbed the steep and precipitous Song Mountain, and visited the beautiful Chongdu Ditch... Among them, the Baiyun Mountain I visited in summer vacation is my favorite.

When I arrived at Baiyun Mountain, I was shocked by the woods: there was a kind of fragrant smell of soil mixed in the 10000 mu oxygen bar. I took a deep breath. How beautiful it is! I heard the singing of birds, saw the boundless forest, smelled the taste of nature... I felt that I had entered a natural botanical garden!

One of Baiyun Mountain Music

We walked for more than half an hour to get ready for the first scenic spot - Jiulong Waterfall. We walked on the forest path, surrounded by clear rivers flowing, so comfortable! Soon, we saw the Qinglong Waterfall and the White Dragon Waterfall. They were like two giant dragons, rushing down into the water, forming two magnificent waterfalls; They also like two good friends, inseparable from the water play. After walking for nearly two hours, we arrived at Kowloon Waterfall. At this time, my eyes were blinded by the water vapor in the air. Suddenly, the sky broke down and the world seemed to have disappeared. Only I and the "dragon" were playing. It was really "flying down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way might fall nine days"!

Baiyun Mountain Music II

After visiting the 10000 mu oxygen bar and Jiulong Waterfall, we began to climb the highest peak of Baiyun Mountain - Yuhuangding. Start climbing! I shut everything out and began to climb the 2216m high Jade Emperor Summit in Shanghai. I ran up the hill like a cheetah with a whoosh. After running for a while, I was a little tired. After walking forward for a few minutes, I suddenly saw a big stone like a bathtub, which was full of water. After inquiring, I knew that this was the famous Jade Emperor Pool. It was said that this was the place where the emperor took a bath. It was really interesting! After waiting more than half an hour, Mom and Dad climbed up. I went on walking again. In a moment, I saw a section of stone stairs, with all the steps in the middle. This is the Qingyun Ladder. I took a breath and increased my horsepower to rush up. It took me more than two hours to climb to the Jade Emperor Summit. This mountain is higher than other mountains. It's really "will be the top of the mountain, and all the mountains are small"!

On the way home, I thought: How important the environment is! If there is no water, the earth will be a desert... Let us fully protect nature every day and experience nature!

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (2)

The clouds are floating in the sky, and I'm looking on the ground. I sat idly in a chair, doing nothing.

Just then, I learned a good news - our family will go to Baiyun Mountain with my father's colleagues.

It took us a full hour to get to Baiyun Mountain by car. Looking at Baiyun Mountain from a distance, it is just like its name, with white clouds floating on its head.

We first came to a place that looked like an ancient palace, where the trees were orderly arranged, and the branches of the trees were swinging forward like women's hair when the breeze blew gently. The houses are so old and mysterious.

Further on, we came to a rest station full of tall pillars. In front of the rest station, there were rows of buses. Here, you can see the top of Baiyun Mountain, which is surrounded by clouds.

After a short rest, we went up the mountain by bus. Along the way, the bus was shaking and bumping. After a while, we got off near the top of the mountain. Where is a pavilion? It's very ancient. Although we haven't reached the top of the mountain yet, from here, we can see the abyss. There is also a gurgling river below. We walked down the hill by a long string of stone stairs.

On the way down the mountain, there are many sceneries that make me linger. Two of them are deeply engraved in my mind. They are a cave and a sword stone.

I don't remember the name of that cave. But the scenery is still fresh in my memory. We came to the cave. It was dark inside, and we could not see anything except a ray of light and sound of running water on the right.

The closer you go to the sound direction, the louder the sound of flowing water. When I came to the sound source, I was shocked! The four walls here are surrounded by mountains, and overhead is a large blue sky. On the mountain in front, a lot of water flowed down, forming a big waterfall, which rushed to the big rock below and made a "whoosh" sound. Mother could not help exclaiming, "Wow! How beautiful!"

Later, we came to a place surrounded by green mountains and clear water. There are many huge stones in the middle, one of which is as famous as a sword. The water flows down from the stone wall behind to form a clear river, which is beautiful!

As the sun sets, the sky is red with red clouds. The white clouds are floating in the sky. I can't stop looking back at them at the foot of the mountain. I have infinite joy and remembrance in my heart.

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (3)

It was a sunny and sunny Sunday. My family went to visit Baiyun Mountain. I was very happy.

