Never understood my sad sentence
Quiet recovery
2023-07-17 06:05:19

1. Never understand me, don't understand why I am sad, let my heart drift.

2. Never understand me, when I am lonely and silent, how can I never know comfort when my heart hurts?

3. I have never understood me, and I can't see the loneliness in my eyes when I say I am good

4. Never understood me. When I smiled, I couldn't see that I was already in tears

5. Never understand me. When I tell my troubles, you can't see the sadness hidden in my heart and eyes

6. I have never understood me, and I can't see why my emotions are always so repeated and changeable.

7. I have never understood me and can't see my sadness and my occasional loneliness.

8. I have never understood me, but I always think that one day you will also know you as I do.

9. Never understand me, do not understand my sorrow, do not understand my loneliness!

10. I have never understood me. Sometimes I just need a hug from you and don't need to ask me why.

11. I have never understood me. I am not a bad girl when I complain when I am in a bad mood. This is just a way for me to vent. You don't need to reason with me, just accompany me to be crazy.

12. You never understand me, what I need and what I think. You never care about my opinion.

13. I have never understood how I spent the long night.

14. I have never understood me, and I will wait for your reply foolishly. If I don't see your reply, I will think whether there is a problem with the mobile phone or there is no signal.

15. You never understand me. You always say I am crazy, but you don't know how insecure I am.

16. Never understand me. Your company is my greatest happiness. There is no need for sweet words.

17. I have never understood me. My tears flow for you, not affectation, but heartache.

18. I have never understood me, and I will feel at ease with you, even if I don't say anything.

19. I have never understood. Your back is so cold that it can hurt my heart.

20. I have never understood me. Your indifference during a quarrel is more frustrating than saying words that hurt me.