There is a text about missing (beautiful text about missing)
northwest wind
2023-07-03 00:02:56
Complete sentences

1. Missing others is a kind of warmth, and being missed by others is a kind of happiness. Of course, the best state is missing each other. Otherwise, unrequited love is a kind of sorrow, and only being missed by others is a burden.

2. You left me with endless yearning. But even if I can't see you again, it's enough to have this true love with me.

3. At this time, my heart is full of fantasy. Because the rain makes the scattered and desolate feelings in my heart gather into a beautiful vocabulary, arousing the fragrance of my heart. More because, in this cold rain seems to have your story.

4. It is precisely because of missing that we have the joy of reunion after a long separation, the surprise of unexpected encounter, and the toast when relatives and friends get together.

5. As time goes by, I miss you more and more. I want to find a quiet night or a sunny morning to tell you a lot of sadness and loneliness from the bottom of my heart.

6. As I walked, my sight was attracted by a small green bush. It is rare to see such green leaves and raindrops falling on the small leaves in this cold day, and then gently fall down with a slight sigh, which moistens my sentimental heart in the gradually emerging.

7. Someone once said that there is always a time when missing has to be collected; And the most reluctant to hide in life is missing.

8. Missing is a happy sadness, a sweet melancholy, and a warm pain. Missing is a long indulgence in yesterday and a yearning for a better future.

9. Time can not dilute the wine of true feelings, distance can not pull the hand of missing. I miss you forever.

10. Life will not Acacia, will Acacia, then harm Acacia.

11. You live at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the end of the Yangtze River. I miss you all the time, but don't see you.

12. It is in the endless yearning that people's feelings are purified and sublimated. No distance, no missing. When the whistle of a ship sounds, when the whistle of a train sounds, when the wheels of a car start to turn, when the plane hits the runway and soars into the sky, the yearning begins.

13. Red beans are born in the south, and several branches will appear in spring. I hope you can pick more. This is the most lovesick thing.

14. Missing goes with the wind, thinking of your face, comfortable and comfortable, but you no longer accompany me, occasionally a little lonely ripples, I want to say: without your life, I will think of you.