One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (17 collections)
be able to advance or retreat
2024-04-21 02:43:50

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (1)

One day last winter vacation, my aunt and I went to the fruit retail street to buy fruit.

After entering a street, my aunt and I came to a fruit stall. I took advantage of my aunt's bargaining with the apple seller to have a look around. Suddenly, I found a basket of yellow pears beside me. The girl selling pears was a young girl. She was wearing a calico cotton dress, and two fat trouser legs were swinging back and forth with the wind. It seemed that she was a simple rural girl.

At this time, a middle-aged woman with lipstick and rouge was leading a four or five year old child. When they came to the stall, the middle-aged woman asked: How much is it here? Is it sweet or not? Three yuan a jin, very sweet. Hum! I'll try it. The woman picked and picked. Finally, she picked a big yellow pear, wiped it with her handkerchief, and ate it. Mom, I want it too! The little girl raised her childish face and stretched out her two fat hands. What flavor can children taste? Although the woman said so, she still picked out a big pear and gave it to the little girl.

The middle-aged woman finished eating the pear, wiped her mouth and said, "Not sweet, don't buy it!"! She pulled the little girl to leave, but the little girl shouted: Sweet! Sweet! Pears are delicious and not sour. My mother likes to cheat people. The woman was very angry when she heard this. She stretched her face and slapped the little girl in the face. Wow, the little girl began to cry and said, "Mom likes to cheat, and she likes to take advantage of small things.". The woman wanted to hit the child again. At this time, the rural girl stood up and hurried forward to stop her. She took some pears from the basket and gave them to the little girl. Then without looking at the woman, she picked up the box and went to another place to sell pears. The woman stayed there all of a sudden and didn't know what to do.

Seeing this scene, I left two figures in my mind: one was so tall, the other was so small.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (2)

Today is the 15th day of the first lunar month. Grandma told me that there would be fireworks in her place. Hee hee, I love watching fireworks.

Arrived at 8 o'clock on time, countless fireworks rose in the air, and sprinkled to the earth with full flame, making the earth shining brightly. From the long tube, dozens of beautiful light balls sprang out one after another. Their colors were different: some looked like colorful chrysanthemums; Some are like a sparkling pearl; Some are like jewels with mysterious brilliance; Some are like spray paint rising to the sky... beautiful! At this time, my sister lit the lead wire of "Ten Flashing Thunders", and ten fireballs sprang out of the barrel. When they flew into the air, they exploded, making a sound of landslides, and also emitting lightning like light... We were so happy that we could not get together. Suddenly, a "hydrangea" lit up again. In an instant, thousands of dazzling lights burst out from the flower tube. It uses a variety of colors to form the appearance of an open hydrangea... It's so beautiful, like the halo on the head of an angel! There were a few "popping" again, and the fireworks kept running up into the sky: some fireworks were yellow in the beginning, but turned purple in the end; Some sprayed on the sky, blooming silvery white flowers, and then fell like meteors on the crowd and eaves; Some fireworks are like bees coming out of the nest, flying all around... They are very beautiful!

Water ballet is like a group of fairies in golden skirts dancing on the Jingjiang River. Water hibiscus is even more amazing, like the sparks of small stars shooting in all directions, sometimes high and sometimes low. Another 'peacock' appeared by the river. Look at its feathers. It turned purple, but it turned lemon yellow. I thought to myself, "This' peacock 'is beautiful!" People were dazzled and dazzled.

How interesting it is to set off fireworks this time!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (3)

The thing that impressed me most during the winter vacation was learning to cook.

I have learned many things, like the stars in the sky. For example, I learned how to use computers, how to wash rice for my mother, how to swim, and so on. In learning these skills, I have tried sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. But what impressed me most was the first time I learned to cook.

It was a sunny weekend. I finished my winter vacation homework early, and it was noon again. There was only my grandma who was "good at cooking" at home. I asked Grandma to teach me how to cook. I thought Grandma would not agree. To my surprise, Grandma agreed happily. I started the "big action" of cooking,

First of all, after I prepared the materials as Grandma told me, I began to stir fry. I poured the golden peanut oil into the pot, and only heard a squeaking sound, which was very harsh. After a while, the oil became hot, and the smell began to spread slowly. I hurriedly clumsily put the red tomatoes I didn't know what they looked like into the pot to stir fry. It was interesting to stir fry left and right

When the tomatoes were ripe, I immediately put the prepared eggs into the pot. Of course, the most important thing was that I didn't forget to put salt. But when I put salt, a hot oil bounced into my hand. It hurt me so much that I cried out. Grandma immediately asked me to wash my hand. It didn't hurt so much at that time.

