Talk about being in a bad mood and having nowhere to vent (29 sentences)
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-06-27 04:19:36
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. In public places, you should smile even if you are wronged. As for venting your feelings, it would be better to hide in the corner alone.

2. Unlimited anger and depression in the heart. How to let these things that have been accumulated for decades vent.

3. My concept of swearing: it is just a modal particle used to assist me to fully vent my emotions. It has nothing to do with whether I have the quality of a tutor!

4. The tears in the corners of the eyes have long been covered with ice and snow, and there is no place to vent the depression in the heart, leaving countless indelible traces.

5. I'm just a humble person, hiding in this corner and venting my feelings in my own way. I am optimistic, because I cry alone at night.

6. When a person is venting his feelings and saying a lot of things that should not be said. You go to say that he is wrong, in fact, it is you who are wrong.

7. I really want to ask myself if I am tired, but I am afraid that I have no place to express my grievances when I ask them.

8. Today is yesterday's tomorrow, with a little sad mood, there is no place to vent the depression, no other reason, but blind can not find the direction.

9. Acacia hard read high, heart pain nowhere to eliminate. Don't ask for the old moon to forget love, just look at the beautiful dream.

10. Sometimes, the heart is like this, inexplicably unhappy, is inexplicably looking for something to vent, but you do not know what to look for! Bored.

11. Bad temper is really not a good thing. When I have no place to vent, I can only scratch myself.

12. Anger breaks through the sunny sky, and there is no place for the sadness in my heart to dissipate. Anyone who can understand my mind can only swing his fist at the wall brick.

13. Forgive me for complaining. I won't do it any more. I also have nowhere to say. It's because I have nowhere to vent that I said so much. Please let me laugh until the last second.

14. The emotions that can be expressed through tears are not emotions, and those that cannot be relieved by tears will not have other better ways.

15. Only when I feel depressed and have nowhere to vent can I find that there are really not many people around me... Don't take a person too seriously... I am the most important.

16. I want to shout, but I can't make a sound; The loneliness in my heart clearly catches the eye of the colorful world, but there is no place to vent my depression.

17. Don't talk to others about your worries. You don't know whether others have time or are bored. Let's vent your worries in sentences. Your mood will really be better.

18. Please don't take me as your mood dump. If you have anything to vent and release, please come to me after release! OK!

19. Maybe because no one here knows me, I dare to vent my feelings without fear.

20. Obviously, at the beginning, I just want to vent my feelings, but I also unconsciously care how many people pay attention to me and what words should be sent out.

21. Your self-esteem is damaged. I can understand that your anger is painful. Yes, I understand. But after venting, please continue to live. We don't have the luxury of wasting time.

22. Taking advantage of our exhausted imagination, we hover over this land we are also tired of, looking around blankly, having nowhere to live, and having nowhere to vent our depression.

23. I have nowhere to express my inexplicable emotions, inexplicable upset, inexplicable grievances, inexplicable sadness, and inexplicable sadness.

24. Do you also feel bad for no reason? Stop, because this is a bad mood accumulated all day and is being vented to people who should not vent.

25. People's loneliness can be released in various ways, and then be pacified. The loneliness of the sea never seems to be entrusted.

26. When I am in a bad mood, I just want to vent my anger, but I almost hurt you. I'm sorry.

27. I often feel depressed when you are not here. Like the fallen leaves without roots in autumn, like the snow without shelter in winter.

28. When I love you straight to the bottom, I have no place to vent my depression about you leaving me, so I have to torture myself, even if you don't turn around.

29. In many cases, I can't explain why I am suddenly lost or irritable. I just hope to find an outlet to vent my feelings.