Running and Growing (18 pieces recommended)
Thinking alone in the snow
2023-12-11 02:30:07
junior middle school

Run and grow (1)

Some people say that life is like a 100 meter race. Whoever reaches the end first is the winner. But I think life is more like a stop and go journey around the world on foot. People will meet the Sahara, Bermuda, and even the black hole vortex. Few people can defeat them and reach the end, but that doesn't mean we can give up and stop running.

Because people can live a lifetime without success but without growth.

It is indomitable to insist on running. Once, there was a black boy who represented his country in the Olympic Marathon for the first time. The boy kept ahead of the game. But something unexpected happened. A bottle suddenly fell from the sky and hit his instep. He fell down heavily. Looking at the figures of the players around him, he felt that he was retreating rapidly, and his dream of winning the championship was dashed. But he knew that he could not give up. He had a mother country, and he could not humiliate her! So he struggled to prop up his body and stagger toward the end. But later, he fell to the ground again, but he still did not stop. He scratched the ground with his nails and supported his body. Climb forward. Finally, he reached the finish line and left more than 100 meters of blood on the field and could never stand up. But he also became the eternal champion in people's hearts at that time and now.

It is unyielding to insist on running. Stephen Hawking, I believe everyone is familiar with him. As a scientist, his outstanding achievements are well known to everyone. As a patient, his pain is beyond our imagination. At the age of 21, Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The doctor even asserted that his remaining life was less than two years. Under the pressure of Mount Tai, Hawking did not succumb to the disease. He chose to stick to it. When his body is deformed, he moves with the help of a wheelchair; Unable to speak, he uses facial muscle movement to transform information; When it was difficult to write, he invented an alternative visual method. He continued his scientific research under the condition of slowly deteriorating health and enduring great pain. Now, at the age of 74, he has become what people call "the king of the universe"

Running is a kind of confidence. Edison believed that he could light up the world, so he insisted on experiments when facing thousands of failures, and finally brought lights into thousands of households; Ma Yun firmly believes that he can make a fortune, so he insisted on working hard when facing numerous times of hitting the rocks, and finally brought wealth into his own pocket; Sun Kang firmly believed that he could stand out, so he still read in the snow when facing the darkness of the night, and eventually spread his reputation through the ages.

There is no such thing as a smooth life. The Creator always creates troubles and frustrations for us. We cannot resist the Creator, but we can resist ourselves. Although persisting in running may not be successful, but compared with the original self, there will always be some growth.

Just remember that running slowly is better than lying still.

Run and grow (2)

Everyone will encounter many difficulties on the road of growth, blocking the pace of progress! Although I didn't really overcome all the difficulties, I knew I was working hard.

In junior high school, everything is unknown. The strict or gentle teachers are waiting for me.

"Tink, Tink, Tink" I put my hand out of the bed and felt it on the table. "Click" and I will turn off the alarm clock.

Reluctantly, he climbed out of the bed and rubbed his eyes to wash.

"Eh, where did you get the bicycle?"

oh My father should have bought it and put it in the corridor of the living room. A few days ago, I talked to my mother about buying a bike to let me ride to school by myself, and today the plot succeeded.

Fortunately, I moved to a new house, which is not too far from the school. Besides, this car is not bad. It's cool. I will be very handsome on it!

But as soon as I got on the bus, I knew I had been cheated. The cold wind kept blowing to me, and I began to shiver. Anyway, it's not far away. I have to stick to it for about ten minutes. I comfort myself.

Outside the community gate, there is a bridge not far away. On the bridge is a very long slope. I pedal my bike hard and think: joke! Can this difficulty hold me back?

I gasped for breath and pushed hard, but the harder I pushed upward, my legs began to get sore. No way, it's uphill! I lifted my butt so that my weight could be concentrated on my feet. When my right foot steps down, my body leans to the right; When my left foot stepped down, I left my body. This method was really good. The wheel that I had expected to stop was slowly tilting towards the top of the slope.

My back was a little hot, and my face must be red, because I felt the blood rushing into my head. But a trace of cool, fell on the left face; Another trace, cool, not big, but obviously, is it raining? As expected, raindrops were trapped in the wind and hit me in the face.

When he finally got to the top of the slope, it began to rain heavily, and the wind was his accomplice, which also became more rampant. He hit him straightly, and his frustrated face began to tingle numbly.

Is this God deliberately joking with me? Get your raincoat out! But forget it. It's too troublesome. It's almost there anyway.

And when it goes downhill, I don't need to use any force at all, just slightly adjust the "dragon head", which really makes me feel comfortable.

The entanglement about the raincoat also disappeared, but the wind and rain did not have a trace of guilt because of my concession. Down the slope facing the wind, the rain seems to be more cunning. It keeps drilling into my neck, right at my throat. They condense into drops of water, and then converge into water, which tickles my chest.

I was totally defeated and began to curse God; Blame my parents for letting me ride by myself.

Before becoming a drowned rat, I took out my raincoat from my schoolbag. The schoolbag was on the back seat of the car, and I tore at my disobedient raincoat. I put my head into the hole where my arm was stuck, and my arm became angry. I threw it hard, and my bag fell into the puddle covered with dust and rain. The sewage quickly occupied the books in the schoolbag. I picked her up, put her on my chest, and wrapped the schoolbag in my raincoat.

