Youth Message on May 4th Youth Day (88 selected sentences)
A smart smile
2023-02-05 08:56:53
Complete sentences

1. Youth is a bright skylight, so that the sun always shines on your heart; Youth is a happy song, let happiness flow in your heart at all times; May you stay young forever, look young and have a happy May 4th Youth Day.

2. Our youth is full of passion, hope, glory and dreams. May 4th Youth Day is coming, we wish our youth to fight bravely and make progress!

3. Today is the May 4th Movement. I will set a goal for you; Youth is a blessing. If you fall, you will rise; Keep in mind that success depends on hard work; Will you be happy in the future? The key is on your own. I wish you a happy Youth Day.

4. Give you a pair of wings to help you leap over rough thorns and realize your dream of youth; Here is a magic wand for you to realize love and career, realize your life wishes as soon as possible, and let youth leave no regrets. I wish you a happy May 4th Youth Day and happy every day.

5. Saw off the May Day, ushered in the May Fourth; Send off the innocence and usher in youth; Send off low Mi, usher in vitality; Send away the age and keep the youth; Send off the blessing and welcome the friendship. Friends, happy May 4th Youth Day!

6. Send you a song, sing youth.

7. Young people are pioneers of the times and masters of the future. We are today's pioneers. May 4th Youth Day, let's face the world, face tomorrow, and burn the flame of our youth!

8. Youth shines like sunshine, enthusiasm is gentle and charming like moonlight, appearance is charming like starlight, and paying the bill is shining like lights. When Youth Day is coming, I hope you will always be happy, happy and young.

9. May you be blessed and have a happy life.

10. Time is gone forever. Cherish youth in front of you, work hard, and create a good homeland for the motherland. May 4th Youth Day is coming. I wish you all the best, with a boundless future, and a happy life every day.

11. I wish your sorrow "four" feet to the sky, fell far away.

12. Youth is a bud to be released, a dazzling halo, fresh blood, romantic time and fiery years. Nothing is more beautiful than youth. Happy Youth Day!

13. Today's May 4th Youth Day, I wish all the old and young people eternal youth! Happy holidays.

14. Youth is so wonderful. Today we can have a half day holiday again. Youth is perishable and holidays are easier to pass. Such a commemorative festival must be meaningful. How about inviting me to eat, drink and have fun. Happy Youth Day!

15. Youth is an energy that makes everything possible; Youth is a kind of capital, making dreams fly higher; May your young birds never fly away, and your young songs always sing in your heart. Happy May 4th Youth Day!

16. I wish you, young people, that you are not disappointed in your dreams and have created this steaming world.

17. Turning the growth ring of youth, brimming with happiness, smearing beautiful colors, shining swords and fearless spirit, embellishing the landscape of life and carving the eternal cause. May 4th Youth Day, may the flowers of your youth blossom more and more brightly!

18. Youth is a song, beating with the movement; Youth is a picture, painted with life; Youth is a flower, blooming beautiful brilliance; Youth is a book with wonderful contents. Youth belongs to you and me. Happy Youth Day!

19. Love, affection and disease are three things that everyone cannot hide; Health, wealth and youth are three things that everyone should not squander. Time is precious, and youth is more expensive. My friend, Happy Youth Day!

20. Accompanied by the melody of youth, dancing the wonderful life; Let go of your dreams and pursue the true meaning of life; Unleash endless vitality and show the sunny self. May 4th Youth Day, may you open a beautiful and happy life!

21. I borrowed morning dew from the morning and enjoyed myself 24 hours a day; Noon and I took the beam of light, illuminating happiness throughout the month; I collect a room full of moonlight, symbolizing your fulfillment 365 days a year. Say softly, Happy Youth Day!

22. On the Fourth Youth Day, may you be energetic and realize your dreams!

23. Spring brings you a thriving scene, summer brings you great passion, autumn brings you golden harvest, winter brings you plum fragrance in silver, May 4th Youth Day, I give you my blessing and wish you happiness forever!

24. Time goes round and round, but it is not slow. Children's Day is not over. In the twinkling of an eye, it will be Youth Day, then Parents' Day, then Old Age Day, and then Tomb Sweeping Day in a few years! While still young, I wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day in advance!

25. The flower sea of young people, youth is the drizzle in May, moistening the heart of all things. Youth is a young May of you and me, youth is short, we must cherish it and work hard to create our own future. May 4th Youth Day, young people cheer on.

26. Youth is the spring of life. Youth blossoms and withers, and rain and snow fly all the year round. As long as the mentality is not old, life will be young. In May, with a wisp of spring breeze, send a green greeting. Happy Youth Day!

27. Although youth is short, it is as beautiful as a meteor in the sky. Cherish good youth, create brilliant chapters, and make youth the brightest star in life. May 4th Youth Day wishes you a beautiful youth.

28. On the Fourth Youth Day, never give up the passion of youth, never lose the vitality of youth, never waste the time of youth, never waste the years of youth. May you enjoy everything you want, and have a happy May Fourth Youth Day.