Talk about friends who will be looked down upon by relatives in 2022
I always believe
2023-07-09 15:20:13
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. When you are in trouble, not only do you have no friends, but even relatives look down on you. This is the reality.

2. My poor family has always been looked down upon by my relatives. My relatives smoke during the Spring Festival, but they don't send my father. Later, my poor family has always been looked down upon by my relatives.

3. When you experience kindness being used, when trust is used, when you are looked down upon by relatives, friends and relatives, when you are brilliant, when you are down and when you are dead, you will know.

4. Sometimes I feel it's not good to find a Hong Kong husband. Most of them did not suffer hardship, and their family conditions were not poor since childhood. They did not know the hardship of not having money, the hardship of being looked down upon by relatives and friends, and the hardship of being driven crazy by not having money.

5. Things that should be thrown away when they reach a certain age, meaningless wine shops, despise your relatives, false friends and people who do not love you.

6. When I was young, my family was poor! Relatives and neighbors look down on my family! But my parents told me that my daughter must strive for success. Now I have succeeded! Parents and daughters didn't disgrace you!

7. Relatives will only stand on the commanding heights to point out to you, boast about themselves, and suppress others. They look down on me and me. How hard they try will always be in your ridicule. It is always worse than ever.

8. Everyone despises me, looks down on me, and doesn't take me seriously. Parents, brothers, relatives, classmates, teachers, friends, and bosses. Life is too bitter. drag out an ignoble existence.

9. It's hard to feel despised by relatives. But it is too difficult to change the status quo.

10. Life should be far away from those relatives who look down on you. If you can't, just bear it.

11. People should not pay too much attention to others' opinions, especially relatives and friends. When you are not as good as them, they look down on you. When you are better than them, they envy you and try to live a good life!

12. I woke up from a nightmare. I was content with the status quo. I was looked down upon by my relatives and friends, even myself.

13. When we were young, our family was very poor, and our relatives and neighbors looked down on us. Our brothers swore to let our parents raise their heads. Now we have done it.

14. I didn't work and was looked down upon by my relatives. I foolishly thought that my relatives were all good people and had no money. Anyway, he is very poor.

15. If you fail, you are most despised as a relative, while those who are far away from you are friends. If you succeed, there are relatives everywhere and friends everywhere. Thank you for your hard work and seize the wind to change your destiny.

16. Be looked down upon by relatives and neighbors! Inferiority complex! Now I should be able to straighten my waist!

17. After so many years of poverty, I didn't realize that I was treated coldly by my relatives. I was really dull enough. Honest people were looked down upon everywhere.

18. I said the wrong thing again. I shouldn't say that to my relatives. In fact, they are very kind. I shouldn't look down on them. Now they are going back to their hometown today. I really hate them.

19. At my age: there is basically no boring wine shop, people around me still love me, and have not been looked down upon by relatives. There may be false friends, but they haven't shown it yet.

20. The biggest comparison is that I don't want to be despised by my relatives for my work and income. So far, I can say loudly and with a little confidence that my work is good and my income is good.

21. I just talked to my roommates about being looked down upon by my relatives when I was young. I thought that people are only real if they are capable. Nobody else can count on it.

22. I hope you know something and understand their good intentions. I was told by my relatives that I didn't agree with them, but I still insisted on my own idea, that is, I wanted to fight for my voice and didn't want them to look down on me.

23. Every time I go to relatives for dinner, I feel unhappy and disgusting. Maybe I can't be a man, but what does it mean to look down on people.