As for me, what can I do when I return to "drowned chicken"?

When I got to the school gate, my face was covered with water. Tears are definitely traitors. I agreed with him not to run out, but he ran stubbornly. Fortunately, with rain as a cover, I'm not embarrassed.

I know today's way to school is just a small step in life. It is a way for me to gradually learn to be independent, learn to bear, and learn to climb up in failure.

On the way to growth, run!

Run and grow (3)

On Wednesday, we were preparing for the physical education exam. This exam was recorded in the total score and ranked, so everyone attached great importance to it.

In the morning, when doing exercises between classes before PE classes, everyone said they were nervous. Naturally, I was no exception, even more than ten times nervous than before.

We walked slowly into the playground of No. 2 Middle School and waited. At the command of the teacher, everyone rushed away like a runaway wild horse.

At the beginning, I was very energetic, but I was very tired after running for a circle, but I still wanted to run fast, but my legs were weak, so I didn't think I had slowed down. Later, I took two steps.

Unexpectedly, after a few steps, I went to the back. At this time, I realized the seriousness of the problem and tried my best to catch up with the people in front. But it was too late, and I had already fallen behind others, so I had to try my best to recover. The result, conceivably, was not ideal, very not ideal. I was very regretful, but what's the use of remorse? The result is a foregone conclusion.

Success is achieved through step by step exploration and hard work. A little relaxation. All efforts are useless, and even if there are achievements, they are not ideal.

Failure is the mother of success. After this exam, I grew up.

Success is accumulated over time. It is like the result of a long time of effort. So we can say that the importance of process is far greater than the importance of results.

There are still running students on the playground of No. 2 Middle School, and I sincerely hope that they can experience the process of hard work.

Run and grow (4)

When the word "growth" is mentioned, a hundred people will have a hundred views: some people say that it is a vision and expectation of the future; Some people say it is a climb to the peak of success; Some people also say that it is the unlimited optimism of sunflowers that will always rise in the sun. But I think "growth" means a kind of experience, a kind of perception, a kind of transformation.

Learning - Pursuing Dreams

As a student, who doesn't expect a better tomorrow? For the sake of the paradise in my heart, I have left many cold window nights with thick reference books. A lot of abstruse calculation questions stood in front of me, hard to remember English words stood at my feet, and complex classical Chinese articles stood in front of me... In the face of the teacher's earnest instructions, my parents were so attentive that I couldn't bear to see the blood red low score test papers... I realized that I had to work hard! I know that "there is no end to learning, but hard work." Only hard work can lead to success. So I calmed down and solved problems bit by bit; Lower your head and recite the words one by one silently; Open the book and translate ancient Chinese word for word.

As for "learning", I learned that today's efforts are all for tomorrow's beauty. You can't choose comfort in the time of hardship. Therefore, I chose to struggle.

Labor -- Understanding Life

That day, in my uncle's shop, I suddenly became interested in selling hydrogen balloons. So I took a bunch of hydrogen balloons and set out for the market with confidence. In the crowded crowd, I seem to be the most eye-catching person. Everyone who passes by me will look at me, which makes me feel hot in the face when I have never sold anything in the market, but I will be fine if I get used to it. Soon, a handsome uncle bought the six most expensive hydrogen balloons without even asking the price. When the first sum of money was put into my pocket, I felt inexpressible joy and excitement. Then, the business became more and more smooth. Every time I saw children, I would specially let them see hydrogen balloons, and the children would be hit. Unconsciously, it was almost noon, and the foul smell of sweat was getting stronger and stronger in the crowded crowd. Look at my hands, there are only three hydrogen balloons left. I said to myself, "If I can bear it any longer, it will be sold out soon." Soon, an aunt came to buy it, but she felt it was too expensive. I thought to myself: Forget it, sell it to her for 20 yuan, and then go home. After finishing the task, I bought a glass of juice on my way home and had a drink. It was a wonderful feeling.

As for "labor", I have learned that only by giving willingly can we taste the sweet fruit.

Friendship - the truth is priceless

In my class, I have a very good friend. We quarreled bitterly over a good stool. From that day on, we changed from friends to enemies. Everywhere against each other, no one is at ease. Finally one day, I tried to use "truth" to resolve this contradiction. I stopped arguing with him, but chose to be patient and give her the good stool. We had a peaceful conversation, and the contradiction between us was solved accordingly.

As for "friendship", I have learned that how you treat others, others will naturally treat you in the same way. More tolerance, less care, the truth will stay forever.

After all the challenges on the way to growth, I seem to have grown a lot. But I know that there is no end in the way of growth, only struggle, only hard work, the road of growth will be farther and farther, more and more broad.

Run and grow (5)

In this day when the breeze blows, I think of that long run again, that winter long run full of challenges. Perhaps, growth is like this. The road of growth is full of ups and downs. Let's run on the road of growth. Only by courageously rushing forward can we reach the end of success.

On that breezy day, we welcomed our first winter long-distance race since the beginning of school. My classmates and I were very afraid and nervous. We stood quietly on the runway. "Run and walk in place - run and walk!" With the teacher's command, all our teachers and students moved. I was very nervous at the beginning, and I ran out of energy after a circle. Only half of the race is completed every two laps. My belief in finishing the whole race is a bit shaken. I think I may be as thin as a piece of paper at this time.

