One sentence soul chicken soup copy
Who will accompany me to watch the stars
2023-05-27 14:29:00
Complete sentences

1. An unintentional remark offends a conscientious person; He tried his best at once, but ended up being doomed. It is not that you think too much, but that experience has taught you to be silent; It's not that you become too fake, it's the world that makes you know how to protect yourself.

2. Time will tell us that simple love is the longest, ordinary company is the most secure, and people who understand you are the warmest.

3. Although it is very difficult at the moment, this experience may blossom and bear fruit in the future—— Haruki Murakami

4. Good days bring you happiness, and dark days bring you experience. So don't regret any day of your life.

5. No matter what you experience is happy or sad, no matter what people you meet are good or bad, they can always teach you something and help you become a better person.

6. The day you like is the most beautiful day; The best way to live is the way that suits you.

7. There will always be days when the wind is a little strong, the rain is a little urgent, the sky is a little dark, people are a little tired, and there are a lot of sand and stones under the feet. Maybe I don't know how to make myself walk this road safely, but I think as long as I want to go on, everything I experience will be gone in the end.

8. Do what you like and go to a real and simple life. Right and wrong are always necessary. It's better to be calm in gossip. After all, life is your own.

9. You should accept that there is always a sudden loss in the world. Spilled milk, lost wallet, lost lover, broken friendship, etc. When everything you do is useless, the only thing you can do is to make yourself feel better. If you lose everything, stop crying.

10. Don't forget what you once owned. Cherish what you can't get. Don't give up what belongs to you. What has been lost is kept as memory.

11. Look at many things, there is nothing you have to lose. Those who are willing to stay, get along well and trust each other; If you want to go away, wave your hand and say sorry.

12. In addition to cosmetics, the most powerful things that can make you exquisite are knowledge, effort and love.

13. Don't be afraid to suffer from youth. This is the best way to retreat when you are old. What you are suffering now is a blessing you will enjoy later.

14. May you drive away the sadness of separation, not be confused with your heart, not be confused with your feelings. May you lay down peacefully, not afraid of the past, not afraid of the future, so safe.

15. Don't meet anyone deliberately, don't be eager to have someone, and don't force yourself to keep someone. Everything is natural, and the best is left to the last person.

16. People, the best state of mind is calm; The best state is simple; The best feeling is freedom; The best mood is childlike innocence.

17. The biggest regret is not to miss the best person, but to have used up your best when you met a better person. Emotion is a consumable. I only hope you leave your best to the right person.

18. Growth takes away not only time, but also the courage of those who were not afraid to lose.

19. Life is like a cup of coffee without sugar. It tastes bitter and astringent, but it has a lingering fragrance.

20. Not all people can know the meaning of time, not all people know how to cherish. There is no fate of separation and aging in this world, only the heart willing to love and unwilling to love.

21. When I was young, my pillow was full of saliva, and when I grew up, my pillow was full of tears. Smile is a kind of mood when I was young, and an expression when I grow up.

22. The more I grow up, the more I understand that distance is not a problem, nor is time. There is really no one in the world, so busy that there is no time to reply. In the final analysis, the only thing that can not be overcome between people is not enough love.

23. No one can go back to the past and start again, but everyone can start from now and write a completely different ending.

24. The rest of your life is very expensive. Try your best to live as you want. I hope you can wear sports shoes and sweat like rain, and also can wear high-heeled shoes that are beautiful and beautiful. You can live up to your youth and yourself.

25. I want to cut my hair clean and short one day, wear a big T-shirt, light blue jeans, and carry a big travel bag across China.

26. If you want to get it, don't just expect it. Life is too short to wait.

27. From now on, stop living the life you should live and live the life you want to live—— Thoreau

28. Don't entangle the love you can't catch, don't care about the passers-by you can't keep, don't be more honest about the memories you can't forget, and don't stay in the warm heart.