Very tired mood Sign 80 sentences
Clear water and clear clouds
2023-07-08 15:56:06
Complete set of signatures

1. Recently, my happiness told me off.

2. Without you, I am really lonely.

3. Freedom is independence, no attachment, no fear.

4. Sometimes, there is no way to go except to say goodbye.

5. Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes.

6. It was me who said goodbye.

7. Fight alone. There will be no chaos of war.

8. I hope you can turn around for those who pass by.

9. After taking the initiative for a long time, I suddenly feel tired. Please allow me to leave.

10. Everyone knows your happiness, and I have nowhere to hide my embarrassment.

11. After breaking up, you can't be friends because you hurt each other.

12. What cannot be rejected is the beginning, and what cannot be resisted is the end.

13. Who will be desperate for who, who will be dedicated to who life.

14. Fear of love, because it is poison, I am too poisoned.

15. Before I had time to flirt, I was pulled out.

16. Love you, respect your choice, even if you choose to leave.

17. I don't blame you for walking away without mercy, but I don't want to step into your heart.

18. Don't give up everything for a person who isn't worth it.

19. You know the warmth I want, but you can't give me the so-called commitment.

20. You love me and I love you. Later, you stopped loving me, but I got in your way.

21. After humming for so long, I can't compose a song or sing a tune.

22. I know I can't leave you, but I treat it as a joke.

23. In the next life, I will be your heart. As long as I don't jump, you will die!

24. Chocolate is bitter and milk candy is sweet, but chocolate is always more expensive than milk candy.

25. Emotion is not just an ambiguous affair. Who knows when it comes to belt.

26. Leave when it's time to leave. Remember to keep your memory perfect.

27. Whether you love or be loved, the ultimate result is to lose a friend.

28. Don't say that fish don't have tears, even if it flows through the whole sea, you don't know it.

29. Fantasy to grow old with him in his hand, but I am not beside him.

30. When I miss you, it falls on me like snow and never leaves.

31. We have never forgotten the truth, but we are increasingly lying.

32. We used to be together, which is the most beautiful world of flowers in my heart.

33. You said goodbye and left when you lost your goodbye. The hand you held was helpless to let go.

34. If one day I give up, you should know that it is because you don't care.

35. Growing up means taking the important things lightly and the light things seriously.

36. Some things stay in my memory in a warm and beautiful manner.

37. Please don't disturb my life for those irrelevant people?

38. You said you would accompany me to a certain day, but you left me in a certain street on a certain day, a certain night.

39. The hair on the temples of other families has not yet been born, but it looks like hair on the temples of the city. Looking towards the river, the Ba River cannot enter.

40. The humble vows always make me sink deep in mud, even if I say them again and again.

41. The original idea is that many people can change their clothes from time to time.

42. In the darkness, the souls of two people who torture each other will never be saved.

43. Every trauma is a kind of maturity, and every loss is a kind of gain.

44. Good memories will come to an end. At the end, my heart will hurt like a tear.

45. If I can watch you leave in this life, it proves that I have forgotten.

46. Quiet, it is an untouchable relief&disturbance, it is an invisible tomorrow.

47. I looked for it every season. Because of the same kind of people, they lose the color of this season.

48. My heart is half, my people are half, you take the half and leave the half.

49. In the days without you, everything is at a loss. Break up, what else?

50. Everything I do is silent, bitter and sweet, and more of my own heartache.

51. Departure and reunion are the constant performances of life. Once you get used to them, you will no longer feel sorrowful.

52. It will be very sad to be ignored by someone who cares especially, but it will be more sad to pretend not to care.

53. Sometimes, the reason for crying is not because of weakness, but because of being strong for too long.

54. The first makeup in the world of mortals is boundless. The initial face, crushing nightmare impermanence, matchless fate.

55. I have always felt that I am not good enough. I am not perfect, but I am a complete self.

56. Originally, from beginning to end, I was just her shadow. Your kindness to me was only your love for her.

57. The most painful missing is not that the other party doesn't know your missing, but that he knows but doesn't care.

58. One day, you will find that not everyone can replace me, whether it is friendship or love.

59. I would rather live alone than have some hypocritical people stick to me and watch me suffer.

60. I don't know who will look through my message board to see my nonsense, and giggle and feel sad sometimes.

61. Eyes should not be used to cry for the person who hurt you, but should be used to find the right person.

62. Don't open the wound to others easily, because others see the excitement, but the pain is themselves.

63. The night is deep. I am still waiting on the shore of sadness, singing and chanting, turning around, but I cannot go far.

64. At that moment, we were silent. We could not remember the happy time, but we could remember the traces of sadness.

65. I used to have everything, and in the twinkling of an eye it all drifted away like smoke. I once destroyed everything I had, and I just wanted to leave forever.

66. Destiny reaches out its hand, and there is nothing we can do. Some love will take a lifetime to forget, and hate will blur the time.

67. When memories come, the corners of my mouth rise and then rise, but my eyes are cowardly wet. I am still very happy.

68. Most of the mistakes are due to not persevering, not working hard, not retaining, and then hypnotize myself that everything is fate.

69. I always believe that the person who really cares about me will not be taken away by others. Whether it is friendship or love.

70. You will always be the leading role, because you know how to please more. I just look at you. I sit in the corner, and it is easier for me to be silent.

71. If love never comes, if dreams never break, if heart never hurts, then am I still the one you know?

72. When I was seven years old, I thought I could catch the cicada. When I kissed him on the face, I thought I could stay with him forever.

73. No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be someone who will let you forgive all the difficulties that life has made for you before.

74. What God does not give me, no matter how tightly I hold my fingers, still leaks; Give me, no matter how I lost in the past, will have.

75. The fatalistic arrangement once made us very happy, but after happiness, it was eternal darkness

76. With the anesthesia of alcohol, I said my love to you loudly, but I got your "crazy" sentence

77. I was hurt too deeply and too much by love. It's so difficult for me to even put on a smile until now. Even if I smile, it's also so hypocritical.

78. Don't use a person's past to expose others' wounds. What you hear and what you see is not the essence after all. Why hold on to anyone who hasn't had a past.

79. Don't be like a cigarette. You will be lit when you are bored, and you will be stamped out after smoking. Remember, like drugs, you should make people drunk for you.

80. After breaking up, lick the wound, silently count the sadness, and deepen the memory of you again and again