66 sentences of the fourth grade allegorical sayings
Starlight on a moonlit night
2023-03-10 20:54:43
Collection of allegorical sayings

1、 The tail of a rabbit can't grow

2、 Breaking the casserole - asking the truth

3、 Draw water from a basket of bamboo - nothing

4、 Plug chicken feathers in your ears - act deaf

5、 Grandma grows a beard - abnormal

6、 Frog in the Well - Short sighted

7、 Cold water topping -- half cold

8、 Running Horses in the City - Circles

9、 Cypress rafters - prefer bending

10、 The spilled water cannot be collected

11、 Pig Nose with Scallion - Pretend

12、 Centenarian father-in-law blows the whistle - old fashioned

13、 Blended with honey - sweet and fragrant

14、 Barefoot monk -- two heads bare

15、 A Er Playing the Sheng -- just make up for the number

16、 Hungry Tiger Swallows Sheep - Clean

17、 High altitude skydiving -- plummeting

18、 Tofu tied with hemp rope - unable to lift

19、 The Dragon Lord jumped into the sea - back to his hometown

20、 Zhang Erjin Kong - I can't understand

21、 The dog who was hit by the stick - angry

22、 Tortoise being beaten -- shrinking its neck

23、 Carriage running on asphalt road - no way

24、 Ah Er is full of street - hanging around

25、 Throw stones in the well - don't understand (Dong)

26、 Eating chow mein in the strong wind - can't open your mouth

27、 Gift of goose feather from thousands of miles -- light gift and heavy affection

28、 Nephew playing lantern - Uncle Zhao (old)

29、 Bao Gong of Kaifeng Mansion: selfless

30、 Shepherd gathers firewood - kill two birds with one stone

31、 The kite is broken - no hope

32、 The kerosene stove makes a fire -- a lot of eyes

33、 Zhu Bajie's Mirror -- Inside and Outside Are Not People

34、 Keep the green hills here -- don't be afraid of no firewood

35、 It doesn't rain for a hundred days - a long time (sunny)

36、 Stunning in the dish - I don't know the depth

37、 Lord Yan posted a notice - a lot of nonsense

38、 Mother in law sees her son-in-law -- the more she sees him, the more she likes him

39、 Pull the gourd to the east and pull the gourd to the west - nonsense

40、 Fifteen buckets to draw water -- seven up and eight down

41、 Confucius Moves - Pure Books (Lost)

42、 The monk hit the sky clock that day - muddle along

43、 Be slapped to make amends -- be obsequious

44、 Falling into a hole in the ice - head to toe

45、 Don't help when the oil bottle falls down - I'm too lazy to go home

46、 See the mosquito's sword - make a mountain out of a molehill

47、 Mixed Tofu with Pickled Vegetables - Some Words (Salt) First

48、 The beaten dog bites the chicken -- take out on others

49、 Take the whip instead of the stick -- take the soft instead of the hard

50、 Furuncles grow on the throat - pain cannot be said

51. Dead mice hanging in the belt -- pretending to hunt

52. Zhuge Liang's empty city plan -- save the day

53. The seller of rice does not carry a liter - ill intentioned (quantity)

54. The wood carried into the alley can't turn

55. Press and hold the bell without lifting your hand - always thinking (ringing)

56. Centennial pine trees, May plantain -- careless

57. The axle is tangled - I can't figure it out

58. Sewing clothes with a mallet - take everything seriously (needle)

59. There are lanes for cars and lanes for ships -- each has its own way

60. Mrs. A Qingsao pours tea - water tight; No dripping

Grandfather, 61 or 80 years old, learns to play -- out of breath

62. Lark meets parrot - singing meets talking

Sixty three. The tailor's ruler measures people but not oneself; cut the dress according to one 's figure

The sixty-four and eighty year old father-in-law shouldered the burden -- he had more heart than strength

65. Ask for dates from willows - deliberately making difficulties; Intentionally embarrassed

66. The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea - Each shows his magic power; Wind that can drive, rain that can rain