84 sentences in the book of aesthetic space
Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love
2023-06-23 07:57:36
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1、 In fact, a person is not lonely. A talent is the loneliest.

2、 Tell me when you want to marry. I will marry you.

3、 You dream of it. It may not be suitable for you.

4、 Everything has a price. The price of happiness is pain.

5、 Although I haven't left yet, I miss you so much!

6、 The sky that belongs to us is always so beautiful.

7、 Don't you know why I'm busy?

8、 It is said that the taste of sea water is salty, just like tears.

9、 Secret love is a successful pantomime, which becomes a tragedy.

10、 You gave me all hope. But it also blocks my sunshine.

11、 It is a myth to want to get happiness without paying any price.

12、 There is nothing wrong with living like Xiaoqiang as long as he doesn't die.

13、 Learn to eat up emotions and know how to destroy impulses.

14、 So stubborn go on, slowly die in memory.

15、 I have started to review your name and appearance several times a day.

16、 I just think, I think about you, not much, just think about you.

17、 I finally learned to call my name with your tone.

18、 With you, I will no longer be an eagle flying alone in the blue sky. I love you.

19、 Is there anyone who makes your heart ache when you think about it.

20、 You always spoil me like that, you always protect me like that.

21、 The sunflower looked around lonely, not belonging to his sunshine and sky.

22、 Even if the world is deserted, there will always be one person who will be your disciple.

23、 Miss interprets your distance; Fairy tale, tell you my ending.

24、 Thank you for accompanying me through the season of blooming flowers and blooming flowers.

25、 I just want to live in his eyes all my life and never go anywhere.

26、 In everyone's heart, there is such a person who loves far away.

27、 From now on, let's go together and have exquisite thoughts together.

28、 Good Cinderella, she is not really good. Just ordinary.

29、 Death is a dagger, but it is the living who bleed.

30、 Always in the moment of tearing, it can reflect the unforgettable beauty.

31、 I mind your past, but I even mind that you will become my past.

32、 Since you appeared, I know that someone loves is so beautiful.

33、 There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many really belong to themselves.

34、 The first company, the last need. The farthest distance, the nearest heartbeat.

35、 Love you is my commitment to your life, love away is the pain you gave me in my life!

36、 Love is that others will still stay by your side after seeing your shortcomings.

37、 I remember who warmed my heart, who loved me and cried.

38、 A person's secret love, a person's forever. A person's imagination lasts forever.

39、 In the face of facts, the more developed our imagination is, the worse the consequences will be.

40、 The missing is scattered into the sunshine. No matter where you are, love stays and the affection is long.

41、 When happiness knocks on the door, I'm afraid I'm not at home, so I've always been homestead.

42、 The sweetest thing I can think of is being loved by you every day.

43、 Everyone has a blind corner. They can't get out by themselves and others can't get in.

44、 Without you around, time passes more slowly than my computer.

45、 Time is the key to love. It's no good knowing too early or too late.

46、 When I think of that road, I can see the blooming flowers on the other side of the river are very beautiful.

47、 The road I have traveled is enough to prove how ridiculous the converse proposition is.

48、 I love you with all my youth, and then I forget you with the rest of my life.

49、 Some words, suitable for hiding in the heart, some pain, suitable for silent forget.

50、 Every person who says he doesn't want to fall in love has a person in his heart that he can't have.

51. A man in love is more powerful than a devil or an angel and can get everything.

52. Life is like a play, too happy, too sad, because you live too well in the play.

53. Your words have been locked in my memory. You can keep the key for me for the rest of your life.

54. Later, those who do not understand love gradually understand it. Later, those who know love dare not love again.

55. I just want to do something for you silently, even if you don't know that I did it for you.

56. The so-called eternal love is from blooming to falling, from beauty to white hair.

Fifty seven, the distance between you and me has failed to intersect. You chose to abandon, and I chose to wait for you.

58. I am not a strong person, but I know I must be strong when I need to be strong.

59. My mind is full of you, your figure, your words and your breath.

Sixty, you are the one I loved, hurt, struggled, gave up, or wanted to give up all my love.

The most worrying thing is that there is someone who loves you, but you are not sure when this love will stop.

62. No one can protect you all your life. So, girl, you should learn to love yourself, okay?

63. It's like I never forget. When you finish the plot, the memory will always hover in my mind.

Sixty four. Love is like a tsunami, which covers the sky and the earth. All ups and downs of joys and sorrows will eventually end with the curtain call.

65. After breaking up, you should not be friends because you have hurt each other or enemies because you have loved each other deeply.

66. Your love is like stars, sometimes very bright and sometimes very dark. I don't want to be brilliant, just a glimmer to keep out the cold.

67. If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear to let go, it's painful.

68. Sometimes, we must close our mouths, let down our pride, and admit that we are wrong. This is not to admit defeat, but to grow.

69. Maybe I just rely on you, but I regard it as the so-called "love"

70. We have been separated for more than half a year, but when we learned that he was going to get married, our hearts still hurt and tears still flowed. Why is this so.

Seventy one, I forgot when to start, got used to the orderliness of night life, and I don't know when to start, afraid of a person's night.

Seventy two, no matter how trivial it is to the person you like, you can talk about it with rapture; For people who don't like it, you can also take care of important things.

Seventy three, we can only have a lasting enthusiasm for the people and things we like. At that moment, we should be ruthlessly happy, because someday there will be no trace.

Seventy four. Every girl does not have a high vision. Instead, she should give her life to a man. This action really needs careful consideration. To see people is to see the heart.

Seventy five, love is very simple. Sometimes it is just a glass of water. As long as there is love, who cares about external things? Those who make love very grand must not really love each other.

76. Why should you forget someone so painfully? Time will naturally make you forget. If time can't let you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the meaning of the years we lost?

Seventy seven, I love you, do not hide, may you know. Unconsciously, I always think of you; Countless times, I hope to accompany you; The ends of the earth, as long as with you, that is a happy heaven.

78. There are only two people who can read a person's diary and mood conscientiously and try every means to understand them. One is the person you like, and the other is the person you like.

Seventy nine, fate is the continuation of feelings at the end of a previous life, fate is the unchanging oath before this life's reincarnation, fate is the happy agreement you and I have said, fate is a good dream to meet again when you are a human being!

80. Don't banish my love out of the door. Every minute of life can't be short of your love. Life is wonderful when you are there, and the world is better when you are there. Love me, please open your heart and let me come in boldly.

81. Quitting smoking is easy, but quitting you is too difficult. When the virus of love came quietly, when you put the first kiss downloaded from my heart into the recycle bin, I decided to lower the level of love and let the memory format. Do you know my heart is crying?

82. With the earth, the moon has never left its orbit; With the sky, the stars always shine in its arms; With you, I can't tell the beauty of missing you. Use meteors to draw the signal of love. My heart beats when I think of you!

83. True love should be the green of leaves, not just the red of flowers; Because "red" passes away quickly with the drifting of flowers while "green" is with life.

Eighty four. Some of the mistakes that have already been made are due to lack of time, some are due to deliberate avoidance, and most of the time they stand aside blankly. We made mistakes again and again, but never learned from them and did some introspection.