Realistic copywriting short sentences (very realistic and heartfelt copywriting in the circle of friends)
No regret
2023-03-16 17:05:59
Complete sentences

1. Walking in the cold wind, you will feel piercing. Walking in the snow, you never felt this way.

2. People are all the same. They can't recognize their own problems and have a mouth that likes preaching.

3. The sweetness of the past is far away, but the sorrow of the reality is always there.

4. Not all starts have endings. Fortunately, I am not infatuated with endings.

5. To live a beautiful life, we need to pay great patience, neither complain nor explain.

6. In love, only those who are willing to be fools have no real fools.

7. The books you read, the roads you have traveled, and the scenery you have seen will eventually become your unique temperament and charm in your eyes.

8. It solemnly announced that it would leave the purity sieve to you, and you would be grateful if only the remains were left after filtering.

9. Life is like a leaf. There is prosperity and withering. Prosperity is the most beautiful scenery, and withering is the result of nature.

10. Just like the wild cats in the alley, no matter how much you give them, they just rush past like passers-by.

11. Bowing your head is not to admit defeat, but to see your own way. Looking up is not pride, but to see your own sky.

12. I love you forever. I never thought of giving up you in my life.

13. Like a person is a feeling, do not like a person is a fact. Facts are easy to explain, but feelings are hard to express.

14. Everyone has a fire in his heart. People passing by only see smoke.

15. Don't be reckless with tolerance. Some people seem to forgive you, but in fact, it is because you are not so important.

16. Prosperity is plain everywhere, but lead washing is ordinary.