When I came to Baiyun Mountain, the first thing I saw was the beautiful Yuntai Garden. Yuntai Garden has a large and conspicuous fountain. This big fountain has three layers. Water flows from the top layer to the bottom layer by layer. Look, there is a small spring beside the big one! These two springs are like two lovely mushrooms and two delicate flowers. These three fountains, running day and night, seem to tell us something. Behind these fountains is a fish pond in which countless koi are kept. There are many colors of these koi: black, red, white, yellow... These scales of different colors shine in the sun, like wearing fairy clothes.

After visiting the Yuntai Garden, we boarded the Baiyun Cableway, the route to the mountain by cable car. I just got on the cable car, and I felt as if I was going to fly -- the cable car went up with the cableway! We looked out of the window and saw verdant trees nearby, cicadas chirping and birds chirping; In the distance, the peaks rise and fall in layers, just like a fairyland. Look. The woods over there are green, purple, yellow and red. Several colors combine to form a unique landscape painting. To ask why it has so many colors, the reason is simple: green, is the general trees; Purple is the top leaf of some trees; Yellow is the plane tree with palm like leaves; The red one is the kapok tree that has bloomed

After a while, the cable car arrived at the station. We got off the bus and walked a long way to Moxing Ridge. There is a small open space in Moxing Ridge. There is a flower bed beside the open space. There are many kinds of flowers in the flower bed, including red roses, pure white orchids, and pink peach flowers. They are as red as fire.

Pink like rosy clouds, yellow like gold, white like snow... It's really dazzling. The flowers in this garden are not only of many colors and varieties, but also of many postures: some are in groups, some are alone, some are graceful, some are in bud... It seems to be a moving story.

The breath of spring came, and she sprinkled the whole Baiyun Mountain. I sincerely wish that Baiyun Mountain will become more and more beautiful!

We drove down the mountain and reluctantly left.

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (4)

It was not easy to have a summer vacation. In the morning, when I was still in sweet sleep, my father pulled me out of the bed. I rubbed my eyes and reluctantly got on the bus. We started to move towards Baiyun Mountain.

My father drove to the foot of Baiyun Mountain, and I woke up from sleep. Looking up, I saw clouds around the top of the mountain, a huge stone looming in the clouds, and several big trees standing on the top of Baiyun Mountain, just like the sentries of Baiyun Mountain standing guard for it.

Because Baiyun Mountain is a wild mountain and there is no way out, we had to take things and walk into the deep mountain.

I saw a lot of birds and flowers along the way, so I ran a few steps east and west, and soon lost contact with the army. I simply did not chase them, but more carefully observed the roadside flowers. At this time, I found a new kind of flower, whose flowers are about the size of soybeans, and the white hugs give off a faint fragrance. I was so excited that I used a hairpin to pin the beautiful flower on my head. At this time, my father's roar of the lion from Hedong came. I ran to Hedong and explained as I ran: "One roar of the lion from Hedong makes my daughter tremble three times. My father laughed because of misery and misery.".

As we continued to move forward, a steep slope appeared in front of me. I held a small tree in my hands and climbed up the steep slope. Just as I wanted to put out my hands to pose a successful pair of scissors, my eyes stared at the rows of small trees. They all stood on the edge of the cliff obliquely, but still tall and straight. My father said it was a small tree. In order to adapt to the living environment, it was time for lunch, All the adults started to build and cook, and I also ran out to play. This was the scene I was shocked by: grass, verdant flowers blooming, rivers trickling through, a small jujube tree standing on the side with a green little wild jujube. I was both surprised and pleased. I immediately picked one and put it into my mouth without washing it. My God, it's really sour! I picked some for mischief and prepared to give them a taste. I carefully washed them in the river and took them back to the camp. I was happy to say to them, "Come and taste. Come and taste. It's delicious.". Each of them ate one and looked at the ferocious expression on their faces, which made me laugh.

After lunch, we began to walk back, but everyone turned back again and again.

This is the beautiful Baiyun Mountain, which is unforgettable to me!

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (5)

Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to Baiyun Mountain in Luoyang.

My trip to Baiyun Mountain was really unforgettable.

