Short sentence of scenery after rain
Love needs courage
2023-03-02 09:09:48
Complete sentences

1. The sky after rain, whether there is a smile after clearing up.

2. I always believe that there will be gorgeous rainbows in the sky after rain.

3. Big head, big head, don't worry about rain, others have umbrellas, you have big head.

4. There is a fool who is always moved and likes to say: It's raining.

5. The rainbow after rain is beautiful, and the smiling face after suffering is brilliant.

6. After the rain, the sky is clear, and we will never return to the road of video shooting.

7. The rainbow is colorful and dazzling, like a colorful arch of a program.

8. I think accepting the fact that people are lonely is a sign of growing up.

9. The flowers in the greenhouse can't see the sky. Only when there is wind and rain in the world can there be a rainbow.

10. Not after the rain, there will always be a rainbow, not mind, there will be someone who can understand!

11. Looking for the rainbow after the rain, eager to see the future color from the beautiful color

12. The sky was blue after the rain, and only a few faint white clouds floated in the air.

13. In the morning after the rain, sit by the window. Everything that leaps into view after the rain seems to wake up overnight!

14. It takes only one sentence to destroy a person, but a thousand words to cultivate a person. Please be merciful.

15. An autumn rain, a layer of cool rain, hits the beach, thousands of dots, pits, beads, abacus, a curtain of dreams, after the rain, the rainbow stream becomes a river.

16. Today, I was in a bad mood. It's weird. It's going to rain. I'll send you a song to express my love.

17. Encounter the rainbow after the rain, Yaotian holds the sun and sees the real dragon. When the golden peak is propitious, draw the long bow and accept the posts to lift the cover and embrace the pretty face.

18. Happiness is the moment when you go outside to breathe fresh air and feel the bright sunshine in the morning after rain.

19. A rainbow cut through the blue sky at night. It was like a long bridge, from the top of the mountain in the east to the green mountain in the north.

20. Wipe away tears and hatred, get rid of all dissatisfaction and troubles, feel warm, and meet the rainbow that belongs to you after the storm!

21. Rainy days will make me feel comfortable, and sunny days after rain will make me feel happy. In short, keep a happy mood, everything is beautiful. good morning.

22. A heavy rain can make a city strange. Cold wind and light rain are the baptism before meeting you; The encounter after the rain is destined to take a new attitude.

23. After a heavy rain, it may not be a rainbow, but a more violent storm. Why not a storm? In order to see the rainbow, how about being wet by the rain?

24. Listen to the rain, watch it rain, watch it thunder and lightning, watch it rain, watch it rain, watch it spray everything, watch it walk in the rain after the rain.

25. Hand in hand is just a romance. It will be light and cloudy after love; When the petals in your hands dry after the rain, isn't it lonely to love again? Do not break up easily when holding hands.

26. The most charming thing after the rain is my favorite lotus. Sitting on the wet and soft grass and looking at the lotus on the sparkling lake is another great enjoyment!

27. Even if I lose everything, I still want to lead you along like this. After the storms of the past, staying together at the moment may not represent permanent commitment, but you will be happy at the moment.

28. When you go out, the wind blows fiercely and thunderstorm blows heavily. But how can we see the beautiful Gongda after the rain without risking being struck by thunder. The beautiful military master I met on the road.

29. Don't regret or complain about your mistakes. There is no perfect person in the world. Fall down, get up and start again. How can we see the rainbow without wind and rain? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.

30. If there are no tears in a person's eyes, his soul will not see the rainbow~Tears not only represent sadness, can be moved, but also the power to add color to life!

31. People who loved many years ago are like a lamp of hope. No matter how dark the night is and how long the road is, no matter whether you can still meet it, you will occasionally fantasize about a hypothetical encounter in the bluestone streets after the rain.

32. Persistence is perseverance, and persistence is the soul. Persistence is like the nectar and dew in the tea when one has a hard time and a sweet time. It is intoxicating when one is excited; Persistence is like a rainbow after rain, which makes people enjoy the benefits after countless storms.

33. The weather is so hot, and I feel irritable. Walking on the path after the rain, I finally feel a little better. Tomorrow, I will report it. It's time to end this fidgety world and start a new life. Come on!

34. In July, the sun is scorching, and the hot feelings are even more lingering. I look forward to seeing you on Valentine's Day. It's hard to sleep when I miss you. After the rain, the rainbow appears, just like a magpie bridge pulling the line. I am connected with you, not in an instant but forever!

35. Everyone has his own love and happiness. However, the road to happiness is not the same. Some people can only see the rainbow in the distance after experiencing the wind and rain.

36. I would rather I was the wind, flying on your shoulders and ears; May it be rain, falling when the rainbow appears; May the waves bloom in every port of your life; May it be a picture, in your gentle eyes? Freeze Frame

37. Childhood is like music, composing one interesting story after another. Childhood is a rainbow after rain, a picture of memory, and even the beautiful time that is most worthy of our memories. Ah, childhood, how fascinating you are!

38. The white lotus after rain has another style. The water drops on the lotus leaf roll back and forth, glittering like broken pearls. The water drips on the bud, and the white lotus that has just opened is more crystal clear and lovely. It is wrapped in snow and bright like the moon.

39. The heart of missing you is like the evergreen holly tree; Caring about your heart is like a rainbow after the rain; Thinking of your heart is like burning coals in a furnace; I hope your heart is as warm as the red plum in the snow. I miss you, the whole heart belongs to you!

40. Rainbow! Someone exclaimed, excitedly facing the sky, clear and light, like pastel, permeated the blue sky, large pieces of cotton candy like clouds reflected on the blue bottom gently fiddling, and the silent mind rippled layer upon layer!

41. The seaside sky is lovely. The high sky is bright blue. Flowing colored clouds dance in the air with the wind. With the changes of the morning, middle and evening, colored clouds constantly change their colors, sometimes golden, sometimes white, sometimes red like fire. I rarely see such a beautiful sky.

42. The air behind is always very fresh. I rode alone on the street in confusion. I don't know where my destination is. Suddenly, it began to rain again. Seeing the rain falling on my arms, listening to the wind passing my face, my heart is empty. I hope someone will ride with me and share with her