After finishing the second lap, my legs began to fight slightly, my shoelaces were loosened, and a carnival party was held on my shoes. My strength has been squeezed to a little, but I have been squeezed to the point where I can hardly breathe. My heart pounded, making me dizzy, and my heart was full of bitterness. I asked myself, "Can I finish the whole race? I still have several laps to run! I don't want to run any more, I..." At this time, I saw that all my classmates were clenching their teeth, and no one left the team. I suddenly thought, "No, I can't give up. If I don't run, I will drag the class back, and I will blacken the class!" I tried to take a few deep breaths, Keep running forward with heavy legs.

Although it was just a breeze at this time, I felt that people were tottering. Time seemed to have stopped, but my strength was still being consumed. I gasped and ran slowly with my exhausted body. "Come on!" At this time, the next student patted me and encouraged me. These two simple words give me great encouragement. Why can't I work harder when others can? "Come on!" I said to her with a smile.

soon! The end is coming! At this time, I was sweating heavily. I feel like an aging machine, as if it will turn into a pile of scrap iron at any time. I managed to reach the end and took a few deep breaths. I insist! I am unbelievable myself, but I feel very relaxed. I feel a great sense of achievement. The wind is blowing slightly, and the vegetation looks fresh. I feel refreshed.

Growth is like a long-distance race! The road of growth inevitably has twists and turns, there are twists and turns, run on the road of growth! No matter how many hardships, no matter how difficult, as long as you have the determination to succeed, as long as you persist, you will move towards the end of success!

Run and grow (6)

On the road, we always experience one obstacle after another. As long as we run hard against the sun, life will open a gorgeous door for you.

In the second grade of primary school, I was introduced to football for the first time by my classmates. At that time, I only practiced once a few weeks, not like now, I have to train twice a week, and it is still high intensity. At that time, I didn't think of football as a hobby. On the court, I like the feeling of running hard and attacking hard in the sun and wind and rain, which is a dream pursued by a man. In the fourth grade, my parents also thought I played well and seemed to have a little talent, so they fully supported me to join the football team and do what I like. With the continuous efforts in the club, I finally entered the school team smoothly. For me, this is a matter worth showing off!

When I first joined the school team, my teacher arranged me and my peers on the bench to watch the game. To tell the truth, I am still a little reluctant, but I have to bear it, because this is a process that every new player must go through. Watching the players galloping on the court, each of them looked like a powerful little lion. The smart attack, containment, and passing made our feet itch. I really wanted to rush forward and play a game.

With the group of senior players in Grade 5 entering junior high school, we also entered Grade 5. What awaits us will be an exciting game. In winter and summer vacation, we had weekly training, which made us very happy. The whole fifth grade holiday was spent in the company of football. Although I have experienced the baptism of sweat again and again, I still feel that I still have more than enough to remember those years when I ran in the sun.

When we entered junior high school, our study became more and more tight, and we even wanted to give up football for some time. However, with the dissuasion of my parents, classmates and teachers, I still chose football, and it was also a special pressure training class. At the beginning, my skills were not very good. In the summer vacation, I worked hard with Coach Zhang to learn the technical essentials and gradually found a sense of self-confidence. In the first game on behalf of the club, I served as the central defender. Although I only won the seventh place, I was still highly recognized by Coach Zhang and the department manager. When I stepped down from the field, I saw that they gave me a thumbs up and shouted: "Han Jiahao, good job!" At that moment, I felt that all the hard running and sweat were worth it!

Now I have been honed by the coach into a strong left back and won the first place in the National Day game. My mother sent the news of my award to her circle of friends, and received a great deal of praise and click through rate. Even my third uncle, who never likes me at ordinary times, praised me. My aunt also called me the pride of the family.

Just like life, on the way of growth, we should always keep the posture of running forward. Only when we cross one ridge after another, can we enjoy more beautiful scenery. Are you ready?

Run and grow (7)

Today I am more sensible than yesterday, this year I am much taller than last year, and now I am more mature than before... We are growing every day.

Every winter, we have to run in the morning for four laps, which makes many long-distance runners pant, not to mention me, a weak girl who doesn't exercise at ordinary times.

I always remember that morning run. At the beginning of the morning run, I ran very easily, but just a few meters after the second lap, my breathing became more and more urgent, and I wanted to stop. However, if I stop, the people behind me will also stop, and the order of the whole class will be disordered. I can't just care about myself and ignore the collective. No, I can't be so selfish! Thinking about it, my breath seemed to be more stable, so I continued to run along with the people in front.

When I finished the second lap, my feet had become heavier and heavier, as if they were filled with lead. Every step I ran seemed to fall down, which was extremely uncomfortable. I looked around and saw the grass on both sides of the playground waving their hands, cheering for me; The north wind is whistling, shouting for me; The fallen leaves are rolling on the ground with the wind, running with me... accompanied by them, I gritted my teeth and insisted

At the end of the third lap, it seemed that several small bees were running into my head and kept making a "buzzing" sound. I really wanted to stop. At this time, a voice came from behind me, "Come on! Run, there is only one lap left!". This is Xu Ruofan encouraging me! All of a sudden, I was full of strength, and my speed was a little faster. I quickly caught up with the students in front and ran with the team. Unconsciously, we finished the last lap and went upstairs in line.

