Camel Xiangzi: 1500 words after reading
Settle down and look forward to the future
2023-08-12 16:07:47

The desert smoke is straight and straight, like a huge exclamation mark towering into the sky, telling the story of silent sadness; The sunset over the long river is so round that the vicissitudes of life and grief are seen in the endless desert; The team always comes one after another. The weight of the camel bells is standing on the silent sand plains.

At the end of his life, the Qing Dynasty was already a ruined temple under the siege of domestic and foreign difficulties. Mr. Lao She, who was dying, was an invaluable literary promoter who lived steadily in the literary world as a civilian. It is not difficult to see the profound charm of the ancient city of "Camel Xiangzi". Under the brilliant pen of Mr. Lao She, the market atmosphere has released the irreplaceable modern sculpture style of "Camel Xiangzi" in Beijing Opera and Beijing rhyme. How famous in literature is it? Tan Jiaotian, who has truly possessed the poor secular social charm of working in ancient Chinese literature, sings "Dingjun Mountain".

The social circle of the coachman and the life of the compound accompanied Xiangzi's fortune towards loss and gloom. Xiangzi walked into everyone's life with the general situation of the dilapidated and depressed countryside in China, the simplicity and stubbornness of farmers, and his own diligence and perseverance. Because of this, Xiangzi chose to pull the rickshaw, and with his perseverance and frankness, he finally became a first-class rickshaw puller on his own. Is perseverance, perseverance and perseverance the way of dealing with people? It's a short story of sacrificing life and forgetting death. At that time, the social environment in our country was warlord separatist regime, and he could not tolerate the slightest imagination of himself. Within half a year, he was robbed by fugitives in panic, lost his rickshaw, and brought back only three camels. However, the wind and rain did not scare Xiangzi. He stubbornly resisted the fate and pulled the rickshaw to start his own business again.

The weather is unpredictable, and people are lucky or unlucky. As the saying goes, the road of life is not all smooth, and the savings obtained through hard work were ransacked by investigation and extortion, making the dream of fulfilling the car come to naught again. In order to pursue the idealization that he has always dreamed of, he once again owned his own vehicle, but this time it was at the cost of creating a deformed marriage life with Tigress. The good times didn't last long. Tigress died and gave birth. Xiangzi's car was empty. In addition, he lost his beloved little Fuzi. Xiangzi, who had been severely hit by life, could not show his courage in life. He was not as proud as he used to be. He was tired of pulling cars and hard work. Indeed, there was nothing more sad than death of heart. Life played a trick on him, and he also entered the game life, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, selling others for money. Xiangzi was completely reduced to the waste of a big city, becoming a dead and walking corpse. After Xiangzi left in this way, he had nothing to do with his tortuous life, leaving a sad short story behind? Despicable and sad fortune.

The story is over. Close your eyes and think. How does it enlighten you? The sage looks at the shadow under the hall and knows the journey of the sun and the moon. He watches the fall of a leaf and knows that autumn is coming. During the busy day, I was caught in the wind and rain, and suffered from cold and summer. I had a hard journey, and suffered many setbacks. Looking back, the path behind is rough and uneven. The aromatic and mellow tea must be nourished by boiling water; The beauty of life must be encouraged by setbacks.

When dealing with setbacks, wise people have always been good at depicting a Chinese ink painting; The more anxious and depressed people are, the more they have polluted the painting scroll by the oil paint environment, and they are at a loss. Xiangzi is a new example.

How to treat setbacks? I said that we should cherish setbacks as a kind of spiritual wealth. The pain caused by setbacks is accompanied by the pursuit of happiness and happiness. It also paves the way for happiness and happiness. After success, people will feel happy. Nietzsche has a saying: All pains create happiness. Without pain and frustration, happiness, even happiness, especially the happiness and happiness that agitate the heart, may never be easy to come.

Frustration not only creates happiness, but also creates creation. There is an old saying in China: Sickness makes a pearl. The expensive pearl is just the substance that causes the oyster to suffer from illness. Heine, a French writer, once asked: Is a writer to people what a pearl is to oysters? French writer Flaubert said more firmly that pearls are the fruit of oysters' illness, and the writer's literary talent is really the expression of more profound pain. In the history of China, King Wen of Zhou acted in the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes and Zhong Nie wrote Autumn and Spring. Many outstanding poems handed down from generation to generation were written by writers in great frustration. Li Yu asked you how much sorrow you could have, just like the immortal ancient poetry of a river flowing eastward, which contained the pain of his death; Qi Jiguang has no way to serve his country, so he has set aside for future generations the splendid "Manjianghong", which looks up to the sky and screams fiercely. The frustration clearly shines with the brilliance created. The important thing is whether you cherish this setback, mainly showing strong and unyielding faith, and rising up in the frustration. Don't let Xiangzi's story reprint. Frustration is the property of yesterday, and it is also the starting point of today. Why should you be depressed and unbearable for a failure?

It is not difficult to see that life's setbacks not only have negative effects, but also can dissolve into self-examination, transformation into self-improvement, and promotion into cultivation. But what is the prerequisite for all this is to understand and cherish setbacks.

Maybe people are willing to look back and think when they are frustrated, and finally realize that life is like tea; There may be no end to fall down into a road of no return.