However, I still didn't give up. I continued to finish my "masterpiece", turning the tomatoes and eggs in the pot forward and backward. After a few minutes, the tomatoes and eggs in the pot finally cooked. I quickly picked up the plate and put my "work" in front of Grandma. The smell of the dish of tomato scrambled eggs was so attractive that even I could not help drooling. When Grandma finished tasting, I asked her how she felt. Then she smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I was very happy after reading it, and my heart was sweet as if I had eaten honey. Although this dish can't be called a delicacy, it's also my effort! As expected, "Kung Fu pays off well".

As long as we study everything carefully, we will succeed.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (4)

During the winter vacation, the most unforgettable thing for me was setting off fireworks with my family.

In the afternoon, my father, mother and brother went to buy fireworks with me. When I arrived at the place where fireworks were sold, there were all kinds of fireworks, such as luminous cannons, flying saucers, parachute cannons, long tails, and fireworks... My father bought several Liuyang fireworks because the quality of Liuyang fireworks was very good. I bought parachute cannons, luminous cannons and flying saucers that are both safe and fun.

In the evening, I went to the South Lake with my family and friends to set off fireworks. First, Dad will play it. Let's watch it on the side. He brought a big fireworks from the car. I thought that the big fireworks must be the most beautiful. Otherwise, how could Dad take them out first? My father started to light the fuse, which made my face red like a ripe apple. I hurried to a corner, covered my ears and looked at the fireworks. "Bang", I thought it was a volcanic eruption, shaking the ground. I watched and danced. Fireworks of fireworks spread all over the sky, colorful, like colorful dragons, like blooming flowers, like beautiful castles, like lovely rabbits

Dad finished, it's my turn to let go. The first one I fired was a parachute gun. I lit the lead wire, and with a bang, colorful parachutes fell from the sky. My brother and I picked up a parachute. Then I played with the light cannon, which is not an ordinary cannon and can paint in the night sky. I took one and put it away. I'm dancing, drawing long dragons and buildings... It's beautiful! Then I put a box of UFOs, and saw that the UFOs were spinning fast and almost flew onto my clothes.

As time went by, the fireworks were finally put out, and we reluctantly left the South Lake. I like fireworks best.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (5)

At the moment of writing, I was holding a green water bottle, which was big enough to hold 1000 milliliters of water. I used to suck an unknown liquid at the mouth of the bottle, which is called milkshake. In my opinion, the taste of this liquid is almost the same as the lime water used to brush the wall. Although I haven't tasted limewater, I can infer from the similar appearance of my parents that they should belong to the same kind.

To be honest, I don't want to drink this milkshake at all. The price is not cheap, and the taste is very bad. But I can't live without it. It's no exaggeration to say that I rely on it to maintain my life. But I regard it as a necessity of life for only one purpose - to lose weight. I try my best to control my weight and endure all this pain in order to usher in the first major turning point of my life - the high school entrance exam in a hundred days.

When I received my report card at the end of the term, I was destined to rewrite my expected wonderful winter vacation life. In the sports column, my score was very poor, which caused my parents and I to attach great importance. If I lose my PE score, I will naturally distance myself from my classmates. In addition, if I fail in other subjects, I will miss key high schools.

I decided to take some measures to remedy it. After all, my family and I don't want to make do with reading Pugao. In the eyes of the elders at home, it is a concept to read general high school, to be unemployed at home, and to farm in the countryside. Parents think that if you want to run fast, you must lose weight. The greater the quality, the greater the inertia, and the greater the inertia, you can't run or jump far, which is based on science. So my parents tried their best to find my aunt in Changsha, and bought a batch of high priced milkshakes from her weight loss agency. My mother saw that my aunt's family had achieved good results in weight loss, so she promised me: you will lose weight, you will! I have no choice but to believe. After all, it is time to sharpen the gun!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (6)

This winter vacation, I experienced many unforgettable things. There are happy, sad, disappointed, and proud. Among them, the most unforgettable thing is the sadness before the Spring Festival.

