918 Incident
The roots of four leaf clover
2023-12-03 14:46:49
fifth grade
impressions of after reading

The moonlit moon in Lugou reflects the history, and the evil deeds of bandits cannot be forgotten. The jackals and wolves suddenly bit the giant dragon, and the sun and moon fainted. The iron horses wield sharp swords, and their long tassels bind the evil gods. The rivers are filled with heroes' tears, and the mountains are lofty to offer sacrifices to their loyal souls. On the September 18th Anniversary, remember the history, remember the national humiliation, the alarm bell will ring forever, and strengthen China!
On the night of September 18, 1931, the Japanese army attacked Shenyang on a large scale under the pretext of the "wicker lake incident". At that time, the Kuomintang government was concentrating on the civil war against the people, adopting a traitorous policy against the Japanese invaders, ordering the Northeast Army to "absolutely not resist" and withdraw to Shanhai Pass. The Japanese invaders took advantage of the weakness, occupied Shenyang on September 19, and then divided their forces to occupy Jilin and Heilongjiang. By January 1932, the three northeastern provinces were all occupied. In March 1932, with the support of Japanese imperialism, the puppet regime, the puppet "Manchukuo", was established in Changchun. Since then, Japanese imperialism has turned Northeast China into its exclusive colony, and comprehensively strengthened political oppression, economic plunder, and cultural slavery, which has left more than 30 million compatriots in Northeast China in dire straits. The September 18th Incident aroused the anti Japanese anger of the whole nation. People everywhere have called for resistance against Japan and opposed the Kuomintang government's non resistance. Under the leadership and influence of the Communist Party of China. The people of the Northeast rose up to resist and launched the anti Japanese guerrilla war, and various anti Japanese armed forces such as the Northeast Volunteers emerged successively. In February 1936, the anti Japanese forces in the Northeast were reorganized into the Northeast Anti Japanese Allied Army. After the July 7 Incident in 1937, the Anti Japanese Allied Forces united the masses, further carried out extensive and lasting armed struggle against Japan, and effectively cooperated with the national anti Japanese war led by the Communist Party of China, finally ushered in the victory of the Anti Japanese War.
The September 18th Incident was an important and deliberate aggression step taken by the Japanese imperialists to annex China and dominate Asia and the Pacific. As early as the summer of 1927, the Japanese cabinet held the "Oriental Conference" in Tokyo and formulated the "China Policy Program", claiming that Northeast China "has a major stake in (Japan)'s national defense and the survival of its citizens". In July of the same year, Tanaka, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, presented the "Tanaka Memorial" to the Emperor, declaring that "to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia, and to conquer the world, you must first conquer China", thus establishing the arrogant strategy of establishing an invasion base in "Manchuria and Mongolia". In 1931, the Japanese military headquarters secretly formulated guidelines, steps and measures for invading Northeast China. After completing the thorough preparations for launching an aggressive war, Japanese imperialism launched the September 18th Incident, which opened the prelude to a full-scale armed aggression against China and then Asia and the Pacific.
It has been ten years since the September 18th Incident, and its shadow has faded in our hearts. But we must not forget the harm it has brought to China. Remember the national humiliation and work hard. Only when the country is unified, ambitious countries will not have the opportunity to sow discord to gain profits; Only when the country is rich and strong, will no one look at us with covetous eyes.