Standing on the balcony of the classroom, I looked at the long runway and thought: Isn't our path of growth like this long runway? With the encouragement of our friends and our own continuous efforts, we have gone through the tests of life, from childishness to maturity, from weakness to strength, from failure to success, and finally made our dreams come true

Run and grow (8)

When I was young, I often sat on the balcony with my grandfather, listening to his stories in the wind.

The hometown of childhood is so beautiful. Under the tree, the children were dancing and shouting, playing and fighting, the old people were playing chess and discussing chess around the chessboard, the cicadas were singing small tunes on the tree, and various unknown insects were playing the music of one after another... What a poetic picture it was! Just in a blink of an eye, it's over.

My dream when I was young was to be a pianist, but maybe I didn't have talent. I didn't learn the piano after 2 months. My father wanted to help me find a teacher in my hometown after many twists and turns, but there were few good teachers, and I couldn't find them after all, so I was very discouraged. During that time, I don't remember how many tears I shed in a day. Maybe my piano dream will be broken until my grandfather picked up the music score.

Grandfather had access to the piano when he was young, which is rare at their age. Although he hadn't touched the piano for a long time, Grandpa still tried to mobilize his memory. Day by day, my grandfather tirelessly led me to run on the road of piano dream, and many sweet "DOREMI" constantly floated out of my room - gradually, I learned one piano song after another.

Later, my grandfather firmly believed that I should not build cars behind closed doors, which would only stagnate. I should go to big cities to learn from experienced teachers. So, at the age of 7, I left my hometown to go to school in the city, and the distance between me and my grandpa has become far. When I arrived in Xiamen, I found that there were countless people who were good at piano, and I was only a beginner at most. Fortunately, I know what I want and have been running hard. A few years later, I attended a piano competition with trepidation, but the result was that I didn't even get the award of excellence. I was so frustrated that I was very depressed and even strongly planned to give up the piano I loved. My mother was worried after listening to me. But no matter how she and my father advised me, I would never listen. Later one day, my mother said that my grandfather missed me, so she and my father took me back to my hometown for a few days. The scenery of my hometown is still so beautiful, picturesque, and now it is my humble soul habitat. I just curl up there and don't want to go anywhere. I don't want to think about anything, let alone do it! Seeing this, Grandpa opened his mouth and said, "Child, do you know that many people are running with their love. Maybe they will encounter various setbacks along the way, but because of their dreams, they are tireless. When they look back one day and look at their footprints, they will be surprised for themselves! Others can, but why do you think you can't... "

Yes, everyone has their own dreams, and they are working hard to move forward for their dreams. Although they may fall down more than once on the way, and feel physically and mentally exhausted more than once, they never give up easily! Isn't that true in one's life?

On the way back to Xiamen, I looked at my hometown more and more far away, thinking about what my grandfather said to me, I seemed to understand something

Run and grow (9)

In daily life or work and study, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So have you learned about composition? The following is a run organized by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is another kind of growth composition. You are welcome to use it for reference. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

"The speed is 70 miles. The mood is free. I hope the destination is the Aegean Sea, and I will try my best to run on the other side of the sea..." A song "Running" sings the voice of everyone. In fact, we are all running towards the end, towards dreams, towards each unknown, and running with all our strength.

Running is most intuitive at the sports meeting. Liu Xiang and Bolt are always as quick as lightning in the sprint race. The indomitable perseverance of the runners in the marathon race is impressive. I have heard such a story:

A marathon runner was injured in a sudden accident during the race. He could have chosen to abstain, but he dragged his injured leg and trotted forward step by step. When he finally limped into the last distance of the track, the audience stood up and watched him slowly approach the goal and finally cross the finish line - although it was two hours since the award ceremony. Although I can't remember his name clearly, he had a sentence deeply engraved on my mind in the interview after the game: "My country sent me to such a far place, not to win the game, but to let me complete the game!"

Yes, he may not be the first, but he will never be the last - in this game, 18 people abstained midway - at least, he persevered in the end, he completed the game, he has achievements, ranking!

In fact, growth is not like this? The process of growth is like a marathon race. The race is very long, and it will be very tiring to run all the time, and it may not be the first to run to the end, or even face failure.

But we still need to be like the marathon runner. When the failure hits us right, when the hope of success has been lost or destroyed, we still do not give in to the setback, do not be the 18 abstainers, try our best to overcome it, and strive to grow. Whether it is failure or success, we must grow. Therefore, whenever I stand on the track of the 800m physical education examination, I know that I can't be in the front, but I don't give up running because of this, not once. I will start from the starting point, and finally stop steadily at the finish line, and complete each run is not perfect.

Because I always tell myself: "Success or failure, it is the medal I wear on my chest, it is the mark of growth. I can not succeed, but I must not grow!"

