Message for sacrificing heroes and martyrs and flowers on Qingming Online Message for sacrificing heroes and martyrs (66 selected sentences)
Middle aged messenger
2023-06-11 21:02:57
Complete sentences

1. The mountains and rivers are safe, the world is safe, salute the hero!

2. Pay homage to the martyrs, never forget their loyalty, and strive to realize the Chinese Dream!

3. The people will not forget, the Republic will not forget, we will not forget, the martyrs are immortal. With your youth and years, you have written down our beautiful life today. Your name is clearly visible to us, and your deeds will live forever!

4. Behind the heroic motherland, the heroic people and the heroic city, there are vivid lives. Their grief and sorrow, resistance and sacrifice are worth remembering. May the dead rest in peace and the living be strong.

5. The world is heroic and awe inspiring through the ages.

6. To pass away is not to say goodbye forever, but to forget. Each of you deserves our memory and respect. Salute, you are the heroes of the people!

7. From cold winter to spring, how many people use their lives to protect life. The heroic martyr sacrificed his life for his family and country, and the deceased compatriots also hope that the mountains and rivers are safe. At this moment, I wish flowers for the deceased and people in Chunnuans.

8. Pay tribute to the national heroes who sacrificed their lives to defeat the Japanese invaders during the Anti Japanese War!

9. Look up at the five-star red flag flying in our Chinese nation. The unfading red is the witness of history. Heroes, we will never forget you. You are the eternal light in our hearts!

10. From the cold winter to the warm spring, the mountains and rivers have already been boiling hot. Please remember the appearance of each of them! They are the most beautiful people in the world. Please accept my most sincere salute

11. Today's Chinese youth is the backbone of tomorrow's country. Pay tribute to the ancestors, carry forward the past and open up the future, and work hard for the rise of China!

12. Our good life now is the martyrs' blood; The bright red scarves of our Young Pioneers were also dyed by the martyrs with blood, so we should study hard and serve our motherland when we grow up.

13. Pay homage to the soul of the dead, rest in peace, and mourn for the life in this cold winter

14. Light a lamp and present a flower to comfort their souls in heaven.

15. I will not complain about traffic jams in the future, because that is the bustling avenue. In no conflict with work, because that is the daily life. There is no longer a sea of people, because that is the peace of the country and the people.

16. The red scarf is a corner of the five-star red flag, which is bought by countless martyrs with their blood. We should love her. We should study hard, make progress every day, learn from the revolutionary martyrs, love the motherland, and be useful to the country.

17. Pay tribute to heroes and remember history! Never forget the original intention, forge ahead!

18. The Tomb Sweeping Festival model gathers the Chinese soul

19. It was also the Tomb Sweeping Day of the year, when we thanked the martyrs for their fearlessness, remembered their heroic deeds, and saluted their immortal souls.

20. Your reputation is immortal, and your spirit is immortal! Salute to you!

21. Green mountains never grow old and green waters never worry. It was the revolutionary martyrs who exchanged their fiery blood for the peace and tranquility of the country. The great martyrs and the great new China have not come by easily. We are following the footsteps of our ancestors and using our hands to jointly build this beautiful home.

22. If there is immortality in the world, I believe that it is a spirit - never regret. Our martyrs have no regrets and do not regret their efforts for the revolution. Therefore, they deserve to be respected!

23. Salute the martyrs and remember our compatriots! Mountains and rivers still exist, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe! The people's heroes are immortal! Pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who made contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and mourn the white clad soldiers and compatriots who lost their lives in the epidemic! Thank you for every soldier who is fighting on the front line!

24. May the dead rest in peace and the living work hard! The people's heroes are immortal!

25. Never forget the original intention and remember the mission. There is always a shadow on the road, but there is always sunshine when looking up. I will always remember the martyrs.

26. Keep in mind the heroic name of the martyrs. Cherish the memory of Tomb Sweeping Day, and place sorrow on it.

27. Remember the lost lives and pay tribute to the heroes who have gone far away.

28. Inherit the heroic spirit and shoulder the historical responsibility! To those heroes who have never gone away!

29. It was the Tomb Sweeping Day of another year, and the spring breeze and the setting sun made thousands of people think. Pay tribute to the ancestors, carry forward the past and open up the future, and work hard for the rise of China! I hope you will come back as a teenager after thousands of sails. "I'm still the same teenager I used to be, and I haven't changed a bit"

30. Behind the peace and harmony, there are always people who are paying in silence. They use their flesh and blood to build an indestructible barrier for us! Another year of spring breeze, another year of Tomb Sweeping Festival, let us remember them

31. It is always the drizzle, the pedestrians are always in a hurry, the cuckoo is always all over the mountain, the firecracker is always the sound, the yearning is always the spread of the memories. The Qingming Festival is full of rain, remembering the past and praying for the future.

32. Clusters of flowers to express sadness; Every lamp is bright, never forget kindness.

33. The records carved on stone may gradually disappear with the passage of time, but the memories engraved in people's minds will always be clear. Never forget the martyrs' devotion, and the national rejuvenation of the Chinese soul.