Sentences of complete disappointment to the husband Sentences of cold disappointment to the husband (56 sentences)
Also elegant
2023-06-17 14:22:49
Complete sentences

1. In fact, I'm not afraid of hardship. I'm just afraid that I will be willing to work hard, but the result is just a joke. I dare not go forward without hesitation. I admit I'm timid. I dare not venture to speculate on people's minds. After all, people are unpredictable, and even you may not understand yourself.

2. Ben doesn't last forever. I'm too obsessed. Sticking to the so-called commitment, but forgot to speak without intention. a man 's mind is unpredictable.

3. It's a bit tactful when your moving turns into hurting

4. Sometimes, I prefer not to have a heart, so at least it won't hurt

5. Seeing through the heart, the heart is also cold.

6. Women are divided into married women and unmarried women, and men are divided into voluntary marriage and forced marriage.

7. Your leaving makes me understand that my tears can fall like this.

8. Some people are sincere to you, but some people have reasons behind it. Hum, people are unpredictable.

9. If I knew you would let go, I would rather you never came.

10. It's not that they don't love you or care about you, but you will feel cold and weak. It's just that you are demanding too much.

11. Suffering from many desires makes people unpredictable.

12. If you break your heart, forget your love, and fight for your life, you can't retrieve the broken past.

13. Women are always dry water one day, men are always bald mountain one day. Therefore, mountains and rivers can form a cycle together.

14. Why cry back to back. We've all broken our hearts

15. I love you so much, why do you have to bear the pain to cheat

16. Close your eyes and smoke a cigarette because it is not sad that smoking hurts your lungs.

17. The human mind is unpredictable, and the human mind is hard to prevent. The scum on the roadside rubbed their fists. Three, five and two, I capsized in the sewer.

18. The world is inhospitable, you can continue to play, you can't play out; It's hard to know the heart, but it's hard to know the face. A number of involuntary camouflage, perhaps dealing with the impermanence of the world; An insincere mouth may be a stumbling strong one.

19. I thought that people's hearts were cold and weak, but it turned out that we attached too much importance to the pain.

20. How hard can you do such a cool thing.

21. The marriage certificate cannot guarantee the quality of marriage.

22. Why do you suddenly want to cry? Do I also have some small sadness that flows against the river?

23. What about being sad? You are the only one in my heart.

24. People are unpredictable. Who can keep the original intention?

25. How many tears does life need to shed to stop crying.

26. Sad thoughts, I have nothing worth your detaining.

27. People are unpredictable. When I first met you, I thought you were smiling when you didn't talk. After a long time, once you turn around, you cut me in the back. You are really kind.

28. Is it happy or sad to see you find your happiness, but I cry

29. If I could turn back the clock, I would not be so sad.

30. Count the days. We have been separated for days, but now you are celebrating your love day with others.

31. Holding an umbrella for you at the bus stop is just wishful thinking.

32. Thousands of prosperous, nine thousand desolate. Only the heart feels cold and thin.

33. If life is just like the first sight, what is the sad autumn wind painting fan. It is easy to change, but it is hard to change.

34. The way of the world is difficult to measure.

35. Autumn leaves are yellow in autumn, snow in winter, snow in winter and cold in winter. People's hearts are always cool every day.

36. If you leave me, please don't comfort me. You should know that every sewing will also encounter stinging pain

37. If I had known this, I would not have known each other.

38. The beauty diluted by time is clearer than the pain.

39. It is difficult to prevent when people's hearts are opposed.

40. Hershey honey is indistinguishable, and time-sharing poison is indistinguishable. After the change of things and people, who is who, but eight words: "people are cold and thin, cold and warm.".

41. If I lose you, even my breath will hurt.

42. I finally understand that it is not because the world is too dark, but because people's hearts are too unpredictable.

43. If the body is cold enough, it can be cured. If the heart is cold enough, it may not be cured.

44. We have a little disagreement: she wants me to turn dung into gold, and I hope she treats gold as dung!

45. I was afraid to see the bright yellow and burn my eyes with tears.

46. Smart people are unmarried, and married people are hard to be smart again.

47. The real society, the real people, the heart is hard to find, the heart is hard to defend

48. Two adults, one cultivates the heart, and the heart is unpredictable. Ten generations of love, life is no pain, love is no shame.

49. If I could walk into your heart, I would also cry, because there is nothing you care about me

50. I told myself not to cry, but I couldn't help it.

51. People say that you can listen to love songs when you are sad. Why? The more I listen to it, the more sad I become

52. When tears cross the corners of your mouth, wipe them off with your hand.

53. I suddenly found that my life style is reversed. I always fantasize about the future and then force others to follow my own plan. If not, we will lament that things are unpredictable and people's hearts are hard to sell.

54. If I love you in simple words, what is left between us

55. The world is inconstancy, just because people are unpredictable!

56. Your leaving will certainly hurt my muscles and bones, and will be bloody and painful