Real love sentences Real short sentences are brilliant (35 selected sentences)
How to be a man without going through vicissitudes
2023-03-21 10:36:53
Complete sentences

1. Men always kiss women suddenly. Women kiss men deliberately for a long time.

2. In love, women will abandon men for each other's lack of money, and men will abandon women for each other's appearance.

3. Men are naive when they like women, and women are profound when they like men.

4. Men like beautiful and gentle women, while women like smart and capable men.

5. When a woman is desperate, she will marry a man. When a man is desperate, a woman will divorce him.

6. Men without women are lonely, women without men are lonely.

7. Men are often serious when they lie, and women look around when they lie.

8. Because the lover is not around, so love the people around.

9. Men want beauty, women want money. Beauty can be beautiful, money can buy a sense of security.

10. What men really like is a woman's appearance and connotation, while what women really like is a man's strength and temperament.

11. Men lie to men all night long, while women lie to men all their lives.

12. Every successful man will lie, and no mature woman knows how to act coquettishly.

13. Women always want to get married when men have money, but they always want to divorce when men have no money.

14. A man without career is unhappy in love, and a woman without culture is difficult to be perfect in love.

15. Men learn romance when they fall in love with a woman, and women learn fantasy when they fall in love with a man.

16. Women will be irritable with men who have no money, and women will be gentle with men who have money.

17. Men always want to get married when they have no money, but they always want to divorce when they have money.

18. In love, men without money always seem so naive, and women without culture always improve their requirements.

19. Men have affairs because of impulse; Women have affairs because of boredom.

20. Sometimes men want to talk to women, while women want to hear about success.

21. Men fall in love with their eyes, while women fall in love with their hearts.

22. On the way to love, men always hope that the end is in front, while women always hope that the end is far away.

23. The best way to pursue a woman is to love her, love her, give her money and romance. The best way to pursue a man is to fall in love with him.

24. Career is the capital of men's love, and talent is the backing of women's love.

25. When a man is in pain, he will not say a word, and when a woman is in pain, she will talk.

26. Men value sex while women value love.

27. Men want freedom in love, while women need protection in love.

28. In love, men don't like realistic women, and women don't like men who don't understand romance.

29. Love can make a man tell all lies, and a woman play all hypocrisy.

30. Men who are not strong have no future, and women who are not gentle have no connotation.

31. In this year, men tend to be very romantic when they fall in love, while women tend to be very realistic when they fall in love.

32. Men without money cannot keep women, and men with money cannot keep women.

33. Every man is sober in love, and every woman is confused in love.

34. Love doesn't last forever. You and I just once owned it.

35. If men are rich, they will become bad, and if women become bad, they will become rich.