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain is located in the hinterland of Funiu Mountain, the World Geopark in the south of Song County, Luoyang City, Henan Province. Baiyun Mountain is located in the transition zone between warm temperate zone and northern subtropical zone, with an average altitude of 1800 meters. The highest temperature in summer is not more than 26 ℃, and there are abundant animal and plant resources. It is a national forest park, a national nature reserve, a national 5A tourist attraction, and one of the top ten leisure resorts in China. It is known as "fairyland on earth" and "famous mountains in the Central Plains".

The scenery of Baiyun Mountain is really beautiful! The rolling mountains are really like beautiful pictures, which make people linger and forget to return.

Baiyun Mountain is really dangerous! We went halfway up the mountain by bus along the winding and narrow mountain road. As we walked, there was a bus across from us. When the two buses run opposite each other, they miss each other. The distance between the two cars is less than 15cm. When I sat by the window and walked along the extension, my heart was beating. I held the back of the chair in front of me and didn't dare to move at all.

Baiyun Mountain is so high! The average altitude of Baiyun Mountain is 1800 meters. When my mother and I climbed to the top of the mountain, it was like being among the white clouds. Looking into the distance, it was all white, and nothing could be seen. Being in the "white clouds" is like being in a fairyland, which makes people can't help taking more photos as souvenirs.

How beautiful Baiyun Mountain is! The rolling mountains, the clear streams, the cheerful tadpoles and fish swim in the water. Cheerful people shuttled back and forth in the stream. The quiet stream became lively in the footsteps of cheerful people. My mother and I had a water fight in the stream, and we all had fun.

The beautiful scenery always makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the beautiful scenery always makes people feel comfortable. It's really my most unforgettable trip!

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (6)

Baiyun Mountain, I believe many students have been there and all know the scenery there. Can you describe the characteristics of Baiyun Mountain in detail and vividly? Next, let me take you to "enjoy" Baiyun Mountain, a scenic spot in Guangzhou!

I remember one time, the three of us came to the Taiwan Garden in Guangzhou, the starting point of Baiyun Mountain Cableway, and took the sightseeing cable car up the mountain. Just out of the cable station, I saw birds singing and flowers fragrant under the cable car, green trees and thick shade. Let me become a free and unrestrained pony on the grassland, and a butterfly dancing in the flowers. Feel like the life gestated by nature. Back to reality, I saw rows of neat, green trees standing on Baiyun Mountain. They are like green environmental protection guards and soldiers against sandstorms. They stand here firmly day and night, never saying a word of complaint. When I came to the mountain, I saw the pavilions, just like the places where ancient people live in paintings and books, which made people feel unprecedented warmth and happiness.

As time goes by, we climb up step by step. It was already noon when we climbed to Zhongfeng. The hot sun mercilessly scattered the heat to the earth. I was already sweating and panting. But in order to reach the top of the mountain and enjoy the charming scenery, my unyielding courage burst out and we began to climb the mountain again.

When I came to the peak of Baiyun Mountain, I saw many people taking group photos at the peak. The beautiful city of Guangzhou is in sight, with tall buildings standing on the land of Guangzhou. On a grotesque boulder next to me, the workers engraved: "Baiyun Mountain, 254 kilometers above sea level." This is the best "decoration" on the top of Baiyun Mountain. On the stone pillar beside the huge stone, there are exquisite and beautiful bronze keys, which seems to hide strange meanings.

Has everyone understood Baiyun Mountain? I love not only farms and museums, but also Baiyun Mountain. Because Baiyun Mountain is a "wonder" in my heart.

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (7)

Today, my mother and I went to Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou with a tour group.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, my mother and I gathered at the gate of Qinyuan Middle School just before dawn. The street was very quiet. As we approached the school gate, a voice came faintly. It turned out that several aunts were waiting there. Mom also joined the chatting team excitedly, and I played happily with several children. At six o'clock sharp, everyone arrived and we started.

Three hours later, we arrived at the first stop - Baiyun Mountain Forest Oxygen Bar. Here are all primitive forests, with luxuriant trees and fresh air, making people feel very comfortable. There is also a lake in the forest, and there is an island in the center of the lake. Several children and I walked to the island on the raised stones in the water. The clear water of the lake reflects the lush forests, which really has a primitive flavor.

