Copy of team cohesion (inspirational copy of team cohesion)
Yearning for the flying of eagle
2023-05-24 17:03:45
Complete sentences

1. People's hearts don't usually die on major events, but on small disappointments that become fatal.

2. You used to love someone very much, but when all the disappointments accumulated to a critical point, you can't even talk about love anymore.

3. I try hard not to give up, the grievances are given to myself, and I am determined. Why don't you cherish them.

4. Sometimes, I want to cry because my heart is holding back. Sometimes, I want to be quiet, because I'm tired.

5. Do you think you can let go when you say let go? The feeling from crazy miss to calm release must take time to settle down. After all, that person has accompanied you for so long, and no one can empathize with you.

6. Let it be, it contains how much despair and unwilling I am, if you understand.

7. I know that some things do not belong to me, but I do not want to give up. I gritted my teeth and insisted because I knew it was not easy to meet you, and it would be a pity to miss you.

8. We will not contact again at last. No matter whether you think of me or not, I think I have no regrets, because I used to wish I could continue with you, but in the end I understand that you just saw my turn, but did not see through my world.

9. Don't say sorry to me. Sorry can only bring you peace of mind, not my relief.

10. You should learn to swallow a long paragraph of words and all your emotions, and express all your thoughts with only "um". It is not that you become indifferent, but that you learn to tolerate.

11. In the past, I was always thinking about how to make you happier, so I always wronged myself. Well, now I choose to leave and let go of waiting for you, because I'm afraid I can't wait for others anymore.

12. No more half a drop of tears can be squeezed out to grieve for the people or things I lost, so gradually I learned to be quiet and understand silence.

13. Thank you, close to me, understand me, warm me, and then leave me, this process has been enough to make my heart ache for a long time.

14. Say sorry to yourself, because you are always inexplicably sad; Say sorry to yourself, always embarrass yourself for others; Say sorry to yourself, always make yourself tired, but reluctant to rest; Say sorry to yourself, always can't let go of the past, and often ignore the present.

15. You don't know how sad I am at some moment. You don't know, waiting without a response is really tiring. You don't know how much courage I mustered before I dared to remember. Or, you don't know, just pretend not to know.

16. Those who make trouble for no reason want to be noticed, those who shout "goodbye" want to be retained, and those who wish you happiness want to stay with you forever.