Short qq signature
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2023-03-03 08:05:06
Complete set of signatures

1. Your remaining tenderness makes me miserable now

2. Blocking all your information, but not the heart

3. Make me feel my redundancy, and finally choose to leave

4. In fact, I'm not strong, just hiding in a place where no one is crying

5. The picture slowly returns to the past, what blurred the vision

6. The story ends sadly, like the fate of a butterfly

7. Love played a joke on me, making me happy first and then sad

8. Whenever your figure appears in front of me, I will try to close my eyes

9. The pink tongue reveals paleness, just like narration in memory

10. You have grown and sprouted in my heart, but you can't end the fruit of love

11. I can't see or understand your mind. Who is your heart

12. Even if it's just a game, I like to enjoy the process with you

13. Lonely late at night, missing someone, remembering the beautiful past, heartbreaking

14. Since we can't go to the end of the world, we should leave as soon as possible to hurt our feelings

15. Since we have hurt each other, we should leave a memory wound for each other

16. I thought I could hold hands until I was old, but I didn't think I could stand the wind and rain

17. Tears remind me of your departure, heartache reminds me that I have nothing

18. Your love for me has ended, the past has become history, and there is no sequel in the future

19. My mouth doesn't agree with my heart. Now I say I hate you, but my heart is always thinking of you

20. I like what you like and hate what you hate, but I can't love what you love.

21. The good memories and happy times are now full of hatred

22. In front of love, love has also hurt. Is this the price of loving you or the taste of love

23. In front of love, excessive trust is infatuation, and excessive infatuation is fool

24. If the painful memory can be deleted, everyone's mood will be good

25. Since you can't go back to the past, don't miss it, cherish the present, cherish the present

26. Time is fleeting. Time can dilute everything, but it can never forget you

27. You are getting deeper and deeper in my memory. I don't know whether you are unwilling to forget or deliberately nostalgic

28. If love can be renewed, I would rather be a type you like so that I can continue to love you

29. Without you, I learned how to taste the taste of life. Although there will be pain, it is not as direct as you give me

30. Sometimes when you ask a question, if the other person has been evading, it is to tell you tactfully that the true answer is cruel.