Talk about friendship and sadness
Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use
2023-07-16 11:04:27
Complete sentences

1. Crying doesn't mean I give in; A step back does not mean that I admit defeat; Letting go doesn't mean I give up; Smile, does not mean I am happy!

2. Remember her birthday, or she may go with others on the next birthday.

3. While learning to compromise, we should also adhere to our most basic principles.

4. Compared with time, we lost; Just because I lost, let's break up! The greater the stake in life, the greater the loss. I hope neither of us will forget that you and I can meet each other in this life. This life is enough!

5. There are three bowls of noodles that are the most difficult to eat in life: face, scene and emotion.

6. Those who betray their companions often unknowingly destroy themselves together.

7. When you are lonely, the wind is my song. May it comfort you for a moment; When you are proud, the raindrop is my alarm bell. May it enable you to obtain eternal humility.

8. Love, do not love, has been in the farewell.

9. Don't really think that what you can't get is the best. Better cherish what you have now.

10. There is no perfect thing, no perfect person, the key is to know what you want. If you get what you want, you will definitely lose another part. If you want everything, you will get nothing.

11. If you love someone, please take care of her gently; If you don't love, say so. Women are very stupid. From the moment she falls in love with you, she will pay both physically and mentally.

12. Don't be afraid of being used by others. They use you to show that you are still useful.

13. Laugh when you are happy, let everyone know. Sad, just pretend nothing happened.

14. Don't think sending flowers on Valentine's Day is boring. I don't ask you to send it every day. Why are you looking for such boring excuses?

15. Don't think every woman loves money as much as her life. It's hard for you to earn money, but there are many women in the world who can support themselves.

16. Love life or marriage life is for two people, so you don't have to be too self-centered and pay more attention to each other. Give you a surprise, give me a despair.

17. As long as you can remember me, even if you hate me, when I try to hate you, I think of your smile.

18. Take her hand and walk. Two people walk, not to let others see, but to feel happy. Because ten fingers holding together is happiness.

19. Don't overestimate your strength in the collective, because when you choose to leave, you will find that the sun still rises even without you.

20. Don't be a hedgehog. If you can't make enemies with others, you won't make enemies with others. No one will stay with you forever. There is no need to remember some things.

21. No matter where you are in the world, when your wife wants to have a child, she must be there.

22. People need two things to live in the world: courage and wisdom.

23. People who do not smoke or drink are very selfish. Generally, it cannot be entrusted for life.