Who said running is just running, it is another kind of growth

Run and grow (10)

When we said goodbye to the last bell of 20XX, we should have welcomed a lively time of reunion. Unexpectedly, the epidemic began to spread, which caught people off guard. This not only affected the time of reunion, but also delayed our school start date. Online learning has replaced the previous mode of learning by sitting in the school classroom.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning slipped into the house, I quickly got up from the warm bed and opened the thick curtains. Those sunshine rushed in in panic, and thus started the day

I got up, folded the quilt, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and had breakfast. I arranged everything in order to make my life more comfortable. Tie your braids high, arrange your lazy life, and start a new beginning. Show the best side in front of the sunshine that shines on my growth.

The clock at nine o'clock duly reminded me that class was about to begin. I put the books I had arranged in advance in their places and began a day of class. Looking at the teacher's kind face, I circled, drew, and wrote in the book, recording the essence of this lesson in the book. The textbooks full of notes are the "fruits of my labor" of the day. They can help me solve many puzzles in my future study. I feel like a treasure.

In class life is well arranged, but extracurricular life should also be very full.

I read one after another extracurricular books, read carefully, and memorized every word in my heart. In addition to reading extracurricular books, sports are also essential. Rope skipping and push ups are all my favorite sports, because they can not only strengthen my physique, but also enrich my extracurricular life. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

Of course, helping my mother do housework is also a good choice. Sweeping the floor, cleaning the table and washing the dishes are all necessary. In the past, I studied as well as studied, but I learned to live in the days of the epidemic, and labor is the guarantee of life, although trivial, but it is a virtue.

In the long days of waiting to return to school, I should remind myself not to relax every moment. I should keep that confident heart, upward heart, and love life every day.

When I opened the curtains, the sun slipped into my room again. Isn't the brightness and warmth brought by the wisps of light a new hope? Hope is on top of you. As long as you work harder than before to stand on tiptoe, you will be able to reach him.

Running and Growth (11)

"Run! Forrest Gump, run!" Just like the classic lines in Forrest Gump, I am running constantly, always on the road of running, day after day, never stop.

Run forever, yes, my parents taught me this way. When I tried to give up, they said: Run, don't give up, your future won't allow you to give up. Therefore, I have been running, always running, even if the oncoming wind blocks me, I also keep running with the encouragement and instruction of my parents to challenge the wind. Run with the love of parents.

The lowest ranking ever made me feel depressed. Hold your fists, knock on your door, and make sufficient preparations to wait for your parents' mixed doubles of "fish flavored shredded meat". But what came was my parents' "soft voice", asking me why I retreated and encouraging me to do well in the next exam. Stunned, but also firm confidence in the test. Therefore, with the love of my parents and facing my future, I am constantly running on the road forever.

Always on the road of running, yes, my teacher taught us this way. When I lost my direction, she said, wrong, wrong, this is the way back! Go back, go back, go back to the right road, go back to that road and continue to run. Therefore, I will always run on the right road, always running, even if the road is rough, even if the road is far away, I still run constantly, because I have the teacher's expectations.

Run! Always on the road of running. Towards the future, towards the future, towards the ideal. Run! Keep running.

Run! Always on the road of running. With parents' love and care, with teachers' expectations and guidance. Run! Keep running.

Run! Always on the road of running, always forward, never stop!

Running and Growth (12)

When the word "growth" is mentioned, a hundred people will have a hundred views: some people say that it is a vision and expectation of the future; Some people say it is a climb to the peak of success; Some people also say that it is the unlimited optimism of sunflowers that will always rise in the sun. But I think "growth" means a kind of experience, a kind of perception, a kind of transformation.

Learning - Pursuing Dreams

As a student, who doesn't expect a better tomorrow? For the sake of the paradise in my heart, I have left many cold window nights with thick reference books. A lot of abstruse calculation questions stood in front of me, hard to remember English words stood at my feet, and complex classical Chinese articles stood in front of me... In the face of the teacher's earnest instructions, my parents were so attentive that I couldn't bear to see the blood red low score test papers... I realized that I had to work hard! I know that "there is no end to learning, but hard work." Only hard work can lead to success. So I calmed down and solved problems bit by bit; Lower your head and recite the words one by one silently; Open the book and translate ancient Chinese word for word.

As for "learning", I learned that today's efforts are all for tomorrow's beauty. You can't choose comfort in the time of hardship. Therefore, I chose to struggle.

Labor -- Understanding Life

That day, in my uncle's shop, I suddenly became interested in selling hydrogen balloons. So I took a bunch of hydrogen balloons and set out for the market with confidence. In the crowded crowd, I seem to be the most eye-catching person. Everyone who passes by me will look at me, which makes me feel hot in the face when I have never sold anything in the market, but I will be fine if I get used to it. Soon, a handsome uncle bought the six most expensive hydrogen balloons without even asking the price. When the first sum of money was put into my pocket, I felt inexpressible joy and excitement. Then, the business became more and more smooth. Every time I saw children, I would specially let them see hydrogen balloons, and the children would be hit. Unconsciously, it was almost noon, and the foul smell of sweat was getting stronger and stronger in the crowded crowd. Look at my hands, there are only three hydrogen balloons left. I said to myself, "If I can bear it any longer, it will be sold out soon." Soon, an aunt came to buy it, but she felt it was too expensive. I thought to myself: Forget it, sell it to her for 20 yuan, and then go home. After finishing the task, I bought a glass of juice on my way home and had a drink. It was a wonderful feeling.

