People with poor lives, 82 sentences in the circle of friends
Flowers bloom on the other side
2023-06-01 06:55:19
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1. I will pay all my enthusiasm and never forget my way.

2. I will not rely on others, because I am fed up with disappointment.

3. People who are very bitter in heart can be filled as long as there is a trace of sweetness.

4. My leaving will make you happy. If you want, we will make a deal.

5. The end of love is that when I leave, you will continue to detain me.

6. It was agreed that we would not break up together, and finally we could not beat time.

7. You hurt me so deeply, but my heart is full of your sweet words.

8. I began to doubt my decision again. What can I do?

9. I never give up liking him, just from strong to silent.

10. Some words, no matter how much you say, are useless. Some things, only oneself understand.

11. How happy you are! Are you really happy? No one can understand the pain in the heart.

12. Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touching the bottom of my heart.

13. More disappointed, the empty promises made are no longer so sweet.

14. We always comfort others like wise men and torture ourselves like fools.

15. I used to think that we would not separate, but that's just what I thought.

16. Everyone is doomed to be left with only himself in the end, who dares to pray for no desertion.

17. Secret love is a person's chaos, no end may be the best outcome.

18. You are lonely because you want someone to care about you and don't want to be unduly disturbed.

19. Everyone will be afraid, especially after struggling to cherish, but still can't keep anything.

20. If your heart is tired, will someone be there? If it hurts, will someone show a little concern?

21. It's hard to get used to missing and waiting for you, but I have never been used to seeing you.

22. It was beautiful when the meteor broke through the sky, but only Changkong knew the pain of beauty.

23. When we were young, we gave up thinking that it was just a relationship, but later we learned that it was actually a life.

24. Maturity is for strangers, foolishness is for children, and childishness is for people who like.

25. It doesn't matter how much I loved you. Keep the memories to grow old with me. You are still my weak side.

26. The most sad thing is not that he doesn't love you, but that he says he loves you very much, but he easily gives you up.

27. Don't live in the mouth or eyes of others, but hold your destiny in your own hands.

28. Why do you cry again and again for the same person when you don't laugh again and again for the same joke.

29. I dare not expect too much. I just want to treat the moment as forever and turn the present into memory, bit by bit.

30. Life is not bitter. What is bitter is that we have too many desires. People are not tired. What is tired is that we cannot let go of too much.

31. You break into my world, and then give up halfway. I am the last person who cannot bear to part with you, and I am also the one who is heartbroken.

32. My heart is unwilling to move forward. The road is too far and I feel too tired. When love becomes so desolate, my heart has no place to belong.

33. Admit it, you didn't make his heart ache when you cried. Wiping your tears is different from being reluctant to shed your tears.

34. I don't know when this boring life will end. No one can understand the pain in my heart, and no one can understand it.

35. In the past, I thought that love is right and youth is wrong, but now I understand that wishful thinking is willing to gamble.

36. The people lying on your blacklist later came from the beginning with colorful clouds, illuminating your whole world.

37. You said you would love me all your life, but your life is so short that I never felt started.

38. I take the initiative, you don't take the initiative, you don't take the initiative, and I don't take the initiative. Many relationships are like this, and then there is no later.

39. The most suitable feeling is never to torture each other in the name of love, but to accompany each other and become the sunshine of each other.

40. I didn't stop loving you, I just stopped showing it, because I knew that no matter how hard I tried, you would never understand.

41. If you have negative emotions such as depression, listen to me and run for two kilometers first, then you will know what to do.

42. When I was a child, I cried when I wanted to cry. When I grew up, I had to hold back when I wanted to cry. Then I hid in a place where no one else would dare to wipe my tears alone.

43. The most sad thing is not to cry in the quilt in the middle of the night, but to dream that two people have made up in the dream, and to wake up that feeling of loss.

44. In the workplace, tears do not represent anything; The world is bright not because of the sunshine, but because of your smile.

45. I try my best to keep my unhappiness and unhappiness for myself, and I never expect anyone to love me and shoulder all for me.

46. Waiting for the rise and fall of the sun, watching the loss of tears, the pain of heart, the feeling of dreams, knowing that the tag of no chance has accumulated the doomed armor.

47. Speak with affectation, but can't swallow it, dare not place expectations on others, dare not talk to others, no one can understand my pain.

48. You make me feel like I like you, just like the story of the monkey fishing for the moon. I can see you, but I can't touch you.

49. How I wish I were just a child, laughing when I gave a candy, crying when I fell down. Don't pretend to be totally different, don't suppress your feelings.

50. I have never changed, just learned to disguise. Stumbling through the most sad and gloomy moments of life, those most difficult times.

51. Those memories belonging to us are slowly fading away. The summer with our names on it is gradually blooming, and the light sky is tinged.

