Talk about fighting the epidemic in Dalian (77 sentences)
Half trip
2023-01-25 19:20:59

1. In the face of an outbreak, we are also very sad and just want to trust the country. our wills unite like a fortress. Let's go through the difficulties together instead of appearing regional blackness Thank you.

2. Enhance the public's awareness of disease prevention and social confidence

3. We must win! Fight the epidemic from me!

4. When the liver and gallbladder are in each other's eyes, curling reflects the cold moon.

5. May we be more rational after this epidemic.

6. In life, career is important. Never let up while you are still alive.

7. Bless the victims in Dalian and other places, and hope that the epidemic will pass soon.

8. We must win the war against this epidemic soon, and everything will be fine for the rest of our lives.

9. All the victories are insignificant compared with those of conquering oneself.

10. I hope everyone can protect themselves and their families, go against the epidemic and move forward for the dawn!

11. The epidemic is just passing by. May it pass by earlier. The ordinary and light life is so beautiful, busy day after day, so full. Originally, the so-called happiness has always been our own grasp!

12. All the efforts are not to make others think you are great, but to make yourself look up to yourself.

13. The moon has its ups and downs, the day has its ups and downs, the day has its ups and downs, the day has its ups and downs, people have their ups and downs, the world is changeable, and life is precious and short and long. What we can do is to face it calmly, deal with surprises without chaos, and win in stability.

14. Negative emotions are like darkness that cannot be driven away. The only thing that can be done is to bring in light. Joy is the light that melts negative emotions.

15. Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and it is the most important to accompany your family! To fight against the epidemic, you must wear a mask when going out! Wear a mask!

16. I believe that as long as the people of the whole country unite as one, they can defeat the virus and the angels in white will go home safely. When I grow up, I must join your team!

17. At this special moment, I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year, and I wish Dalian and its people good health and an early victory over the epidemic!

18. Pay attention to protection during the epidemic! Be healthy, don't get sick!

19. May the epidemic subside and turn the corner! May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe! May the spring be warm and the flowers bloom, and the country be peaceful and the people be safe! Dalian refueling! Go China!

20. Life is short, enjoy yourself as soon as possible, and hope to overcome the virus as soon as possible!

21. The cold wind and light rain make the standing figures the warmest picture in cold weather. Salute! Every "rebel" who sticks to his post

22. Although we don't see each other, we still wish you all the best. May all Chinese Dalian people be healthy and happy every day!

23. China is the most populous country in the world, but China has controlled the epidemic with the fastest speed. China is the most powerful country to fight against the epidemic, and the Chinese government is really proud!

24. Wear a mask and be lucky! If you don't visit, you will be lucky!

25. The sweetest love words: "Do you want me to sprinkle?" "No!" Look and cry! Video call between the police and the wife of the epidemic fighting front line!

26. Epidemics are orders, prevention and control are responsibilities, and life is more important than Mount Tai.

27. You can't go out every day because of the epidemic. Because I can't go out and work without income. Because there is no income, I have to repay on time.

28. In the face of the epidemic, no one is an island. Even though there are many thorns in front, we should also ride the wind and waves to the front! A new day, cheer up together.

29. It's a special year! Remember this experience! I'm in Dalian! Come on for Dalian! Cheer for China!

30. The whole world knows how united the Chinese people are and how powerful the country is

31. The epidemic has made me thoroughly understand that those so-called western developed countries are so vulnerable, and the key is also full of arrogance, prejudice and arrogance. The only coincidence is that they... really love freedom, even more than their own lives.

32. Thanks for the epidemic, I understand that people can't predict what will happen in the next second, so I will live with you in the present, and help each other, hand in hand every minute.

33. Turn over the past and love yourself well. Don't deny yourself. You are especially good, excellent and worthy. Finally, we only hope that the epidemic will pass quickly, be healthy and safe, and that everything will be successful.

34. Life is more important than Mount Tai. Epidemics are orders, and prevention and control are responsibilities.

35. Salute those who fought against the epidemic in the front line, and wish every medical and nursing soldier safe, love and come on in Dalian! I wish to conquer this disease at an early date!

36. I'd rather put on some fat than float outside. Fat is rich, and disorderly floating is a disaster.

37. Pray that the epidemic situation will soon end and people will be safe and healthy!

38. The world is big, but happiness is small. I hope that not only spring will come as scheduled, but also you will be safe after the epidemic. May everything be beautiful as scheduled!

