84 Chinese Proverbs in Volume II of Grade Two
Nowhere to find in the snow
2023-05-29 09:36:33
English Proverbs

1、 Heroes don't mention their bravery.

2、 Hang sheep's head and sell dog meat.

3、 The cat cries for the mouse.

4、 He who has learned much knows much.

5、 If you are good, ask the three elders.

6、 If you are not good at one skill, you will miss your whole life.

7、 When three people are united, the loess becomes gold.

8、 People are afraid of being polite.

9、 People rely on ambition, tigers rely on prestige.

10、 When enemies meet, they are especially jealous.

11、 It is better to rely on oneself than rely on thousands.

12、 The south eats geese, and the north eats eggs.

13、 Gentlemen speak and villains act.

14、 It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge.

15、 He who feeds cattle must plow, and he who feeds horses must ride.

16、 Cut firewood up the mountain and catch birds up the tree.

17、 Always talk, seldom ask.

18、 If you let people take an inch, you must take a step.

19、 Follow the vines and seek the source.

20、 If you are hungry, you will swallow the chaff.

21、 Birds have wings, people have wisdom.

22、 A thread a day makes a satin in ten years.

23、 Save a horse every day and buy a horse every ten years.

24、 One is to ward off three evils, and the other is to ward off hundreds of evils.

25、 He stooped up the mountain and came home with firewood.

26、 Not afraid of failing in learning, but afraid of being dishonest.

27、 No books, no words.

28、 After a long rain, birds will sing, and soon it will clear up.

29、 As a man practices in the world, his sword is sharpened on a stone.

30、 If you respect others, they will respect you.

31、 Don't hide the fire in cold weather, and don't hide the wind in hot weather.

32、 Force is great, courage is great.

33、 Help people timely and sincerely.

34、 Earth helps people build walls, and people help people build cities.

35、 The sky pulls the sea fiber, and it rains only three times.

36、 A good plant produces a good seedling, and a good tree produces a good peach.

37、 Good questions do not get lost, good deeds do not suffer from poverty.

38、 It is better to be bitter than ashamed.

39、 Better give up a ingot of gold than a year of spring.

40、 The family and the days are prosperous, and the country and everything are prosperous.

41、 It often blows northwest wind, and the weather is fine recently.

42、 Worried people suffer long nights, but ambitious people cherish short days.

43、 The stars blink, take an umbrella when you go out.

44、 Is it true or not; A false cannot be true.

45、 The morning glow does not go out, the evening glow goes thousands of miles.

46、 Save one dollar a day, three years and one thousand.

47、 It is hard to see the bottom in deep water.

48、 When water falls, stones appear.

49、 The water recedes and the stone remains. Good people can say no bad.

50、 The sea frothed and the gale soon passed.

51. An old horse knows his way and an old man knows the world.

52. Feet run but rain, mouth is strong but reason.

Fifty-three. to achieve amazing skills, one must work hard.

Fifty-four, we should know that our parents are kind, and we should embrace our children and grandchildren.

55. I was greedy for a moment and tired.

56. The endless road, the endless reason.

Fifty seven. A long distance shows the horse power, and a long time shows the heart.

58. Every other line is like a mountain.

59. The east wind is strong after the rain, and it will rain again tomorrow.

60. A sail in the wind turns sunny after rain.

61. No oral students and no manual students for one day.

62. Can walk but shadow and talk about reason.

Sixty three. There are fewer brothers and sisters, but more enemies.

64. A diligent person becomes a lazy person while a lazy person becomes a patient.

65. As long as we make progress, we are not afraid of being looked down upon by others.

66. Eat what tastes good, and say what is right.

Sixty seven. A gentleman takes revenge for three years, and a villain takes revenge before his eyes.

Sixty eight. If an axe cuts down a tree, it will not fall.

69. It is said that in the bright place, medicine is applied to the painful place.

Seventy, cattle can't plough without training, and horses can't ride without training.

71. Old beef has a chewy head, and old people can listen to what they say.

Seventy two. Grass cannot cover eagle's eyes, and water cannot cover fish's eyes.

Seventy three. If you want to avoid breaking the water, you must first remove the bad roots.

Seventy-four, the heart of responsibility for others is responsible for oneself, and the heart of love for oneself is loving others.

Seventy five. What can be said makes people laugh, and what cannot be said makes people jump.

76. The hands are not black without touching the bottom of the pot, and the hands are not greasy without holding the oil bottle.

Seventy seven. People who don't have a smiling face should not open a shop, and they will make up for it.

Seventy eight, labor money, ten thousand years, embezzlement, in front of us.

Seventy nine, waste at the end of hoarding is invisible, and we regret it when we reach the end of hoarding.

Eighty, it is things that make people weak. They are strong when they are responsible.

81. Every success is bound to be followed by every failure. Every advantage is bound to be followed by every disadvantage.

Eighty two. The trees in the forest are high and low, and the lotus flowers in the river are uneven.

Eighty three. Scholars starve to death and do not sell books. Heroes do not sell swords when they are in trouble.

Eighty four. People who have been doing good for three years do not know it, and people who have done evil for one day have heard it far and near.