As for "labor", I have learned that only by giving willingly can we taste the sweet fruit.

Friendship - the truth is priceless

In my class, I have a very good friend. We quarreled bitterly over a good stool. From that day on, we changed from friends to enemies. Everywhere against each other, no one is at ease. Finally one day, I tried to use "truth" to resolve this contradiction. I stopped arguing with him, but chose to be patient and give her the good stool. We had a peaceful conversation, and the contradiction between us was solved accordingly.

As for "friendship", I have learned that how you treat others, others will naturally treat you in the same way. More tolerance, less care, the truth will stay forever.

After all kinds of challenges on the way to growth, I seem to have grown a lot. But I know that there is no end in the way of growth, only struggle, only hard work, the road of growth will be farther and farther, more and more broad.

Running and Growing (13)

In a snow covered field, a small grass showed her green head. With a sound of "poof", the grass turned into a green deer. At first, it just walked slowly. Every inch of land her body touched showed a small green head. She walked faster and faster, and then she began to trot. She ran on the forest, field, and open land, and the trees that the antlers touched turned a little green. She ran to the lake, gliding and jumping on the lake, and silver ripples slowly rippled away.

She continued to run in the forests, fields and open spaces, and used her beautiful antlers to cut the ice of rivers, streams and ponds. The stream in the mountain stream began to ding dong, ding dong to sing songs, and ran all the way, as if to compete with the deer; The fawn certainly runs faster.

She kept running and running. She came to a bare mountain. She ran round and round on the mountain. Where she ran, the grass elves showed their green little hats, the flower elves showed their pink and charming smiling faces, and the tree elves woke up the green leaf elves. The elves all turned their faces and waved to the deer! It turned out that the wind spirit came late, so it had to move around among everyone, beckoning to the deer and yelling, "It's too hard for you to run like this. Do you want me to drive you? You can feel more free."

The deer nodded and touched the nose of the spirit who touched the wind with its antlers. The wind carried the deer to run, and the deer suddenly realized the happiness of free running! It rolls on the hillside, and the hillside turns green; It is playing on the grassland, and suddenly there are colorful flowers on the grassland, which is more dense than the stars in summer! The deer ran faster and faster, all the way west, farther and farther.

He ran to the bare, steaming desert. She felt very tired, but she still had to stick to the mission entrusted to her by spring. She slowly trotted on the desert. However, every inch of land touched by her body, there was not a single head of grass spirit, a smiling face of flower spirit, only a terrible hissing and crackling, rumbling, puffing strange sound. At this time, she was too tired to fall on the mountain, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not turn this place into an oasis.

The deer fell down, and the deer puffed into a light green smoke. "puff puff puff", a dark green stem with a light green flower, came out of the desert, looked down at the desert, and smiled at them.

At this time, on the hot bare desert mountain, a huge fireball came out with a roar. With a snap, the fireball turned into a golden lion. The lion, carrying the mission of summer, ran to the blue sky.

Running and Growth (14)

Running is an unswerving pursuit; Running is a kind of determination to go through trials and hardships; Running is a kind of courage to advance. People who run are positive and brave. They run for their future, and they believe in running.

On the 100 meter track, the athletes are absorbed. If the arrow is on the string, when the starting gun rings, the strength of the whole body turns into the belief of running.

Remember Liu Xiang, a Chinese who broke the world record by running 12.88 seconds on the 110m lazy track! When he crossed the finish line, grabbed the national flag and ran to the crowd, the whole world was boiling! His running has created an incredible myth for China! When he was running, what was in his mind? To surpass himself, to surpass the impossible challenge!

I still remember the exciting scene at the school sports meeting: the 800 meter gun sounded, everyone tightened their nerves and rushed forward. No one expected that, unfortunately, people in the outer circle of the corner pushed hard towards the inner circle, and Huang Ting tripped, but she was very strong. She stood up with pain, and she tried to catch up with the people in front of her. At that moment, running is no longer just running, it transcends its own meaning. Her eyes only had a runway, her heart only had to run, and all the pain turned into strength and rushed forward at that moment. And Zhan Xiaohui's perseverance in the face of the 800m long run. I know that the 800m is not a short distance. How much endurance should he pay to persevere? I am very pleased that he did not retreat, did not give up, but bravely faced. Although he did not win the final victory, he won. He won in the hearts of our classmates. His perseverance, his strength, has always stayed on the track, I seem to still see his figure running in the playground. Running is a kind of perseverance.

My life is a run, although the pressure advantage will become timid; Although facing difficulties, the advantages will become helpless; Although I know that there is a lot to pay for success, there will always be falls in the process of running. After falling, you must stand up and still run. The sweat I shed witnessed my growth.

"Mountain! The horses are running fast without getting off the saddle, and ten thousand horses are still standing soundly." Running is an unswerving pursuit; Running is a kind of determination to go through trials and hardships; The courage to run and dare to move forward. Let's join the running team, cheer for running with our running and passion!

