Copy of the circle of friends in early summer (about the beautiful copy in early summer)
Be frank
2023-06-05 05:06:11
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. The sun was divided by the shutters and shone on the wall. The cicadas were tirelessly shouting outside the window. Only then did I realize clearly that summer is coming.

2. In the midsummer of the month, there is no cloud in the sky of tile blue, the hot sun is burning the earth, the water in the river is hot, and the soil in the earth is smoking.

3. Brave seagulls, clever reindeer and kind-hearted spider Charlotte make the pale and monotonous dreams as beautiful as exquisite butterfly specimens. When I wake up, I often see the sun shining through the screen window, the dust flying in the air, the petals dipped in the sun, and they look like orchids in an empty valley.

4. Expect the excitement of orange soda in summer.

5. Summer has its own flavor, just as spring has the fragrance of grass, which can not fade away for a long time. It is pure but not greasy, and drunk but not obsessed. So I love summer, which is full of charm and suffocation.

6. Happy summer is when small air conditioners are blowing, small computers are playing, small watermelons are eating and small days are living.

7. Can I compare you to summer? Although you are more lovely and gentle than summer—— Shakespeare's Sonnets

8. No one crosses the fence for a long day, but dragonflies and butterflies fly. The rain falls on the wall, and the wind on the water gathers flowers. Wheat ripens in the wind, and plum blossoms turn yellow in the rain.

9. The wheat in the field changed from green to yellow unconsciously, which changed the appearance of a field. The wind is blowing with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo's call comes from time to time. This is to tell us that "spring has returned", but it is the season of early summer and April.

10. Turning around, a wisp of cold fragrance is far away, the snow is deep, and the smile is shallow. Would you like to ferry me in the next life?

11. The bamboo is green under the stream, and the lotus mirror is fragrant—— Li Bai

12. The grass in early summer is dense and green, and the endless grass is mixed with various kinds of cordyceps, making different sounds, including chorus, chorus, solo, and quartet... They don't need a conductor or a score, they are natural singers!

13. Happiness is to find a warm person to live a lifetime; While I am still waiting for you, you have forgotten to have been here; Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

14. I deliberately act tough, so that no one can see my inner weakness.

15. Who told you that summer is coming? Oh, they are round and green watermelons. The watermelons are also inlaid with dark green patterns, which look like a globe reflecting each other's depth from a distance. Take a bite, sweet, and let people's mouths flow to their skirts.

16. The summer evening wind gently blows the curtain of the window sill, and the dusk is dim. I lie down and doze off for a while, so comfortable that I almost decide to live like this.

17. The clear wind and bright moon are neglected, and the south tower is cool—— Huang Tingjian

18. In summer, the tender leaves on the branches of walnut trees become luxuriant branches and leaves. Those leaves like small fans form a large green umbrella, which blocks the sun and gives people a shade.

19. The world is full of emotion, but white porcelain plum soup in midsummer makes broken ice clatter against the wall.

20. Summer is coming, and the swimming pool in the city is cooking "dumplings" and "mermaids" to move back and forth, competing for beauty; Some children "lie" on the water and drift with the waves; Others are sitting on the cool chair eating ice cream, eating chicken legs, drinking coke and bathing in the sun.

21. The sun in midsummer shines on Chenxiong's Hangu juncture. The fish on the ridge of the roof and the sun rising twin phoenix on the entrance to the gate seem to be breathing.

22. The south wind in late summer and early autumn brings the fragrance of new wheat and the smell of artemisia.

23. The flat farmland, green and soft rice seedlings, and green and green banana leaves swayed in the wind, presenting a business.

24. Many years later, we called this summer "that summer", but that summer, we had a beautiful, gorgeous smile

25. In a twinkling of an eye, Spring said goodbye to us. Summer walked towards us with that light step, showing the beauty of summer. Let's go into summer, into this beautiful and colorful season.

26. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the blue sky. Seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, overlap one by one, reflecting each other. It looks like a golden bridge lying across the sky, magnificent and dazzling.

27. Cool soda and sweet and sour oranges occupy the whole summer-- Cool soda, sweet and sour orange, occupied the whole summer.