It was a cold day in Hangzhou, and the wind was blowing hard outside. People on the road all put on their coats and hats. I also wrapped myself up and went to buy firecrackers for the New Year with my mother. When we came to the sales point, we saw all kinds of firecrackers. My mother and I were so dazzled that we hurriedly picked them out. Soon, we picked up two bags of firecrackers and were ready to return with full loads. At this time, I saw a beggar sitting on the roadside. His clothes were shabby, his eyes were deeply sunken, his left hand was holding a broken bowl, and his right hand was holding a crutch. He was thin and only bones, looking like weather beaten. I quickly told my mother that she was very sympathetic to the old man, so she put some change in his bowl, about ten yuan. When the old man saw it, his eyes flashed with strange light and he said "Thank you." I thought: this is the first time he has received so much money. On the way, I asked my mother: "Mom, everyone has gone home for the Spring Festival, why is this old man still begging here; Or maybe his children didn't support him and drove him out, so he had to beg for a living. " I was deeply moved by my mother's words. Maybe there are many lonely old people like him in the world who can't get together with their families during the Spring Festival, or even can't afford to feed themselves because of limited conditions.

Therefore, I want to say to people in the society: "Reach out your hand and spread your love to the vulnerable groups around you. Let them no longer be lonely, but enjoy the warmth of the world."

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (7)

On the afternoon of New Year's Day, I went to Jinshui Lake Park with my father, mother and uncle's family. There are so many people in the park. Some are walking, some are practicing tai chi, some are dancing, and some are playing roller coasters

If I want to go boating, I will let my father and uncle accompany me. My mother is afraid of water, so I won't. There were also many people waiting to row by the lake. We put on our life jackets in an orderly manner and waited to get on the boat. Finally, it was our turn. My uncle and I sat on one side, and my father sat on the other side. My father was big. As soon as we got on the boat, the boat was tilted, which made me cry out. However, fortunately, the boat soon became stable. We were riding a pedal boat, which is an individual labor force. My father and uncle are the only ones who can pedal the boat. I will take charge of the scenery.

The soft sun seemed to be drunk with wine, its face was red, and it was staggering to hide behind the mountain. The setting sun is shining on the water, as if it has covered the lake with a layer of golden gauze. It's so beautiful! At this time, a big white goose came into my sight. She was gently poking the water. It was very leisurely, like a beautiful fairy. At this time, I also seemed to be a white swan, playing leisurely with her... Suddenly, a wave hit me, pulling me back from my fantasy to reality. The boat swayed, and I was scared and screamed, but my father calmly said: "Nothing, nothing, just a little wave, just hang on tight." Oh, it's OK, there's no danger!

We watched the surrounding scenery while pedaling the boat. There were many people taking pictures with cameras by the lake. We became the people in the picture accidentally, hehe. At this moment, we can't help singing a happy song. "Let's swing double oars, and the boat pushes away the waves..." The beautiful song sways with the boat.

An hour passed unconsciously. When we handed over the boat to the staff, my mother was waiting for me on the shore. She was very happy to see me playing.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (8)

On the first day, my mother announced to me that my breakfast and dinner would be replaced by this unknown liquid. It was like a bolt from the blue. I collapsed instantly. Since birth, eating delicious food has been my life mission. I'm a typical foodie. Three meals a day make me give up two meals. Isn't that impossible?! But in order to take the high school entrance exam, I had to accept the cruel reality. The first day, I began to suffer. A strong sense of hunger permeates every cell of my body. My stomach tightens like electricity. I am suffering from hunger while writing about how hard my homework time is. I tried to make myself fall asleep, but I couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, which made me want to give up several times. On the third and fourth days, my hunger was slightly alleviated, but every time I got up, I felt dizzy, and then the sky whirled around. It was dark in front of me, and I almost fainted. A few days later, my head did not faint, and the black clouds in front of me also disappeared. I was afraid. I called my aunt, who said it was hypoglycemia. After a period of time, I would be better if I got used to it. Now I finally feel the pain that Fan Jin's mother was so hungry that she could not see her eyes

Half way through the winter vacation, I finally didn't feel too hungry, but I was still full of longing for food. Before exercising every night, I always put a picture of braised pork in brown sauce in front of me, which will make me full of motivation. When I exercise, I always think: when I become a lightning bolt, I must eat meat in a big basin. Although this idea seems childish and ridiculous, it comes from the heart.

