The famous aphorism of seizing the opportunity
Green mania is not frivolous
2023-02-13 03:07:57
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Be sure of your opportunities—— Pitacus

2. Flying birds always catch something—— nameless

3. Don't plan the future based on the past—— Burke

4. The most difficult thing in life is to choose—— Mohr

5. Opportunities do not come to you; Only people look for opportunities—— Dickens

6. Life does not depend on luck, but on the skill of playing chess—— nameless

7. Those who are good at waiting, everything will come in time—— Balzac

8. Only fools wait for opportunities, while wise people create opportunities—— Bacon

9. Opportunity will make not only thieves, but also great men—— Anonymous contentment is a blessing

10. Everyone has a chance, but many people don't know that they have met it—— nameless

11. If you can't seize the opportunity, you will have to spend your whole life doing nothing—— Shakespeare

12. Good times are hard to come by. It's not good to have a dream come true at a good time in life—— nameless

13. People who know how to go around in circles are often the first to climb the mountain peak—— nameless

14. A wise man always seizes the opportunity and turns it into a bright future—— Todd Fuller

15. Opportunity only favors those who know how to pursue her; People abandon opportunities more than opportunities abandon people.

16. Opportunity is important, but hard work is the key; If you don't work hard, no amount of opportunities will help—— nameless

17. The only and most verifiable cause and effect in the world; You will gain as much as you work hard—— nameless

18. In order to find what he needs, a man travels all over the world, returns home and finds it—— Moore

19. Life is full of opportunities and changes. When one is most proud, the greatest misfortune comes—— Aristotle

20. Only some great advantages of talent can not create heroes, but also luck—— Laroshfko

21. What is the use of opportunities for those who cannot use them? Just like the wind, it is the power only for those who can use it—— Simon

22. Optimists see opportunities in every disaster, while pessimists see disasters in every opportunity—— nameless

23. When good opportunities appear in front of us, we should seize them in time and make use of them. This is a great art of life—— Johnson

24. If a good flower is in full bloom, it should be picked first. Be careful not to wait for the beauty to be difficult again, or it will wither and fall into the dust in an instant—— Shakespeare

25. If people are nervous, they will hesitate and delay things. The result of the delay is that people are frustrated and cannot move—— Shakespeare

26. Once we attract enough attention in the world and play a leading role in it, we will roll like a ball and never stop—— Heine

27. It is one thing to talk about theory calmly, and another thing to put ideas into practice - especially when it is necessary to make a quick decision—— Roman Roland

28. Many people treat opportunities like children on the beach: they let their little hands full of sand, and then let the sand fall, one by one, until all the sand falls away—— Thomas Moore

29. Life is not spontaneous self-development, but a long list of opportunities. Events and decisions, these opportunistic events and decisions depend on our will when they are realized—— Cohen

30. The problem of most of us is that we close our eyes when the opportunity rushes towards us. Few of us can pursue our opportunity, and even when we stumble, we cannot see it—— Carnegie

31. If you are successful in your career, don't think it was brought to you by the "God of Destiny". The God of "destiny" has no such power, but is dominated by the God of "discrimination"—— John Dorden

32. Who has become the top of the line; Anyone can be lucky, so I will be lucky as long as I become a top player in any industry, and the opportunity will come naturally. When the opportunity comes, I can be smooth with my skills—— Rousseau

33. As the old saying goes, the old man will give you his hair first. When you don't catch it and regret it, you can only touch its bald head. Or it can give you a bottle neck that you can grasp first. If you don't grasp it in time, you will get a bottle body that you can't grasp again—— Bacon

34. Everyone has a good luck when it comes, just to see if he can receive it; But if he does not pay attention to it in time or stubbornly throws away opportunities, it is not chance or fate that is playing tricks on him. In fact, only his own laziness and absurdity can be blamed; I think such people have to complain about themselves—— Chaucer