Sentences about getting rich (16 sentences)
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2023-04-25 21:22:55
Complete sentences

1. After typing this line, there will be no traffic.

2. Ma Yun can't earn my money in this life.

3. For me, it's just two words: no money.

4. Although I am poor, I have all the problems of rich people.

5. Money is not everything, but without money you can't do anything.

6. You can't be poor and single at the same time.

7. Can life be chosen? Always like now, I envy you for your leisure, and you envy me for my money.

8. The only time I laundered money was in the washing machine.

9. Once you have money in your hand, you blur the boundary between consumption and waste.

10. Raising fees is in line with international standards, and improving services is China's national conditions.

11. My most valuable property before marriage is freedom.

12. Money is not everything, it is simply a billion.

13. Liposuction is to spend money to lose weight.

14. When I get rich, I must use two pieces of paper to get a large size.

15. I lost fifty cents the day before yesterday, so angry that I haven't eaten today.

16. Don't put too much emphasis on money. In fact, one card is enough.