Sentences about one year old birthday (17 sentences)
On the water side
2023-03-09 22:30:48
Complete sentences

1. Years have passed, and I have grown up one year old again. I will slowly become mature and grow up. I will learn to live and take good care of myself. No matter what the future will be, I will face it firmly. Come on, believe in myself, and I will be able!

2. I think I am old, and I was very excited for my birthday when I was a child. So was my freshman year when I was 19 years old. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Now I am very moved but a little calmer after receiving the blessing. This is the magic of time.

3. I wish myself a happy birthday. Year after year, I hope I am closer to my dream, not farther away!

4. Happy birthday to myself! Another year old! Time is passing, we are growing up! May all be well!

5. Another year old, I don't like birthday anymore! There are so many birthday cakes recently that I don't want to eat any more! Fortunately, a friend of our family was born in the first half of the year, otherwise the cake would be eaten in the second half of the year. Friend, you are really a joy to everyone!

6. Birthday means that I have grown up one year and finally stepped into the age of 18. It's time to be sensible. Happy birthday to myself! Forget the sadness that should not be remembered!

7. Only now do I realize that I am one year old again, and the years are unforgiving. I am glad that I have changed a lot, from being at a loss to setting goals, knowing what I want to do next, planning my career well, and having my own ideas. Take every step steadily.

8. My birthday is coming soon. Wuwu is one year old again. I want to make three wishes carefully. God, let it come true. Please.

9. Another year old, should be a lot more mature, can not waste time gentle not handsome, I wish myself always happy and happy, find happiness. happy birthday to me!

10. Happy birthday, dear self, congratulations on your being one year old again, thank you for accompanying me on my birthday, and thank you for your blessing and company.

11. When the birthday comes, we will be one year older. If we grow old, we will sell computers together; If we become ugly, we will look handsome all our life; If you become stupid, I will follow you wherever you go.

12. One birthday, one year older. The weight of this year is heavy. Only those who grasp it will realize it.

13. You are one year old again. I really hope that the years will last forever. My son is not filial and can't celebrate your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday, health and longevity.

14. Today is my birthday, you celebrate, happiness is perfect; With your blessing, happiness is intoxicating; Friendship grows when you share it. Please come with good luck.

15. Happy birthday, Lala la la, I love myself. Time is only responsible for flow, not for growth. I try my best to have the life I want to live. Happy one year older.

16. Congratulations on being one year old again. My youth is running out. I want to waste my time. I hope my brain is getting bigger and bigger and I can write more stories. I hope my important people will always be well. I hope that beautiful things will always accompany us~

17. Today is a special day, Women's Day and my birthday. How time flies, how time flies! I'm one year old again