Famous sayings and sentences about impulsion (24 selected sentences)
Keep away from dust
2023-02-25 11:37:43
A complete list of famous sayings

1. A person should be: lively and disciplined, naive but not naive, brave and reckless, stubborn and principled, enthusiastic but not impulsive, optimistic but not blind—— Marx

2. Impulse is by no means the character of a real hero—— Lincoln

3. Shunzhi's eyes are water, Kangxi's eyes are ice. Kangxi began to look like Shunzhi. He was very direct, impulsive, and cynical. Then he gradually became silent, from silence to obscurity. I hope to show a vague sense of Kangxi—— Deng Chao

4. Impulse is the privilege of young people, and youth is the excuse of impulsive people... -- Chen Haiyan

5. Small caution wins more, emotional impulse is more difficult—— Syrus

6. I believe that the person who said this must be ignorant. I forgive your impulse, because you are too young. But I like it very much. After all, ambitious people must be rebellious—— Guo Ao

7. If we want to realize our own life, we should spend all the relationship and time between the past and the future in our life on life activities, not on the impulse of animal desire—— Li Dazhao

8. Everyone must live according to his conscience, but not according to any ideal. It is our depravity to subject our conscience to creeds, or ideas, or traditions, or even internal impulses—— Lawrence

9. There are many desires and yearnings, noble impulses and kind-hearted passions in people, but all of them are destroyed by trivial things in daily life and are submerged in the mire of daily quarrels—— Goethe

10. There are two kinds of human nature, either the desire for money or sexual impulse—— Yang Chengjun

11. Anger is so strong that it is easy to cause anger and annoyance. It is a bad habit that makes the mind turn to that improper thing. It is an impulsive and irrational action - Peter Abelard

12. Anger is very high, which is easy to cause anger and annoyance. It is a bad habit that makes the mind turn to that improper thing. It is an impulsive and irrational action—— Peter Abelard

13. A just cause does not have to be completed under the impulse of emotion. It can persist to the final victory in a calm debate—— Tobrawn

14. Once people have the impulse to fly, they will never be willing to crawl—— Helen Keller

15. Brahma practice - restrain the impulse of lust [P133]. For the benefit of others, if you can conduct moral behavior, you would rather sacrifice yourself and benefit others. This kind of morality derived from Buddhist (pure) behavior is a major feature of human beings—— Yin Shun Tutor

16. Obey the natural will, affirm life, admit pain, and do not give up all impulses in despair—— Hermann Hesse

17. One dream will create more dreams, and you will not feel any pain until you die. When the momentum changes to moving, no one will fly into the sky after the happy black hole wakes up—— Lin Xi

18. A just cause does not have to be completed under the impulse of emotion. It can persist to the final victory in a calm debate—— Tobrawn

19. Love is a hormone in the initial stage, which is maintained by impulse, and breathing in the later stage, which has become a necessity of life, which is maintained by kinship—— six six

20. The difference between man and beast: man is rational and beast is irrational. People's love is not just a physiological impulse, but love can leave an indelible shadow on their spirit—— Xie Juezai

21. I believe that if a person can live fully and completely, express every emotion, every idea, and realize every dream, the world will get a fresh impulse of joy—— Wilde

22. If a person bases all his interests in life on the stormy emotional impulses like love, it will be disappointing—— Madame Curie

23. The man who leaves the country to improve himself and others is a philosopher, but driven by the blind impulse of curiosity, the man who goes from one country to another is just a vagrant—— Golmish

24. Excessive calm thinking and lack of emotional impulse will inevitably lead to psychological abnormality—— Vasilev