Running and Growth (15)

In the English listening simulation test on Sunday morning, the teacher said that we should get to school early, but it was 7:44 when I left the house. It took me 2 minutes to get there by bike as usual. In addition, there was still more than one or two minutes to pick up the car and put it in the classroom. But when I pushed the car out of the garage, I was surprised to find that the chain of the car fell off - it was still in good condition yesterday afternoon. In that second, countless methods flashed in my mind. I asked my father for a public bicycle card when I went upstairs. No, it would take time to take it up and down. Even asking my father to send me to school is not realistic. He is still sleeping. Without much time to think, I immediately closed the garage door and ran.

There are always too many accidents waiting for us to bear in life. Even if you are unprepared and your shoulders are weak again, you must take your responsibility in the next second. The pace is getting heavier and heavier. The nervous texture of the stomach that has just eaten breakfast twitched when running, and I had to stop and take a few steps first, A sentence from Haruki Murakami flashed in my mind for no reason: "Everyone has his own forest, where the lost people are lost, and the people they meet will meet again." What about me? Am I lost in my own forest now, and can't find my original self?

At 7:46, I gritted my teeth, grabbed my schoolbag and began to run, oh, this damn stomach. The wind blew so hard that I could not help but close my eyes, as if I were barefoot. All kinds of pain poured up from my feet until I was paralyzed. It was not like practice, shouldn't, shouldn't, and could not endure loneliness. At that moment, I thought it was empty and wanted to cry.

At 7:47, I started walking again. The hands that were held tightly because of running slowly loosened, because the ones that could not be held still could not be held in the end. Have you ever heard that the tighter you hold a handful of sand, the more it flows out of your fingers, leaving no gravel. The date is postponed day by day, and the time is reduced day by day. I don't know how to face myself. Sometimes. The sense of panic, the sense of failure that I could not harvest because of sowing, was about to drown me at any time, and my breathing was getting faster and faster. The books in the books always made a long lost sound because of heavy collision, like standing on the platform, waiting for the train that belongs to me, but I could not see the sound of the flute that it was about to make.

At 7:49, the last minute, I didn't have time to think about anything more. I just wanted to hurry up and finish my journey quickly. I tied up the broken hair and took a deep breath. I stepped forward and ran again. When I was very young, I thought that the path of life would be a full circle, but what I finally got was not what I gave up on the first platform, and then in the long life, there was no chance to meet the lost.

At 7:50, I stopped. I was at the door of the classroom and caught my train. Even if there are many accidents in life, we should bear them with a less unexpected heart. Maybe, only in this way can we prove that you are not a red dust of life.

Running, on the road.

Running and Growth (16)

On the road, we always experience one obstacle after another. As long as we run hard against the sun, life will open a gorgeous door for you.

In the second grade of primary school, I was introduced to football for the first time by my classmates. At that time, I only practiced once a few weeks, not like now, I have to train twice a week, and it is still high intensity. At that time, I didn't think of football as a hobby. On the court, I like the feeling of running hard and attacking hard in the sun and wind and rain, which is a dream pursued by a man. In the fourth grade, my parents also thought I played well and seemed to have a little talent, so they fully supported me to join the football team and do what I like. With the continuous efforts in the club, I finally entered the school team smoothly. For me, this is a matter worth showing off!

When I first joined the school team, my teacher arranged me and my peers on the bench to watch the game. To tell the truth, I am still a little reluctant, but I have to bear it, because this is a process that every new player must go through. Watching the players galloping on the court, each of them looked like a powerful little lion. The smart attack, containment, and passing made our feet itch. I really wanted to rush forward and play a game.

With the group of senior players in Grade 5 entering junior high school, we also entered Grade 5. What awaits us will be an exciting game. In winter and summer vacation, we had weekly training, which made us very happy. The whole fifth grade holiday was spent in the company of football. Although I have experienced the baptism of sweat again and again, I still feel that I still have more than enough to remember those years when I ran in the sun.

When we entered junior high school, our study became more and more tight, and we even wanted to give up football for some time. However, with the dissuasion of my parents, classmates and teachers, I still chose football, and it was also a special pressure training class. At the beginning, my skills were not very good. In the summer vacation, I worked hard with Coach Zhang to learn the technical essentials and gradually found a sense of self-confidence. In the first game on behalf of the club, I served as the central defender. Although I only won the seventh place, I was still highly recognized by Coach Zhang and the department manager. When I stepped down from the field, I saw that they gave me a thumbs up and shouted: "Han Jiahao, good job!" At that moment, I felt that all the hard running and sweat were worth it!

Now I have been honed by the coach into a strong left back and won the first place in the National Day game. My mother sent the news of my award to her circle of friends, and received a great deal of praise and click through rate. Even my third uncle, who never likes me at ordinary times, praised me. My aunt also called me the pride of the family.

Just like life, on the way of growth, we should always keep the posture of running forward. Only when we cross one ridge after another, can we enjoy more beautiful scenery. Are you ready?

Running and Growth (17)

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress. Although this sentence is short, it contains profound meaning. Yes, books let me understand the true meaning of life and the importance of life. Whenever I am lost or sad, books are my talkers. They tell me that sadness is only temporary, but as long as you face it bravely, happiness will appear in everyone's heart.".

