Copy of Newborn Friend Circle
Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall
2023-03-20 13:30:24
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. When a baby is born, joy comes. When the baby cries, the whole family surrounds him. When the baby makes a noise, good luck comes. When the baby smiles, happiness reports. Wish the baby healthy and happy!

2. Congratulations, be a father now, please remember: children are treasures, parents take good care of them; A child is a tree, and parents should be upright; Children are geniuses, parents should encourage; Bless the healthy growth of children, happiness of the whole family, and good luck in life!

3. Baby, today you are proud of your mother. Tomorrow your mother is proud of you. Wish you happiness, happiness and health forever.

4. The message said, let happiness embrace you gently, let difficulties meet you and let troubles slip away, let auspiciousness take special care of you, and make you smile forever! Happy June Day!

5. At the moment of the baby's birth, please allow me to bow to you: you have worked hard for a year, worried for a year, and waited for a year. God was moved by you, and gave you a beautiful little princess, and bless her healthy growth. At the same time, I would like to say: Thank you, the world has a lovely, moving and healthy little princess, please continue to work hard, and wish you a happy family!

6. Congratulations on your promotion as a parent. Your son's happiness is the GDP of your work, your son's laughter, your work bonus, your son's growth, and your favorite salary. I wish your family happiness and continuous happiness!

7. A sunny day, double happiness, a family of three, four seasons of peace, five sons of imperial family, six great successes, seven immortals help, flying stars from all directions, nine to nine, perfect, prosperous, thousands of Que songs, all the best. Congratulations on the birth of your son. Mother and son are safe. The full moon will last for a hundred days!

8. Don't move, rob! This is robbery! Do you understand? Take out your sorrow, hand over your sadness, take out your worry, and take off your sadness. Here! In this case, I send you happiness. I wish you a happy Children's Day!

9. Life needs vitality, life needs happiness, and life needs responsibility. Congratulations on your birth. Children will make your life full of vitality and laughter, and you will shoulder heavy responsibilities. Here I wish you and your children a sunny and happy life in the future!

10. Sweet honey, you smile sweetly, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze. The baby is crying. Your baby is a little reluctant. Wash the diaper quickly. I wish you a baby and change your diapers frequently.

11. It's been a hundred days, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's become handsome, and you're free. Go out and hang out more when you have nothing to do, and take more babies out to dry! In this happy day, I wish my baby a hundred happy! Health 100!

12. Welcome to the beautiful world!

13. Knowing that you are happy to have your son, here is a couplet: the first couplet is happy to have your son's family smile, and the second couplet is: work hard and smoothly, old and young, happiness and well-being! Horizontal scroll: Your son is blessed, and I hope your baby will thrive!

14. Everyone will make mistakes and be criticized, but as long as they correct, they are good babies; Everyone will make mistakes and be criticized, but as long as they correct, they will be a good baby.

15. Dear child, you have the most enviable age. All the roads in front of you are glittering. I hope you can grow up quickly to gain your bright future.

16. The first couplet: A living treasure that can be loved in one body. The second line: Fuwa born by absorbing essence. Horizontal scroll: Happy to have your son. I wish you a lucky family with three treasures, happy and happy "Family Bucket"

17. Some happiness is to be left for yourself, such as meditation, and some happiness is to be distributed to others, such as happiness. Some days are especially important, such as the day when the baby arrives, let our friends know quickly and let our happiness spread out!

18. Congratulations! congratulations! May Xiaomaomao be healthy, smart and beautiful!

19. The leaves move because of the wind, the seedlings grow because of the soil, the waterfalls grow because of the flow, the sky is vivid because of birds, the sea is mysterious because of corals, the desert is lively because of oases, and life is beautiful because of youth. I wish you a happy Children's Day and happy every day!

20. May the new baby bring you countless happiness! Wish little baby: good health! grow sturdily!

21. When the baby is born, your responsibility becomes heavier. Don't be arrogant or used to cheating. Correct leadership is the most important. May the baby be smart and happy every day. At the same time, I would like to remind you that everything starts from the doll. Come on, you can do it.

22. It is said that Wenqu Star was reincarnated today, and you just got your son. Did you really transfer to your home? The child is sure that everything will go well and his ambition will be great. What are you laughing at? Don't be surprised. Go to prepare food and drinks. We are coming to celebrate! Happy Birthday SMS

23. When your baby comes down, it brings you infinite joy and happiness; As soon as the phone rings, my short message has brought infinite care and blessings to your baby. I wish the baby a healthy growth, happiness and promising future!

24. Thank you, baby. Because of you, the flowers are blooming, the fruits are fragrant, and the sky full of hope comes with you!

25. "Start at dawn and work hard for good." May you love the spring of life, cherish the morning of time, learn from the plum blossom, and strive to be the "first branch of the east wind"

26. Her small mouth contains rich expressions: when happy, curl your mouth and make a face; When angry, a pouted mouth can catch a small oil pot. The words uttered from this mouth can sometimes make people angry, sobbing, and sometimes make people laugh.

27. I observed them carefully: it turned out that the silkworm was divided into six or seven limbs, and there were small black spots like stars on both sides of each limb. At the front is its head, with small star like eyes and a small brown mouth. There are six or seven pairs of small feet under the body, and the feet are long with fluff, which can be pasted on the wall and leaves.