After Reading Gulliver's Travels 150 Words in Grade Two Composition
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-09-23 20:04:32
second grade

This book tells the adventure story of a man named Gulliver. Gulliver is a man who is good at adventure and sailing. He came to Lilliput, Giant, Flying Island and Wizarding Country successively because of the wind and waves and pirates on the sea, and finally went to Japan and returned home. Gulliver has experienced some interesting and dangerous things in these countries. For example, in the Giant Country, people and animals are very big. Once when he walked out of the small house and was ready to play for a while, suddenly a monkey hugged him, just like holding a baby, and still sat on the roof! When the people around saw it, they quickly drove the monkey away and saved Gulliver.

This book is wonderful and fascinating. When I read it, I had a feeling of immersive. After reading this book, I also want to take a risk to see the Giant Country and the Lilliputian Country, as well as the Flying Island Country and the Wizard Country. How interesting it should be.