39. Heart to heart is the festival, and online gathering is also the reunion. Together, cheer for Dalian, cheer for the city in the epidemic, and bless China! We can win this battle if we unite as one!

40. I hope Dalian can overcome the difficulties as soon as possible! Dalian refueling! Go China!

41. I hope the virus will fade away quickly - come on Dalian!

42. The Gengzi hope to be reunited in the new spring, but they are dancing with viruses. Great China is fearless, and all people work together to overcome difficulties.

43. Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently.

44. Pay tribute to the medical workers and people from all walks of life fighting against the epidemic!

45. As long as we hold hands and hearts together, the dark clouds will disappear and the sun will shine into our homes.

46. Firm confidence, unite as one, and move forward without any obstacles.

47. Dalian has touched the hearts of the people all over the country. With the help of the whole country, Dalian will surely pass the test! Come on Dalian! Come on China!

48. Life requires us to have a deep understanding, adjust our own mentality, implement the persistence of faith, grasp the confidence role of life, and practice, witness and sublimate in life.

49. There is no mountain that cannot be overturned with one heart; Heart and hand in hand, there is no crossing.

50. The epidemic will finally pass and wait for the spring to bloom.

51. When the flowers bloom in spring, the mountains and rivers will be safe, and the world will be safe! The epidemic will pass forever, and we will live in peace.

52. Cheer up for Dalian and China together. Everything will be better. Thank all those who have worked hard to prevent and control the epidemic. Let's cheer up!

53. The mask should be worn well, the mentality should be adjusted well, the body should be exercised well, and the hygiene should be maintained well.

54. History is a pile of ashes, and there is residual temperature in the depth of ashes.

55. Let's work together to fight against the epidemic. Let's go Dalian and China.

56. The journey of life is inevitably unpredictable. Keep watch to help us.

57. People unite to fight the epidemic, and ordinary people can see the truth!

58. An epidemic has made us understand that in the future, we will fight for health and resistance instead of father, car or house sharing! In 2022, to strengthen immunity, health is not the first but the only!

59. The builders bravely shoulder the heavy burden, move forward in the opposite direction, and gather great strength to fight against the epidemic. The cold winter will always pass, and the hope of spring blossoms is spreading

60. We should not give up our dreams because of the complexity of the reality, nor give up our pursuit because our ideals are far away, because history will only favor those who are firm, progressive, and aggressive, and will not wait for those who are hesitant, lazy, and afraid of difficulties.

61. Be confident, protect yourself and your family, overcome panic, and face it bravely. Victory will ultimately belong to us.

62. A star in the sky, a man on the earth.

63. In extraordinary times, I am very worried. Heart in, intention in, greeting in. Today is good, tomorrow is good, and every day is good. One thousand good, ten thousand good, good health. It is better to prevent coronavirus than anything else.

64. The epidemic is merciless and there is love in the world! Let's overcome difficulties together!

65. Pray for Dalian to defeat the virus as soon as possible!

66. Only send blessings, don't spread rumors, and don't let wrong information get in the way

67. I hope that the epidemic will be eradicated as soon as possible, that our compatriots will get out of this dilemma as soon as possible, and that all people around us will be safe, healthy and healthy.

68. Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health, and must do a good job of self-protection.

69. We must prevent being slack, conceited, and blindly optimistic, take every aspect into consideration, and always be pragmatic and down-to-earth.

70. After the epidemic, buy various brands of lipstick and cherish every day when you can go out without wearing a mask.

71. Scientific prevention and control in accordance with the law, timely diagnosis and treatment, and ensure the health and safety of the people.

72. May the world be safe, you and I be all right, and the flowers will be together, as warm as ever.

73. An epidemic, understand everything!

74. Just like fighting against the epidemic, each of us is Mulan, and we protect our country together. Dalian refueling, China refueling?

75. We will fight against the epidemic together and look forward to the smiling face of taking off the mask to welcome the most beautiful tomorrow.

76. If you are not happy enough, don't frown deeply. Why cultivate bitterness when life is short. Go away and refuel quickly.

77. The epidemic is just passing by, but it makes you understand that the most expensive thing in this life is not power and money, but strong immunity! healthy!