Talk about the mood suitable for summer hair. Talk about the funny stories suitable for summer hair (31 selected sentences)
2023-05-13 03:38:01
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Sitting in front of the window, listening to the voice of gardenias, watching the tea slowly spread in the cup, and thinking of you who is calm and elegant, just like the gardenias blooming in front of me, light thoughts curl up and fly.

2. They all said that we should wait until we are ripe. I really want to unload the goods earlier! I can't stand the hot summer! It's too hot!

3. Spring is coming, summer is coming, everything is reviving, and everything will flourish! Let's welcome the beautiful summer with hope!

4. Roast string of ice beer, fried chicken, ice cream, and three or two good friends. This is the summer I yearn for

5. In the early summer, wearing a cool and leisurely suspender pajama with several red bayberries in your mouth, lying on the bed with the air conditioner blowing, Jay Chou's mermaid in the earphone, the sun shining outside the window, and thinking about you again, how wonderful it is.

6. I hope my achievements can light up the whole summer.

7. From today on, I am no longer a single dog, but a hot dog!

8. "If you are the last cicada chirp left by the late summer, then I am the one who catches the sound shuttling between heaven and earth."

9. The most miserable summer in history! Are you greasy, buddy?

10. The warm spring has passed, and the hot summer has come again. The sun is high in the sky, the earth is baked by the sun, and the plants are exhausted. The animals hide in a cool place to rest.

11. At noon, when the sun is burning, the shadow turns blue, and the grass sleeps in the heat, but the chilly air passes under the dense forest and leaves.

12. Summer is too romantic. I want to invite him to have a meal. If you are free, you can come with me.

13. In summer, iced watermelons are indispensable, just like you who will make trouble.

14. I will always love the warm summer. We have a long way to go.

15. Life needs sunshine, just as flowers need sunshine; Life needs sunshine, just as darkness needs sunshine; Life needs sunshine just as cold needs sunshine.

16. In summer, although it is not as gentle as spring or as continuous as autumn, it is rough and bold. Come and go in a hurry, never leaving any trace.

17. The scorching sun: describes the strong sunshine in summer. It can also be called "scorching sun". Ex.: "The sun is burning like fire".

18. If I kiss you, it will blow on your face

19. Recently, the sunshine every day is my favorite color. You can sit beside the bed and bask in the sunshine all morning if you get up early. I haven't drunk beer for a long time, and I feel a little welcome to summer.

20. Warm wishes for the coming summer. In the hot sun, find a shade. A gentle breeze makes you feel cool. Relieve thirst and heat, and have a cool change. Calm down and cool your heart. Take care of yourself and don't catch cold. Bless summer, cool every day.

21. The gentle evening wind must be able to blow away a lot of unhappiness.

22. Hot weather is like a joke, and life is like nonsense!

23. The non-stop chirping of cicadas, the breeze of summer air and the scorching sun swear the arrival of summer.

24. In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Crowds of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking the stamens and flying around diligently.

25. Sunshine beach coastline. In the early summer sun, immersed in the blue sea, blue and white tones interweave into the fearless spirit of navigation.

26. The lower temperature of soda water is an adventure in summer

27. I haven't walked for a long time. In such a beautiful morning, I suddenly found that people and things around me are beautiful

28. I sell in the world at dusk just to collect the world's tenderness to meet you

29. I just bought some eggs from the supermarket and went home. A chicken crept out of the bag a few steps later. When I saw the eggs in the bag, my sister was all chickens.

30. How beautiful summer is! The green leaves are laughing and the bright sun is shining in the clear sky.

31. The lower temperature of soda is an adventure in summer.