School began, although the weight did not drop sharply, but also slightly effective. Now there is only one thing on my mind: there are two months left for the PE exam and three months left for the middle school entrance exam. In these 100 days, all I can do is to do my best. Even if the result may not be ideal, at least I gave up the delicious New Year's Eve dinner and the wonderful winter vacation life for it, and I have no regrets!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (9)

During the winter vacation, I experienced many things. There are sad things and new things... The most profound thing in my memory is that thing.

It was a sunny day, my mother suddenly mentioned my long cherished wish: "I will buy you a bike, OK?" "Great! Great! You are a good mother!" I can't help jumping and jumping.

After a while, my mother and I came to the bike shop. As soon as I entered the bike shop, I saw the purplish red bike at first sight. "Mom, I want this one, I want this one..." Mom couldn't beat me, so she bought it.

well! Not to mention, this one is really beautiful. It is purplish red, which makes it very delicate. Before I am finished, new problems come again. I can't ride yet! Otherwise, it would be a waste! What should I do? Now the only choice is: "Learn!" But I have always been timid and afraid of death. But this time, for the sake of bicycles, I will bite my teeth and learn!

I carefully sat down on the seat board, and felt like there were many buckets of water in my heart. After a while, I shook up and down; Shaking, shaking and falling down, I forced myself to stand up, patted the dust on my body, and complained in my heart: "I can't learn!" My mother seemed to see through my mind, came to me and said, "Go on, come again. Nothing is so simple, you should remember: perseverance, until success! You can do it!" Mom said, It increases my confidence. I picked up the car and sat on it again. My mother helped me to hold the faucet in front, and I stepped on the pedal. While helping me, my mother told me three key points of riding a bicycle: "First, don't look under the car, look ahead; second, don't turn the tap around, so it's easy to fall, and only turn a little when there is another obstacle; third, keep stepping on the foot, and don't stop." I did as my mother told me. After a while, my mother released her hand, I even rode on my own. And I have been riding my bike home all the time. I can't believe it. I learned to ride a bike.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (10)

Today, my cousin and I came to Grandma's house. We came to Grandma's house for a big purpose. Because there are many insects and plants here, the three of us came to Grandma's house to collect insect specimens and plant specimens.

The three of us first started to make tools to catch insects. We first cut the fishing net, then twisted the wire into a ring, put the wire ring and the fishing net together, and finally connected it with a long hard wooden rod to make a simple fishing net. Finally, we brought toilet paper, scissors, large bottles, binoculars, large boxes

The three of us set out humming a tune. As we walked and looked, we found a novel plant. We cut off one of its leaves and took it home for observation. At this time, we found a palm like leaf. My cousin asked me, "Brother, what is this leaf?" I took out a look of great talent to explain that "this is a maple leaf. The palm like maple leaf wore its fiery coat to withstand the cold of autumn. In late autumn, maple leaves fell one by one, covering the whole earth with a thick red carpet." We cut the maple leaves and put them into the box. We continued to move forward, and then we found a large green silkworm. My cousin said, "Is this an ordinary silkworm?" I said, "This is not an ordinary silkworm, but the larva of the wind fairy golden winged king moth, called the wind fairy worm." Let's release it. Its number is very rare.

We found ginkgo leaves, beetles, cicadas... At this time, we were attracted by the battle between a one horned fairy and an earthworm. The three of us watched with interest and pinned our hopes on this one horned fairy because its big horn was very powerful. After several fierce fights, the one horned fairy finally won. The power of the Unicorn Immortal really deserves its reputation in the insect world!

Back to Grandma's house, today's insect exploration tour has also ended, which not only broadens our horizons, but also increases our knowledge!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (11)

The winter holiday is over, and everything in the holiday is as colorful as fireworks, and as light and happy as falling snowflakes. I carefully pick up one of them, which is what happened when I set off fireworks in the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is coming, and my family will return to our hometown for the Spring Festival. Grandpa bought us many fireworks, and we were happy to put them on. The fireworks flew into the sky like meteors. My uncle lit a skyrocket and heard a whoosh. The colorful magic bullet rushed into the sky from the barrel, five stories high. That color can be said to be colorful! The red, green, silvery and golden fireworks are intertwined, like flowers in full bloom. The fireworks rush into the sky and fall down, like fairies scattering flowers. It is extremely beautiful!

