Humorous and funny copy
Past events follow the wind
2023-04-01 01:31:23
Complete sentences

1. Ambiguity is like "input in progress". Maybe after a long wait, there is nothing.

2. There was a man who said he would protect me, but he gave me all the big storms later.

3. After three years of hard work, I returned home with nothing. I thought my mother would be furious. But my mother didn't scold me and comforted me: my child, you don't have nothing, at least you have the face to come back.

4. Remembering those old days, I want to say: How silly, but how nice!

5. Life is like news broadcast. You can't escape it by changing channels.

6. I just slapped my wallet in the face. In fact, it's nothing. I just hope it will swell up.

7. Don't bother if you are not good-looking: some people spend a lot of money to iron delicate princess rolls, and they don't look like princesses, like Newton.

8. I don't need everyone nodding when I do things. I live to make people who hate me more and more unhappy.

9. When all your roommates go to bed, don't stay alone below, or you will be treated like a dog!

10. Yesterday my bag was robbed. I was very sad. I cried all night for this. I really couldn't figure out where my bag was inferior to mine.

11. Who knows a plastic surgeon when I go on a blind date tomorrow? I'm not demanding, as long as it's like my picture!

12. I used a sack of money to go to college, in exchange for a sack of books; After graduation, I exchanged these books for money, but I couldn't afford to buy a sack.

13. Princess disease has two causes: either ugly or poor. What about the beautiful and rich ones? Don't tease me. It's not a disease, it's a princess.

14. If you do this well, you will be confident! It's shameless. If you do it well, you will have excellent psychological quality!

15. I finally know why I need to wear a mask, not because of germs, but because I'm afraid of meeting people with bad breath.

16. I am a person with principles. My principles only have three words, depending on my mood.

17. Now I use my mobile phone to pay when I go out. It's a shame to take money with me. I'm embarrassed to take it out!

18. The sense of belonging to a city is that no matter how wandering you are along the way, you know that someone will be here waiting for you to come back.

19. Don't play tricks on girls. Anyway, they will go to the square dance together decades later.

20. Money is the best medicine for treating emotions. It's easy to use simple and rude.

When I was 21 or 21, my goal was Ferrari. When I was 20 years old, my goal was Audi A6. When I was 25 years old, my goal was Geely Panda. The goal now is to get on the bus and have a seat to listen to music.

22. Children who can speak well have sugar to eat, and girls who can act coquettishly have pain. You are hard mouthed and brave, so you wipe all your tears by yourself.

23. I found that holding your hand is like holding a dog.

24. What's the point of a walk away trip? Even a walk away trip after work is not enough.

25. If he has the ability to let go easily, I will have the temper to turn around and leave.

26. A new mobile phone with a face recognition unlocking screen. Sometimes the unlocking failure tells me that the face matching is unsuccessful, which I can accept. Sometimes it's too much to say that no face is detected!

27. What is the right for a man to say to his sister that he will live together forever? He was completely bald before his hair was white.

28. Nowadays, what we can't get up is our achievements, what we can't get down is our weight, what we can't afford is chopsticks, and what we can't get out of the bed is the bed.