Liu Yi once said: Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. "Reading thousands of books" means that we should fully absorb book knowledge and make ourselves have profound and solid cultural quality; "Traveling thousands of miles" means that we should not simply indulge in books, but also widely understand, understand and contact the society, and apply book knowledge to social practice. To sum up the overall connotation of these two sentences, we should pay attention to both book knowledge and social practice, or we must pay attention to the organic combination of theory and practice. Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, reading is our growth, so that we gradually understand the true meaning of books, so that we travel in the sea of books, reading is always paying attention to us.

Today, our teacher said that a book is a martial arts secret script. We need to slowly absorb it with the star sucking method to become our own knowledge. The knowledge you read is not only to be firmly remembered, but the key is to run with knowledge. Use this knowledge in exams, and use this knowledge in life practice, so reading is to accompany my growth; Reading makes me know the world; Reading broadens my horizon; Reading makes my life colorful; Reading makes me grow. A meteor pierced the night sky, and the light at the table was still on. I immersed myself in the sea of books, laughing and sorrowing with the host.

Reading is the most important background in our life. The writer Sanmao said, "My income can be light in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation. I can't talk about frugality in books. My every minute is stingy in giving to others, but I am willing to spend it on reading. This is my selfishness and waste. There is no explanation, not only no explanation, but even more reasonable." I like this sentence, which is the meaning of spiritual food for a writer, As students, how can we not make reading a habit?

We all know that "there is poetry and calligraphy in the belly." What a charming poem! Reading makes people proud and extraordinary. The so-called "reading changes your destiny" is not that you can change your destiny just by reading, but that you should develop a good habit of reading, read widely, like a bee, suck the essence of flowers in the book, nourish your soul and open your mind. Perfect your personality; Increase knowledge and experience to cultivate your talents. It is becoming more and more popular every day, so that you can get out of ignorance, get rid of low taste and have lofty ambitions, and be gentle. With the improvement of personality and taste, your life path will naturally be changed.

If life is compared to the artistic conception of creation, then reading is like sunshine. Read, enjoy the true beauty, and immerse in the flowery books. Feel the happiness brought by books. A book of wisdom, a moving story, a group of beautiful poems, a string of beautiful sentences. Reading makes me constantly absorb nutrition and thrive.

Run, students, let's run on the road of growth.

Running and Growth (18)

When I look back, the long years seem to have passed into smoke, and the clear and sweet image of my youth slowly emerges.

Little by little.

partly hidden and partly visible.

When I was young, my hot heart began to beat fast again.

Flutter Flutter.

All the way north

The failure in the exam, the teacher's instruction, the parents' blame... Everything happened to me in the first day of the first year of the junior high school. At that time, I often looked out of the window, watching the returning birds entering the nest, and the breeze beating the leaves. There is a kind of pale gray sadness in the eyes. So I wrote down my grievances on the paper, and my sadness and anger flowed from the pen tip, and my grievances were borne on a small piece of paper. I put it in my book. After that, I will still look out of the window in a daze, watching the leaves fall, and my eyes are still sad. Occasionally, a few months later, I saw it again. There were still signs on the small paper that I had increased my writing strength due to anger. I looked at it and could not help laughing. How could I have been sad and angry for such a long time for such small things? It's really a waste of my good youth. It suddenly dawned on me. Since then, Guiniao can see a young man struggling to write from the window. She has a little more firmness in her eyes. She said, I want to run on the road of growth, and my journey of life should be all the way north.

From the time we opened our eyes to see the world to now, we don't know who and what we have met in our lives. Some pass by, while others gather in your life square like sand and stand one sculpture after another. In the end, there are only a few sculptures on the square where life is found. You will find how ridiculous you are. For one or two things, for one or two people, they stagnate. Therefore, at our age of boiling blood, we should run heartily and sweat on the way of growth. The years of growth, youth will be without regret.

There is a long way to go

When we were young and immersed in the fantasy of the future, we did not know that the growth rings of the years had absorbed our childlike heart bit by bit. "Is there any future in dancing? Can you add points in the exam? Do something useless!" I looked at the angry and twisted face, which had been polished by the secular world. "No dancing in the future! It's your task to study hard!" Slam the door and leave. I locked the door and my dream. The teachers and parents were very dissatisfied with the decline of their performance caused by dancing. Stubborn, I don't know what to do now. Is it giving up? This is my dream for many years. I used to wear my feet for it, eat or drink for it, and I have paid a lot for it, which seems to be an integral part of my life. Is it persistence? The heavy academic burden has overwhelmed me. Facing the disappointed eyes of parents and teachers, my heart was full of remorse and guilt.

The fog made me unable to see the road ahead. I kept groping for it, but it was fruitless after all. I almost collapsed when I was on the verge of extinction.

It was not until I heard that song that I found a bright way.

"If the dream never falls off the cliff, how can you know that the persistent person has invisible wings? The initial dream is tightly held in your hand, and where you want to go most, how can you return halfway..." Every word goes deep into my heart. The resonance with this song tells me: I want to prove it to them! Set out immediately, pack your tears into your luggage, and bring strength and perseverance to find the light.

Now dance has become the streamer of my life, leading me to run on the road of growth.

When you run on the road of time, what you gain, what you lose, and what you have. Time gives you everything when you run.

Growing up years.

Youth without regret.