52. A thousand words become speechless. You will doubt others' kindness. Fear of giving. No one can understand the pain in the heart. I want to escape from this place.

53. The pain in the baby's heart is really bitter, but no one will understand it. The key is that nobody cares. Don't flatter yourself if you work hard! I want to be single for the rest of my life.

54. Looking for you in the crowd is like holding all the sand on the beach, eager to find your trace. If you don't follow your wishes, I hope there will be another life.

55. After many years, I can't remember the reasons for my confusion and persistence when I was young. Youth is to make you laugh, but also give you inexplicable pain.

56. You were the first to approach me, but I was the last one you could not bear. Perhaps, deep feeling has always been let down, only thin feeling will be missed to the bone.

57. Life is like a glass of boiled water. You drink it every day. Don't envy others for their various colors of drinks. In fact, it may not quench your thirst.

58. No one understands the grievances. The invisible pressure is really great. It's like a stone weighing a thousand pounds. It's hard to breathe. It's crazy.

59. There is always a place, a person, that makes you feel excited and nostalgic. There is always someone who says sorry, which makes your heart ache and unforgettable.

60. There are many things in life, just like you hit the corner of the table in a hurry, angry and painful, but you don't blame the table or yourself, you just feel wronged.

61. There are always some things that can make you see some people without noticing them. Don't think how important you are in other people's world. Maybe you are just a casual friend.

62. The most painful sorrow is silent. A person will choose to end his life only when he is bitter and sad in his heart. May heaven be happy without sorrow and go well all the way.

63. Sometimes feelings disappear, just like the food in the refrigerator slowly deteriorates after the power is cut off. The refrigerator is right, the food is also right, but the electricity is not coming.

64. Everyone has a history in which people cry bitterly. They always think of that person from time to time, the person who lives in their heart and never forgets.

65. Giving up is not a whim. All kinds of disappointments accumulate together and finally break out in silence. No sound, no noise, so quietly gave up.

66. People are always children, and no one can grow up. Some people keep their children's hearts, others keep their children's brains. In the end, either naive or confused.

67. There is no so-called joke in the world. All jokes have a serious component. How many true words are said in a joke, but those who don't want to understand will never understand.

68. Secret love is probably the most selfless and tolerant love in the world. I have done all the things I love you, but I don't even mention liking you. I kept silent, but I loved you for countless years.

69. Sometimes, I want a bright smile when my heart is as sharp as a knife. I am very fragile, but I am so strong. Tears in my eyes tell everyone that I am good.

70. I always make such mistakes when I am alone, but I feel that I can make friends with others because they give me a little favor. Accustomed to one person, don't rely on anyone.

71. I thought he was cold by nature until I saw him offering greetings to another person. You suddenly understand that there is no cold person in the world, but he is not warm for you.

72. When it is quiet, I will think of you, remember the words we said together, the road we walked together, everything we had together, one person will giggle, and then it will be unbearable heartache.

73. May you be kind to your young skin, and may you have an interesting soul that will not be stale. May you live in the present, even if you are mired in the mire, you can still live a life of innocence and pride.

74. Perhaps the best way to be a person is to be quiet. Looking up at one piece of sky after another, witness one departure after another. Then fade down, frankly speaking, I am finally not so persistent.

75. I finally survived that period when everyone looked like you, and everything I saw missed you. The songs I listened to were all about your days. Fortunately, I can finally go without asking about the return date, no longer contact, and don't have to wait for you.

76. I used to think that if you treat anyone with your heart, you can get true friendship and true love. Later, I met some people and experienced some things before I knew that everything was just what I thought.

77. You should understand that the hot water will still be cold, the enthusiasm will still dissipate, and the loved one will still leave. So you should be good, grow up, and get used to leaving.

78. I always come in a hurry and leave without saying a word. I don't want to be a dispensable person for you anymore. I want to leave you completely, or you leave me first. Let's not delay each other's lives any longer.

79. At that moment, I suddenly felt that all my waiting was meaningless in your eyes, because you could not exchange any of your treasure. It's not that I don't know how to persist, it's that I haven't heard from you for too long, so this time I decided to leave.

80. I was worried recently when I was free. My friend asked me to talk more. Don't be depressed. I felt very uncomfortable just eating alone. I hope there is something to do every day. The originally optimistic people are really sad recently.

81. Recalling that she was in the bookstore with a friend a month ago, when she saw me holding a book about depression and turning it over for a long time, she said that everyone would have different levels of depression. I think she might know what happened to me, and she wanted to cry at that moment.

82. If nothing unexpected happens, when we meet again, we will be strangers. I can't walk into your world, and you only stay in my past. I have no right to ask about you in the future. I hope the sadness is all mine, and our best memories are all yours.