Excerpts from Aesthetic Philosophical Sentences
Children chasing dreams
2023-05-11 08:03:07
Complete sentences

1. Don't express your pain to anyone, because% people don't care, and the remaining% are happy to hear that.

2. The mind can accept advice, but the heart cannot, and love, because it has not learned geography, does not know boundaries.

3. Don't pursue appearance, it will deceive people. Don't pursue wealth, it will disappear. Go for someone who can make you smile often, because a smile will make your gray world suddenly bright and sunny.

4. Sometimes I go through fire and water for one person and do everything, but it's not as good as doing nothing for others.

5. Flowers present themselves to spring, which is more beautiful; The leaves give themselves to the earth, which is more fertile. The white dove gives itself to the sky, which is bluer.

6. Sincerity does not mean criticizing others' shortcomings, but it means not complimenting others' shortcomings.

7. The more a husband is loved by his wife, the more mature he is, and the more spoiled his wife is, the more immature she is.

8. Elegant people can be seen from their backs; The enterprising person knows by the sound of footsteps; A kind person is known by his smile; Excellent people, just look at you.

9. Life is just a list of things you want, things you don't want, and people who count too clearly are usually very smart, but they get countless troubles and hard work.

10. Success is an idea, getting rich is an obligation, and happiness is a right.

11. Many times, I just want to have you, hold me tight until I feel better.

12. Philosophical sentences can guide us, and they are very beautiful. The following is a compilation for you. I hope you like it.

13. There are always many miracles and accidents in life. Why don't we simply grow up, give ourselves a tolerant heart, do what we want to do, and see what we want to see?

14. A person who only cares about the present gets only temporary happiness, while a person with lofty goals mainly faces the cruelty of reality.

15. The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and people will never stop looking forward to their summer. We should work hard if we are still alive, and keep it as a good category for young people.

16. I always thought that mountains are stories of water, clouds are stories of wind, and you are my story, but I don't know if I am your story.

17. Monks sweep fallen leaves every day. Some people say that if you shake all the leaves down, you won't have to sweep them tomorrow. The monk obeyed, but the ground was still covered with leaves. There are many things in the world that can't be brought forward and live in the present.

18. The darker it is, the more unable it is to extinguish the lamp of life, the more important it is to light up the light of life. This light is the ideal, belief and hope.

19. You can't change others. You can only try to change yourself and make yourself like others.

20. Is there a person who once made you crazy, but now he is trying his best to forget.

21. Relatives are like old cotton padded clothes. Even if they have heat rash, they still have to cover you. Friends are like raincoats. They are worn when needed and put aside after use.

22. Find your way. If you don't know what you want, you will only get a lot of things you don't want.

23. You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood. You can't change your appearance, but you can control yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today.

24. Three elements of treating people: unite capable people to do great things, unite good people to do practical things, and unite bad people not to do bad things.

25. We always move forward in tears, tasting all the joys and sorrows. Maybe if we understand tears, we will understand life and life.