After breathing the fresh air for an hour, we returned to the car and drove to the Kowloon Waterfall. The road spirals up around the mountain, with a ravine on one side. There are more than 300 turns in the whole journey. The car turns left and right, which makes people dizzy. Every time it turns, a scream comes out from the car. When we finally arrived at the parking lot of the winding mountain, the guide told us: "Now we have to go down 3333 steps to get to the Kowloon Waterfall at an altitude of 1470 meters." I was shocked. But we couldn't do without walking. My mother and I helped each other. We walked down carefully step by step. The steep steps made our leg muscles excessively tense. When we got to the rest platform, my mother and I could not help shaking our legs. Finally, I saw a waterfall flowing down the mountain. I thought it was Jiulong Waterfall, but the guide said, "This is just a small waterfall, called Qinglong Waterfall. Jiulong Waterfall is much bigger than it."

I had to summon up my energy and walk down until my legs could not move. Wow! Kowloon Waterfall is really spectacular! It flew down from a height of 103 meters and plunged into the pool like dragons, making a deafening noise. I think this is the scene described in Li Bai's poem "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days". A breeze blew, and the water splashed everywhere, like rain. It was very beautiful.

Time flies. It's time to go home. We reluctantly left this beautiful place.

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (8)

As the saying goes, "Baiyun Mountain is the best in the world". This summer, my father took me to visit Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou.

At about 6:30 in the morning, my father called me up early, and I got up vaguely. After washing, I took my father's car to Baiyun Mountain. A few hours later, Baiyun Mountain is here. We first went to the "Forest Oxygen Bar" to breathe the flavor of nature. There are several fast flowing rivers, and there are many large and small stones on the river. My father smiled and said to me, "Dare you?" I replied, "Of course!" So timid I followed my father from one stone to another and from that stone to another... Oh, yes. Wow, there are waterfalls under the lake! I can't help but think of a poem by Li Bai: "The Milky Way is flying down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling nine days." We paddled deep and felt a trace of coolness, so we paddled back······

We climbed to the mountain of "Jiulong Waterfall" again. After climbing for a long time, we finally saw the "Jiulong Waterfall"! There is a big stone on the Kowloon Waterfall. The big stone is divided into nine water sources, which are really fascinating.

After watching Jiulong Waterfall, I will take the cableway, otherwise I will be exhausted if I go down again. We jumped into a blue cableway and slowly ascended. I looked down and saw that there were trees below, which made my father and I sweat because we were afraid of heights······

When we got off the cableway, we were walking around when we noticed an old man. He walked over and saw that he was a painter. His paintings are really exquisite, as if the scenery and reality he painted are carved out of the same mold! Listen to him, those who paint are somewhere in France. A man shouted, "I've seen this place on TV. It's really like a picture!"

It's time to go home. Sitting in the car, I feel really tired. I want to sleep with my eyes closed, but Baiyun Mountain always comes to my mind······

Travel Notes of Baiyun Mountain 600 (9)

As the saying goes, "Baiyun Mountain is the best in the world". This summer, my father took me to visit Baiyun Mountain.

At about 6:30 in the morning, my father called me up early, and I got up vaguely. After washing, I took my father's car to Baiyun Mountain. A few hours later, Baiyun Mountain is here. We first went to the "Forest Oxygen Bar" to breathe the flavor of nature. There are several fast flowing rivers, and there are many large and small stones on the river. My father smiled and said to me, "Dare you?" I replied, "Of course!" So timid I followed my father from one stone to another and from that stone to another... Oh, yes. Wow, there are waterfalls under the lake! I can't help but think of a poem by Li Bai: "The Milky Way is flying down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling nine days." We paddled deep and felt a trace of coolness, so we paddled back······

We climbed to the mountain of "Jiulong Waterfall" again. After climbing for a long time, we finally saw the "Jiulong Waterfall"! There is a big stone on the Kowloon Waterfall. The big stone is divided into nine water sources, which are really fascinating.

After watching Jiulong Waterfall, I will take the cableway, otherwise I will be exhausted if I go down again. We jumped into a blue cableway and slowly ascended. I looked down and saw that there were trees below, which made my father and I sweat because we were afraid of heights······

When we got off the cableway, we were walking around when we noticed an old man. He walked over and saw that he was a painter. His paintings are really exquisite, as if the scenery and reality he painted are carved out of the same mold! Listen to him, those who paint are somewhere in France. A man shouted, "I've seen this place on TV. It's really like a picture!"

It's time to go home. Sitting in the car, I feel really tired. I want to sleep with my eyes closed, but Baiyun Mountain always comes to my mind······