55 verses of love oath
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-03-07 00:57:43
Complete Poems

1、 Thinking of the king is like a bright candle, which can burn your heart and tear your eyes.

2、 On the top of the willow, about dusk.

3、 Come back when you are alive, and love when you are dead.

4、 The falling flower people are independent, and the micro swallow flies together.

5、 When all the floating flowers and stamens are exhausted, accompany you alone.

6、 Holding hands and looking at each other's tears, she was silent and choked.

7、 In my heart, for your heart, you will know how to remember each other.

8、 If you see each other and struggle, you will never feel ruthless.

9、 If there is a bosom friend, he will sing Yangchun all over.

10、 The wild goose is in the cloud and the fish is in the water. It's hard to send this feeling of sadness.

11、 An inch of Acacia, thousands of threads, there is no place to arrange.

12、 If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night.

13、 Life is full of love. This hate is not related to the wind and the moon.

14、 It seems that this star was not last night, for whom the wind was exposed, it was midnight.

15、 Don't come half a year old to read the book, one inch away from the intestines and ten million knots.

16、 Poor bones beside the Wuding River are still people in the dream of spring boudoir.

17、 But I will keep my eyes open all night long to repay my lack of eyebrows.

18、 How can we live together and die differently?

19、 In the sky, I would like to be a bird with two wings, and on the ground, I would like to connect branches.

20、 Time goes by, and the hatred lasts forever.

21、 There are trees in the mountain and trees and branches in the mountain. You are happy, but you don't know.

22、 The memory of your heart is like the water of the West River. It flows eastward day and night without a break.

23、 The bright moon is not familiar with the bitterness of parting. She slants her light to the dawn and wears Zhu households.

24、 The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will turn to ashes before the tears dry.

25、 The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes.

26、 It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, but it is not a cloud except Wushan.

27、 If you want to send colored paper and ruler, you will know where to go.

28、 Tears can eventually be traced, but words are hard to send.

29、 It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate.

30、 Acacia night plum blossom hair, suddenly came to the window suspected Jun.

31、 Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

32、 There is no way to Pengshan here. Yan Qing, a green bird, wants to visit.

33、 Sincerely know that everyone has this hatred, and poor couples are always sad.

34、 A bowl of heartless tears came to Huanqing, who wished to meet him before shaving.

35、 Return your bright pearl to tears, and hate not to meet when you are not married.

36、 Overlapping tears and hidden brocade words, life is hard to die with only love.

37、 Fish, Shen and wild geese wander along the horizon, and Shixin believes that human separation is painful.

38、 Sad farewell should be the same two, the most clear resentment in the moonlight.

39、 Sad farewell should be the same two, the most clear resentment in the moonlight.

40、 A review of your love makes my tears grow.

41、 Can you bear to smile at the reward? After all, lovesickness is not like meeting.

42、 The bright moon tower is high and reclining, and the wine enters the sadness and turns into lovesickness tears.

43、 The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

44、 The beast furnace sinks, the water smoke, the green marsh flower fragments are written into the Acacia Biography line by line.

45、 Like flowers and beautiful families, they can go back to the past, but not the past.

46、 Since the emperor came out, there is no cure in the bright mirror. Thinking of the king is like running water.

47、 How much is it if you ask about gossip? A stream of tobacco, the city full of wind and catkins, plum yellow rain.

48、 The earthly relationship has always been like water, and there are few tears. How can we end our love life? Don't be sentimental. Love hurts you.

49、 There are no mountains, rivers are exhausted, thunder shocks occur in winter, rain and snow occur in summer, and heaven and earth are united. I dare to break away from you!

50、 Love is afraid of missing the way. Looking forward to the long embankment, grass makes hearts. It is hard to find two places where sorrow is heard.

51. In this door last year, people's faces and peach blossoms match each other. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile at the spring breeze.

52. It is difficult to be a water when you have been through the sea. Except Wushan, it is not a cloud. Take a look back at Huacong Lazy, half reason to cultivate Taoism and half reason to be gentleman.

Fifty-three. don't pluck the string. Resentment can speak. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

Fifty four. Once the golden phoenix and jade dew meet, they will win countless victories in the world. If the two love each other for a long time, how can it be day and night!

55. Qingqing son Jin, my heart is long. If I don't go, Zining won't inherit? The Qingqingzi pendant makes me think slowly. If I don't go, Zining won't come?