Then my grandpa gave me a huge "sky cannon" (two shots). I put the sky cannon on the ground, lit the fuse with a lighter, and quickly ran to the door of my house, covered my ears, waiting for the moment of the fireworks... Who knows, I put the head of the sky cannon upside down, and one of the two sky cannon hit the ground, Another hit the neighbor's firewood stack. Because this firewood is used for cooking, it is all dry firewood that can be ignited at one point, After the disaster, she cried out: "It's on fire, it's on fire, everyone is coming to put out the fire soon... People who heard about it all took buckets to put out the fire, some directly poured water, some used soil to put out the fire, others were too nervous, water was spilled on the ground, and I hurried to put out the fire... It took about five minutes to put out the fire!

Through this event, I understand that we should be careful in everything we do and not act blindly.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (12)

The winter vacation this year seemed particularly cold. It snowed heavily all over the country. Fortunately, Dad didn't cancel the trip. On the second day of the New Year, he took me to Nanjing, the "ancient capital of six dynasties", the place I had dreamed of for a long time.

There are many places to play in Nanjing! There are Tangshan Hot Springs for health preservation and treatment, the ancient city wall of the Ming Dynasty standing for more than 600 years, the Confucius Temple by the Qinhuai River, the Xuanwu Lake with pleasant scenery, the Jiming Temple with simple and solemn style, the Zijin Mountain with steep terrain, and the Zhongshan Mausoleum and Yuhuatai Scenic Spot

What makes me most excited and unforgettable is to climb Zijin Mountain covered by snow. At the foot of the mountain, twelve of us gave up taking the cableway to go up the mountain, simply ate a few sausages, and then set out in full. My parents and I walked at the front of the line, and left various marks on the snow while walking. Half way up the mountain, eh! When we found a forest with white snow and jade trees, we had a crazy snow fight there. well! I hit my mother, ha ha... And father? Gently shook the small tree. It seemed that the small tree shook its body and gently shook the snowflakes down. How interesting!

As we continued to walk up, it seemed that all the small trees in white were lining up to wave to us, as if they were saying, "Welcome! Welcome!"

When we got to the top of the mountain, it suddenly snowed heavily. Everyone hurriedly put up their collars and hats, and hid their hands in their pockets. However, my parents and I decided to make a snowman. I first rolled a big snowball to make my body, then picked up some small stones, wrapped the snow as a button for my clothes, and then rolled a small snowball to make my head. The appearance of the little snowman was initially successful, and I was already sweating. The next step is to elaborate on the little snowman. I used two round and black pebbles as my bright eyes, a curved branch as my sweet mouth, leaves as my hair, and long branches as my hands. I gave it a nice name "Xiaoxue". The lovely Xiaoxue grinned at me, as if to say: "I love my little master, let's take a picture together!" "Click", I took a picture with Xiaoxue, leaving a permanent 'memorial'.

The unforgettable trip to Nanjing enabled me to get close to nature and gave me a unique winter holiday experience. I love the charming Nanjing! I love happy winter vacation life!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (13)

Students, speaking of the interesting things in the winter vacation, everyone must have a great feeling! I am no exception. In my mind, there are many interesting things in the winter vacation. One interesting story was deeply engraved in my mind. When I think about it, I laugh happily.

The most interesting thing in the winter vacation is, of course, to celebrate Grandma's birthday with my brothers and sisters. That scene is called "Huan"!

Because Grandma's birthday is at noon, my mother and I went to the cake shop in the morning to fill up the cake. Today is Grandma's 70th birthday, and everyone hopes that the elderly can "live a long life". So another blessing was added to Grandma's birthday cake: Happiness is like the East China Sea, and longevity is like the South Mountain. There is also a big "Xiantao" in the middle

The cake is ready, now you can start! However, the question arises again. How should we start? Since my mother and I didn't think where to put the cake when we came here, we rode a two wheeled electric bicycle. There was no place for the cake, so I had to take it. Alas... It's winter! It's snowing outside, my poor little hand. No matter, in order to have a good birthday for Grandma, I am willing to die!

