Be a happy person (51 sentences)
My future depends on me
2023-03-04 04:32:18
Complete sentences

1. Penitence is a spirit consuming emotion. Penitence is a greater loss than loss, a greater mistake than mistake, so don't regret.

2. Life is like news broadcast. You can't escape it by changing channels.

3. My schizophrenia has been cured, and now both I and I are fine.

4. Everyone used to be an angel. When he liked a person, he broke his wings and fell to the earth, becoming a mortal. So don't disappoint the person who loves you, because he has no wings to fly back to the original heaven.

5. Apart from tears, time is the only thing that can wash everything away. The longer the time goes by, the lighter the conflict will be, just like the tea that is constantly diluted.

6. Open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. May it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute.

7. When I turn on my mobile phone in the morning, the ring rings again and again! The rising sun accompanies my message, and happiness starts one day; At any time during the day, the message of blessing is sent to you, which is very warm. Sunset and night are coming, greetings make you sweet!

8. Suddenly found that the world as long as you are happy, it will become beautiful in an instant.

9. Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.

10. When you are happy, when you are happy, even when you are in agony, you should forget to live like a child playing.

11. I am very happy, because I am very happy now.

12. This is how people change their roles as soon as their positions change. I see, I understand.

13. Say hello, a wish, a string of blessings. Hope you always have happiness in your heart

14. If you get it, cherish it. If you don't get it, don't do it. How happy how to live, how smart how to live.

15. Once, we were so proud.

16. I'm not Youlemei, I'm just DDVP. Do you want to hold me in your hand.

17. I don't love those who love me. Those who don't love me kick in the death

18. Many things that we thought we would never forget in our whole life are forgotten by us in the days that we never forget.

19. I will send you 50 million yuan today: be happy, be healthy, be safe, be smooth, and always think of me (or kiss me).

20. Morning clouds fill the sky, I wish you safety around; In the scorching afternoon sun, I wish you a lucky day; I wish you happiness at sunset!

21. Happiness is very simple. Happiness is around you. One of my classmates' jokes is happy, playing games is happy, playing football is happy, playing basketball is even more happy for me, and everyone is happy when sharing happiness

22. If there is no medical insurance or life insurance, do not act bravely after dark.

23. I can't imagine the future without you. The future with you is happy even when breathing.

24. I miss you so much when I wake up. I send you a short message. How about not seeing you for a few days? I wish you a good mood every day.

25. Your happiness is the sky beyond my reach.

26. The sun is rising and the breeze is blowing softly. Flowers stretch and magpies sing. When you open your eyes, the beauty of the world gives you. When the clear alarm bell rings, my good wishes will be presented to you. Good morning!

27. May a greeting bring you a new mood and a blessing bring you a new starting point.

28. Life is full of happiness. Let's look for happiness, explore happiness, and have happiness!

29. The world is not lack of happiness, but lack of eyes to find happiness.

30. It is said that people go to high places, but high places are extremely cold. The water flows to the lower place, who knows that the lower place can absorb hundreds of rivers!

31. Good morning! You were complained about sleeping last night! The pillow complains about your drooling, the quilt complains about your hand dancing and foot stamping, and the bed sheet complains about your doodling. So Duke Zhou sent me to investigate: which beauty did you dream of last night?

32. It was like a nightmare in which we quarreled, hurt and abandoned each other. After waking up, we smelled the taste of eggs in the sun.

33. I ask the sun to sprinkle happy sunshine on you every day, and I ask the moon to give you a sweet dream every day. I wish you all the best!

34. It's morning because the sun is up, the grass is green because spring is coming, and the butterflies are dancing because the flowers are blooming. I'm sending you a message because I'm going to wake the lazy pig. Ha ha, get up, good morning!

35. Happiness doesn't need much warm sunshine or sweet words at all. It's just that I smile when I walk alone.

36. Collect golden flowers in the garden of flowers in my heart, and I will give you the most colorful one as my greeting to you.

37. You never look back at me once, but I always smile at you.

38. Sincerely wish you a happy future

39. There is no happy place in the world, only happy people.

40. Happiness, you are like my shadow, accompanying me through many years of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Happiness, you are everywhere, the world is full of your breath.

41. If you don't have much money, you can; The house is not big and full of creativity.

42. Happiness is like sunshine, rain and dew, spreading in every corner of the world; Like wind, like fog, lingering around us. Happiness is everywhere.

43. If I give you some sunshine, it will be brilliant; if I give you some charcoal, it will be a bomb.

44. Forget those unhappy things! You see, even today's sunshine is so bright and bright, and they are trying to expel worries and anxieties for you. I hope your gloomy mood will brighten up at this moment to welcome a better tomorrow!

45. Open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. May it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute. I hope you have a wonderful day!

46. Be a happy person, so happy that people around us can also be influenced

47. Life is like a kaleidoscope, which is colorful and wonderful, so there are those so-called happiness and happiness.

48. Some feelings can not be explained by just talking.

49. Someone rides in a friend's limousine and admires: Wow! The chairs are made of genuine leather, soft and slippery. What a nice leather! The girl next to me shouted: Stop! You touch my thigh!

50. Good morning, dear. Breakfast was made from the materials on the bed last night.

51. Life is inevitably bumpy. Let happiness turn into clouds to decorate your sky!