The Most Heartbreaking Space Talk about Mood Quotations
Floating dream
2023-04-26 00:05:19

1. Loneliness is that there is no one in your heart. Loneliness is the absence of someone in your heart.

2. Your message board is full of my name, but your heart is full of her

3. If you give up, there is no need to contact again, because it is more heartbreaking

4. I am very strange. People who are not familiar with each other speak without temperature and with thorns. Their temperament is like this. They don't want to change or force.

5. I have a person who loves very much. He is not handsome enough but he cares about others very much. He doesn't love me but he loves his lover very much.

6. We are afraid of injury, but we always look back on the old pain.

7. Maybe I don't know how to cherish, but I don't know where I am when you need me. Until you leave, maybe I don't even deserve missing you.

8. Is there a moment when you want to put yourself on the blacklist.

9. Sometimes other people's casual words may be the most hurtful ones. Today, I have sorted out some of the most hurtful ones to tell you. Let's see if there is something suitable for your sad mood.

10. Those pains, like dandelions blown away by the wind, are gone forever.

11. Ordinary and simple dream, we just need to use the only persistent belief to support that dream.

12. There are many rumors about me without any explanation. In my life, there are only people who believe in me or love me. I am willing to go to the dark on a dirty road.

13. You look back at me, I am here, but you do not know that I have passed the distance that you have forgotten.

14. I never repeat what I said, never repeat what I did wrong, never repeat what I loved.

15. You are the song that I haven't finished singing in this life. You can't reach the end, but it's hard to give up.

16. A sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to distance.

17. In the sporadic memory picture, some lost love powder remains.

18. There is deep jealousy behind the careless.

19. Don't take my devotion to you as the capital of your indifference to me, OK?

20. Being a woman with personality can show her own charm even in a busy environment.

21. Girls should never cry! When I can't help but think that I have painted eyeliner, it's not beautiful when I cry!

22. Maybe you are hurting yourself by hating others.

23. The sign of maturity is not that you can talk big, but that you begin to understand the little things around you.

24. The more you don't want to say, the more pressing your heart hurts