See you in May Hello, copy in June
A trace of vicissitudes
2023-05-12 06:32:10
Complete sentences

1. It is a victory of reason to persuade yourself; Being moved by oneself is a sublimation of the soul; It is a kind of success in life that you conquer yourself. good morning!

2. In June, we move forward together, achieve life, and perform a song that we will never regret.

3. The destiny is in your own hands, you are the author of your own life, and your script is written by you. Good morning, June!

4. Goodbye May, June Hello! Be a happy person from June.

5. Always hope, always disappointed, life is not that way, vulgar tasteless, elegant frivolous. See you in May and hello in June.

6. Pomegranate sits on the branches in June, gathers the fragrance of May and competes for beauty, weaving inflated dreams in the hot sun.

7. For adults who are no longer adults on Children's Day, there is about 101 kinds of pressure and helplessness to become adults, but finally there is a kind of freedom that you can give yourself as long as you are willing to bear the cost, hoping for a free June with wide sky and wide sea.

8. The most wonderful thing about dreams is that you can make them, review them, read a book, listen to a song, go to a place, and dreams can sprout again. good morning!

9. I like getting up in the morning and everything is unknown. I don't know who I will meet and what the outcome will be. Life is a gift that makes every day worth it. good morning!

10. The expiration date of May is coming. I want to discard all the ideas and unconceived food in May like broken food in the refrigerator, and look forward to the best taste period in June.

11. The beautiful spring girl smiled and walked away quietly with her gentle shadow. The strong Xia boy came to us.

12. Good words warm in three winters, bad words hurt in June. Born as a man, please speak well and be kind.

13. In June, when the world is full of beauty, you come singing and blooming in the sun, with bees hovering and butterflies dancing.

14. Work hard, just like there will be no tomorrow, you will become the goddess in your mind, and you will live up to the spring.

15. Go where you want to go, travel more while you are young, and see the outside world. Don't wait until you are old and unable to walk, and then lament your youth.

16. No one can decide your way; No one can realize your dream for you; No one can give your love for you. So, everything depends on yourself!

17. In May, I left behind all the entanglements, pains, regrets and disappointments; Then take happiness, luck, sureness and dreams to welcome the new June.

18. Flowers fall with the wind, rain with clouds and sunshine, and passers-by are in a hurry. There is a certain time to meet. The scenery passing by and the past experience are good to keep in mind. A light time, short and long fleeting years, and dedication is perfect. good morning.

19. Maybe you are tired now, but the future is still a long way to go. Don't forget why you started, what made you stick to the present, and don't forget your original intention, so that you can always. good morning!

20. It turns out that the children who are attached to the words are always unhappy. Their happiness is like a playful child who wanders to the sky, but refuses to return to the sky. good morning!

21. Not afraid of thousands of people to stop, but afraid of surrender. Those who choose to give up at the beginning are not qualified to fail, because they failed from the beginning! good morning!

22. I hope you are liked because you are interesting, needed because you are useful, and loved because you are boring and useless. Hello with Anson in June!

23. Walking on the street in a foreign country, emotion and happiness are intertwined. Fragments of memory form a beautiful picture in my mind, just like the colorful June. This month, which has a special relationship with me, has taken root in my heart, like lotus in the lotus pond, growing deeper and deeper.

24. Time is light and time is silent. The wind in May brings the brightness of June. The hottest day of the year came again. See you in May! Hello, June!

25. Live hard, grow hard and be yourself in June. Say one word with the most optimistic attitude and positive mood: goodbye in May, and hello in June.