Finally, it's time to celebrate Grandma's birthday happily!

Everyone sang a birthday song for Grandma and wished her a long life. I cut the cake. Today is Grandma's birthday, so I should cut the biggest cake for Grandma first! We started to eat. Everyone ate delicious. Oh, how come everyone is a little old man! They all have white beards. It turns out that this is caused by butter. Everyone laughed with joy

My classmates, after listening to my interesting stories during the holiday, do you feel itchy? Let's talk about it quickly and share the joy with everyone!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (14)

Speaking of the interesting events of winter vacation, it's really like a forest. However, the most unforgettable thing for me is to "explore" the cave.

At the beginning, when I walked into the cave, there were so many people, just like the lotus leaves and flowers, I was almost squeezed into persimmons. As soon as I entered the cave, the cave was colorful, and many echoes were buzzing in my ears, which became a pot of porridge. After walking for a while, I suddenly found an "underground river". Look east and west, but there is no fish.

"Hoo, hoo..." A gust of wind blew, and I couldn't help shrinking. It gets colder as we walk into the cave. Fortunately, we have been exercising all the time, which can warm our bodies. "Ah, there are fish!" cried the boy behind me, and I looked into the "underground river". Oh, there is a fish. Later, I couldn't help but put a finger into the water. It was cold, and my finger was almost turned into ice.

The road slowly widened and the walking was smooth. The ground suddenly became wet and slippery, and the soles of my feet slipped. I almost fell into the mud. What did I see then? A huge lake! A few small light spots flicker on the calm lake surface, which reminds me that the lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the lake surface.

After walking for a while, we saw the terraced "stone stairs". Eh, there is music over there. I hurried to see. Someone was dancing, but I was not interested at all. I dragged my grandfather away, but my father couldn't wait to come back, so I had to go back to find my father.

Dad was watching a performance there, and I urged him, "What's good about this? Let's go." Dad shook his head helplessly and followed us.

Walk and walk until you reach the "stone pillar". The tour guide kept talking about the characteristics of the "stone pillar". I complained, "It's really boring, I can't go." After that, the tour guide took us for a while, and then we arrived at the exit.

This time, I think this interesting thing will be engraved in my heart.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (15)

On that day, we had just returned to Anju from Suining when my father called and said that he would invite us to see a movie and let us come out right away. When I heard that, I was very happy. Because I especially like watching movies, I was very happy every time I heard that I was going to see a movie. In addition, I haven't seen a movie for a long time, so I'm even more excited. When we arrived at the Film City, we chose Westward Journey to Subdue the Devil. It's said that the movie "Westward Journey Subdues the Devil" is very popular recently, and it's also very good looking!

This film is about the experience of the demon receiver, who is Tang Xuanzang. And he received three demons. Guess which three demons? Of course, they are Monk Sha, Pig Bajie and Monkey King. This story is both funny and moving. When it is funny, it will make you burst into laughter, but when it is moving, it will make you burst into tears. Watching Monk Sha, Pig Bajie and Monkey King kill so many people, I feel sad. It's really pity that the little girl of three or four years old is Rebie! He was eaten by Monk Sha as a monster. In fact, Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie were two good people. Monk Sha was killed by the villagers who thought he had killed a little girl in order to save her. The villagers killed him and threw him into the river. For revenge, Monk Sha turned into a monster to revenge the villagers. But Zhu Bajie married a girl before she died. The girl married another person because Zhu Bajie was too ugly. In order not to let Zhu Bajie know, she killed him with that person. Zhu Bajie also swore to kill all the loving couples in the world for revenge. The Monkey King was different. Five hundred years later, he was still vicious and cunning. He also used Tang Xuanzang's kindness to free him from Wuzhi Mountain and killed many people

However, he was finally conquered by Tang Xuanzang. Finally, the four masters and disciples finally embarked on the road of learning scriptures. The film will be over here. I also want to tell you some secrets. Monk Sha is a beautiful man! Pig Bajie is not fat at all. Monkey King is a dwarf! Tang Xuanzang's hair was pulled off by Monkey King! Ha ha, funny!

Watching a movie like this makes me feel deeply. I think this movie is the best movie I have ever seen! It is not only 3d, but also moving and funny. Speaking of which, do you really want to see it? Then go quickly! No movie tickets!

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (16)

The winter vacation I yearned for has finally arrived, and my dream trip to Hainan will also come true. On February 1, I will go to the beautiful Hainan Island.

After a night's flight, I finally got Sanya in Hainan. I can't wait to run to the sea. Wow, the sea is full and blue, like a huge sapphire. Seen from afar, the water and the sky seemed to be connected. Step on the soft beach, step by step, look back, like a string of small fish, really cute. A warm sea breeze blew and scattered my hair, so comfortable. I finally couldn't help but take off my shoes and socks, roll up my trouser legs and shout, "Sea, I'm coming!" and run to the sea regardless of everything. However, the sand ground is really hard to walk on, and I turned over several somersaults on the way, which made me covered with sand. I was very angry. Whatever, for the sake of the sea, I can "bear everything!"

After a long and arduous journey, I have been in the sea. I haven't reflected that a sea wave is coming. My feet are already in the sky. My clothes and pants are wet, and the sand is stuck all over, like a newly piled sand sculpture. The most interesting thing is that the beautiful sea just wants me to taste it. I "swallowed" a "small part" of it. It's so salty, and it's hard to drink. When my mother saw me like this, she laughed so much that she leaned forward and backward. As for me, I was almost blown up with anger. Suddenly, another big wave washed me to the ground, which was not easy, but it gave me a taste of the sea again, and it was a big mouthful. But to appreciate the taste of sea water carefully, it is indeed bitter and salty, but isn't it just like life? The sea is life, and the waves are like difficulties in life. As long as you face them bravely, difficulties will pass under your feet. Then I ran to the sea again, and the waves ran to me again. This time I won. I began to play in the sea and beat one wave after another.

Ah, beautiful sea, beautiful Sanya, you are full of surprises and fun. Although you are "detestable", you are very popular. You are really a shining sapphire on the mother of our country.

One thing in winter vacation 600 words composition (17)

It was really a cold winter holiday. I was driving to Zhuhai.

From the end of the high school entrance examination to the present, I have stayed at home, watching the computer and playing games all day, and I have not done anything useful. A few days later, I am tired of this life, but I don't know what to do. At this time, a good friend of mine from junior high school came to me and asked me to accompany him to find work. I had nothing to do anyway, so I accompanied him to kill time. One thing in winter vacation: 600 words in composition

On the way, he asked me whether I would like to find a job, get used to the society first, and cultivate life experience. If I didn't get into high school, I would also have something to do. I wouldn't stay at home like a garbage man. Then, we went to Industrial Third Road and began to look for people. We found them in a short time. If they were not suitable, we changed several companies. Finally, our efforts paid off. He found a good job and began to do it.

When I got home, I thought about it and thought that his suggestion was also good, so I discussed it with my mother. After listening to it, my mother was very happy and willing to work. After thinking about it, I said to my mother: I want to work at my father's side. After listening to it, my mother showed a little worry because my father worked in Zhuhai and my father opened a small factory. My mother worried that it would be dangerous for me to go to such a far place, so she persuaded me for a while, but at my insistence, my mother finally agreed.

She packed our luggage and took me to the car. One day later when I arrived in Zhuhai, my father picked me up at his place of work. Because he was busy, he went to work first. I followed a worker who taught me to do something. It was easy, and I also went to work. It was really simple. I just sorted out the molds. In the evening, after work, my father took me to dinner. At this time, when there was time, he explained the work to me clearly. At first, I felt no difficulty, but after a few days of work, it was really not easy.

First, we need to take a car to a factory to carry 50kg of material onto the car and then transport it back. It is the most tiring thing to pull once every two or three days. Then we need to pull the goods once a day, which is also called tiring. In addition, we need to go to other factories to pick out the bad molds. Although it is not tiring, it is very lonely. We only need to send one person to do it, So a person cleans the mold in other places, and there are unknown people around.

In this way, I worked for a month. Although I worked hard for a month, I was very satisfied. I was satisfied that I went to work at that time, that I made some friends at work, and that I honed my will. I also have a sense of achievement.
